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Head. Slightly wider than anterior margin of pronotum. Vertex and frons black, marked with orange-brown on the posterior margin near the eyes and immediately lateral of the lateral ocelli. Supra-antennal plates black dorsally with an orange-brown mark adjacent to the postclypeus, orange-brown ventrally marked with black immediately above the antennae, and orange-brown along the anterior margin except for immediately adjacent to the postclypeus. Antennae mostly black with distal margin of scape yellowish, proximal half of pedicel dark brown in some specimens. Dorsal surface of head sparsely covered with short golden hairs and with longer, silvery-white hairs behind the eyes. Ventral surface mostly covered with dense, silvery-white hairs. Postclypeus black, marked with orange-brown on the anterior-medial margin and with a triangular orange-brown mark adjacent to the frontoclypeal suture. Transverse grooves of postclypeus lined with pruinosity and silvery-white hairs. Anteclypeus black, yellowish posterolaterally, with a medial brown spot at the junction with the postclypeus. Lora mostly black, marked with yellow along the lateral margins. Genae black anteriorly, yellowish posteriorly where they border the lora. Proximal two thirds of rostrum yellowish, labrum and distal one third of rostrum black, with the apex extending posteriorly to the hind coxae. Thorax. Pronotum black, marked faintly with dark brown between the paramedian and lateral fissures and between the lateral fissures and pronotal collar, brown markings often more extensive in females. Pronotal collar black, lined with orange along the anterior margin between the eyes and along the lateral margins, extending to the posterior margin and fading to black medially. Some specimens have the entire posterior margin lined with orange. Pronotum sparsely covered with fine golden hairs. Mesonotum black marked with orange as follows: two J-shaped lines following the parapsidal suture, a small spot at the terminal end of each anterior arm of the cruciform elevation, two C-shaped marks starting at the origin of the anterior arms of the cruciform elevation and curving medially then laterally towards the posterior arms, and a large mark near the base of each fore wing. Mesonotum with two small pruinose spots on the anterior margin just lateral of the parapsidal sutures, lateral margin also pruinose. Mesonotum sparsely covered with fine golden hairs, with longer silvery-white hairs in the depressions of the cruciform elevation and along the posterolateral margins. Visible portion of metanotum black, covered with silvery-white hairs laterally. Ventral surface of thorax often heavily pruinose and covered with silvery-white hairs, yellowish except for katepisternum 2, anterior portion of basisternum 2, anepimeron 2, central part of katepimeron 2, meron 2, anterior portions of trochantins 2 and 3, episternum 3, and basisternum 3, all of which are black. Legs. Fore coxae orange marked with brown apically and with the anterolateral surface dark brown except along the margins. Middle and hind coxae orange marked with dark brown laterally. Coxae covered with silvery-white hairs and often pruinose. Trochanters orange, variably marked with brown. Femora orange, apex mostly yellow, brown ventrally, with longitudinal brown stripes that often merge apically and basally. Silvery-white hairs on femora mostly confined to brown markings. Femoral spines brown basally with dark brown apices. Tibiae orange ventrally, brown dorsally with brown markings expanded at the base, covered with silvery-white hairs. Tibial spurs and comb dark brown. Tarsi variable in color but usually dark brown dorsally and light brown to orange ventrally. Claws brown basally with dark brown apices. Wings. Fore wings hyaline with 8 apical cells, crossveins r and r-m usually strongly infuscated. Costal margin yellow, C vein black, R+Sc vein black with posterior margin pale along the radial cell. Sc vein black beyond the node, subcostal margin brown to dark yellow. Basal cell mostly black, anterior and posterior borders yellow. M vein yellowish-black from its base to the junction with M1+2, black beyond. M3+4 yellowish-black. M1+2 yellowish-black becoming black apically. CuA vein yellow from its base to the junction with CuA2, yellowish-black beyond. CuA2 yellowish-black. CuP+1A and 2A+3A veins mostly yellow, ambient vein dark yellowish-black, remaining venation black. Hind wings hyaline with 6 apical cells. Sc+RA, RA, CuA between base and CuA2, and CuA2 veins mostly yellow to yellowish-orange. CuA between CuA2 and m-cu, and CuA1 veins yellow to yellowish-black. Ambient vein black marked with yellow along 1st cubital cell and 6th apical cell. Remaining venation mostly black or dark brown. 3rd anal cell gray marked with reddish-orange basally. Opercula. Male opercula yellowish marked with black on the anterolateral and anteromedial margins, overlapping medially. Posterior margins smoothly rounded, not quite reaching the posterior margin of sternite II. Female opercula yellowish, becoming black anterolaterally. Posterior margin sinuate, reaching the anterior margin of sternite II. Meracanthus black basally with a yellow apex. Abdomen. Dorsal surface of abdomen almost entirely black, sparsely covered with short golden and silvery hairs. Tergite 8 orange-brown laterally. Tergites 3-7 often marked with orange-brown laterally, markings usually strongest on tergite 3. Timbal covers black, sometimes dark brown centrally, completely concealing timbal. Timbal with 3 long ribs, 4 intercalary ribs, and an incomplete 4th long rib. Dorsal abdomen pruinose at the following locations: along the anteromedial margins of the timbal covers in males; along the anterolateral margins of tergite 2 in females; the lateral margins of tergites 3-7, most prominently on tergite 3; the lateral margins of tergite 8, often extending medially to cover most of the tergite. Sternites orange to yellowish, usually dark brown laterally and anterolaterally. Epipleurites orange to yellowish, indistinctly marked with dark brown or black. Ventroposterior portion of male sternite VIII dark brown. Male terminalia. Pygofer black, becoming brown or yellowish laterally along the lobes, and with a small brown spot dorsally at the base of the dorsal beak. Dorsal beak not quite as long as anal styles. Anal styles black. Median lobe of uncus slender, black, strongly bent ventrally and terminating in a rounded point. Aedeagus reddish-brown. Female terminalia. Abdominal segment 9 yellowish-orange ventrally, black dorsally starting at about the lateral mid-line. Dorsal beak about as long as anal styles. Sternite VII yellowish-orange, usually brown laterally, deeply notched at the middle of the posterior margin. Visible portion of gonocoxite IX yellowish-orange, indistinctly marked with brown near the posterior end. Ovipositor sheath black, ventromedial margins partially lined with orange. Ovipositor sheath extends posteriorly about as far as anal styles. Measurements. All measurements are reported in mm as mean (range, standard deviation). Males (n = 11): head width: 8.3 (8.1–8.5, 0.13); pronotum width: 8.9 (8.5–9.3, 0.25); fore wing length: 28.1 (26.8–29.6, 0.76); fore wing width: 9.8 (9.3–10.5, 0.41); body length: 24.9 (23.1–26.3, 1.05). Females (n = 5): head width: 7.8 (7.7–7.9, 0.07); pronotum width: 8.4 (8.2–8.5, 0.14); fore wing length: 26.7 (26.2–27.4, 0.48); fore wing width: 9.1 (8.9–9.3, 0.20); body length: 20.0 (19.3–20.9, 0.64).
Brian J. Stucky
bibliographic citation
Stucky B (2013) Morphology, bioacoustics, and ecology of Tibicen neomexicensis sp. n., a new species of cicada from the Sacramento Mountains in New Mexico, U.S.A. (Hemiptera, Cicadidae, Tibicen) ZooKeys 337: 49–71
Brian J. Stucky
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