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Português do Brasil
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Português do Brasil
names in breadcrumbs
Batostoma adhaerens (Billings 1859)
Scientific Names
Preferred Names
Batostoma adhaerens (Billings 1859)
Species recognized by
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
Reference taxon from World Register of Marine Species
Batostoma adhaerens
Species recognized by
Paleobiology Database
Batostoma adhaerens (Billings 1859)
Species recognized by
Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
World Register of Marine Species
GBIF data coverage
Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.3
, and
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.4
Alternative Names
Stenopora adhaerens
Recombined according to
Paleobiology Database
Common Names
There are no common names associated with this taxon.
Curated hierarchies for Batostoma adhaerens (Billings 1859)
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
Cellular Organisms
Stenolaemata Borg 1926
Amplexoporina Astrova 1965
Trematoporidae Miller 1889
Batostoma Ulrich 1882
Batostoma adhaerens (Billings 1859)
(this page)
Batostoma akadyricum Modzalevskaya 1968
Batostoma altunshanense Yin & Xia 1986
Batostoma amplum Pushkin 1987
Batostoma arcticum Astrova 1965
Batostoma bassleri Troedsson 1929
Batostoma bellus Yang & Xia 1976
Batostoma billingsi Bassler 1927
Batostoma canadense (Foord 1883)
Batostoma canavarii Vinassa de Regny 1915
Batostoma chazyense Ross 1963
Batostoma claviforme (Ulrich 1893)
Batostoma clogyfranense Buttler 1997
Batostoma cornula (Cumings & Galloway 1915)
Batostoma coronatum Hu & Fan 1985
Batostoma crassitunicatum Kopajevich 1984
Batostoma crassum Hu & Fan 1985
Batostoma cumingsi (Troedsson 1929)
Batostoma densitabulatum Astrova 1959
Batostoma evansi Sproule 1936
Batostoma fabianii (Vinassa de Regny 1914)
Batostoma fertile Ulrich 1886
Batostoma frondosum (Loeblich 1942)
Batostoma gabiani Prantl 1940
Batostoma gallowayi Fritz 1957
Batostoma gemmata Liu 1980
Batostoma globulare (Ulrich & Bassler 1913)
Batostoma gracile Brood 1978
Batostoma grandialveolatum Pushkin 2012
Batostoma granulosum Bassler 1911
Batostoma hueffneri (Paeckelmann 1925)
Batostoma humile Ulrich 1893
Batostoma implicatum (Nicholson 1881)
Batostoma increbescens Bork & Perry 1967
Batostoma incrustans (Coryell 1921)
Batostoma inospinosum Yang & Xia 1976
Batostoma inutile Coryell 1921
Batostoma jamesi Nicholson 1874
Batostoma jinhongshanense Yin & Xia 1986
Batostoma kettneri Pouba 1947
Batostoma lamellatum (Coryell 1921)
Batostoma lanense Ross 1963
Batostoma lanenseforme Pushkin 2012
Batostoma lenaense Modzalevskaya 1955
Batostoma magnoporum Ulrich 1893
Batostoma manitobense Ulrich 1889
Batostoma maysvillense Nickles 1905
Batostoma microcellatum Astrova 1959
Batostoma montuosum Ulrich 1893
Batostoma multispinatum Fan & Hu 1985
Batostoma multitectum Fan & Hu 1985
Batostoma murchisoni Spjeldnaes 1957
Batostoma nodosum Ulrich 1893
Batostoma ovatum (Ulrich 1893)
Batostoma palare Astrova 1965
Batostoma parcum Utgaard & Perry 1964
Batostoma peripherolatum Yang & Xia 1976
Batostoma phragmorarum Conti 1990
Batostoma prosseri Cumings & Galloway 1912
Batostoma pseudomickwitzi Modzalevskaya 1977
Batostoma qujingense Yang & Xia 1976
Batostoma ramosum Coryell 1921
Batostoma rariseptum Hu & Fan 1985
Batostoma regulare (Coryell 1921)
Batostoma rugosum (Whitfield 1880)
Batostoma scanicum Brood 1974
Batostoma sheldonense Ross 1963
Batostoma singulare Pushkin 1976
Batostoma solidum (Modzalevskaya & Nekhoroshev 1965)
Batostoma speciosum Modzalevskaya 1953
Batostoma suberassum Coryell 1921
Batostoma subgranulosum Pushkin 1987
Batostoma subtile Astrova 1965
Batostoma superbum (Foord 1883)
Batostoma supernodosum Astrova 1965
Batostoma taoyuanense Li 1977
Batostoma thomasi (Ross 1963)
Batostoma tubuliferum Ross 1961
Batostoma ulrichi Troedsson 1929
Batostoma varians (James 1878)
Batostoma varium Ulrich 1893
Batostoma xainzaense Hu 1986
Batostoma xuanenense Yang & Xia 1976
Batostoma yilehuliense Liu 1987
Batostoma yunnanense Hu & Fan 1985
Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
Stenolaemata Borg 1926
Amplexoporina Astrova 1965
Trematoporidae Miller 1889
Batostoma Ulrich 1882
Batostoma adhaerens (Billings 1859)
(this page)
Batostoma akadyricum Modzalevskaya 1968
Batostoma altunshanense Yin & Xia 1986
Batostoma arcticum Astrova 1965
Batostoma bassleri Troedsson 1929
Batostoma bellus Yang & Xia 1976
Batostoma billingsi Bassler 1927
Batostoma canadense (Foord 1883)
Batostoma canavarii Vinassa de Regny 1915
Batostoma chazyense Ross 1963
Batostoma claviforme (Ulrich 1893)
Batostoma clogyfranense Buttler 1997
Batostoma cornula (Cumings & Galloway 1915)
Batostoma coronatum Hu & Fan 1985
Batostoma crassitunicatum Kopajevich 1984
Batostoma crassum Hu & Fan 1985
Batostoma cumingsi (Troedsson 1929)
Batostoma cumingsi Loeblich 1942
Batostoma densitabulatum Astrova 1959
Batostoma evansi Sproule 1936
Batostoma fabianii (Vinassa de Regny 1914)
Batostoma fertile Ulrich 1886
Batostoma frondosum (Loeblich 1942)
Batostoma gabiani Prantl 1940
Batostoma gallowayi Fritz 1957
Batostoma gemmata Liu 1980
Batostoma globulare (Ulrich & Bassler 1913)
Batostoma gracile Brood 1978
Batostoma granulosum Bassler 1911
Batostoma hueffneri (Paeckelmann 1925)
Batostoma humile Ulrich 1893
Batostoma implicatum (Nicholson 1881)
Batostoma increbescens Bork & Perry 1967
Batostoma incrustans (Coryell 1921)
Batostoma inospinosum Yang & Xia 1976
Batostoma inutile Coryell 1921
Batostoma jamesi Nicholson 1874
Batostoma jinhongshanense Yin & Xia 1986
Batostoma kettneri Pouba 1947
Batostoma lamellatum (Coryell 1921)
Batostoma lanense Ross 1963
Batostoma lenaense Modzalevskaya 1955
Batostoma magnoporum Ulrich 1893
Batostoma manitobense Ulrich 1889
Batostoma maysvillense Nickles 1905
Batostoma microcellatum Astrova 1959
Batostoma montuosum Ulrich 1893
Batostoma multispinatum Fan & Hu 1985
Batostoma multitectum Fan & Hu 1985
Batostoma murchisoni Spjeldnaes 1957
Batostoma nodosum Astrova 1965
Batostoma nodosum Ulrich 1893
Batostoma ovatum (Ulrich 1893)
Batostoma palare Astrova 1965
Batostoma parcum Utgaard & Perry 1964
Batostoma peripherolatum Yang & Xia 1976
Batostoma phragmorarum Conti 1990
Batostoma prosseri Cumings & Galloway 1912
Batostoma pseudomickwitzi Modzalevskaya 1977
Batostoma qujingense Yang & Xia 1976
Batostoma ramosum Coryell 1921
Batostoma rariseptum Hu & Fan 1985
Batostoma regulare (Coryell 1921)
Batostoma rugosum (Whitfield 1880)
Batostoma scanicum Brood 1974
Batostoma sheldonense Ross 1963
Batostoma singulare Pushkin 1976
Batostoma solidum (Modzalevskaya & Nekhoroshev 1965)
Batostoma speciosum Modzalevskaya 1953
Batostoma suberassum Coryell 1921
Batostoma subtile Astrova 1965
Batostoma superbum (Foord 1883)
Batostoma supernodosum Astrova 1965
Batostoma taoyuanense Li 1977
Batostoma thomasi (Ross 1963)
Batostoma tubuliferum Ross 1961
Batostoma ulrichi Troedsson 1929
Batostoma varians (James 1878)
Batostoma varium Ulrich 1893
Batostoma xainzaense Hu 1986
Batostoma xuanenense Yang & Xia 1976
Batostoma yilehuliense Liu 1987
Batostoma yunnanense Hu & Fan 1985
Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.3
Batostoma adhaerens (Billings 1859)
(this page)
Batostoma akadyricum Modzalevskaya 1968
Batostoma altunshanense Yin & Xia 1986
Batostoma amplum Pushkin 1987
Batostoma arcticum Astrova 1965
Batostoma bassleri Troedsson 1929
Batostoma bellus Yang & Xia 1976
Batostoma billingsi Bassler 1927
Batostoma canadense (Foord 1883)
Batostoma canavarii Vinassa de Regny 1915
Batostoma chazyense Ross 1963
Batostoma claviforme (Ulrich 1893)
Batostoma clogyfranense Buttler 1997
Batostoma cornula (Cumings & Galloway 1915)
Batostoma coronatum Hu & Fan 1985
Batostoma crassitunicatum Kopajevich 1984
Batostoma crassum Hu & Fan 1985
Batostoma cumingsi (Troedsson 1929)
Batostoma densitabulatum Astrova 1959
Batostoma evansi Sproule 1936
Batostoma fabianii (Vinassa de Regny 1914)
Batostoma fertile Ulrich 1886
Batostoma frondosum (Loeblich 1942)
Batostoma gabiani Prantl 1940
Batostoma gallowayi Fritz 1957
Batostoma gemmata Liu 1980
Batostoma globulare (Ulrich & Bassler 1913)
Batostoma gracile Brood 1978
Batostoma grandialveolatum Pushkin 2012
Batostoma granulosum Bassler 1911
Batostoma hueffneri (Paeckelmann 1925)
Batostoma humile Ulrich 1893
Batostoma implicatum (Nicholson 1881)
Batostoma increbescens Bork & Perry 1967
Batostoma incrustans (Coryell 1921)
Batostoma inospinosum Yang & Xia 1976
Batostoma inutile Coryell 1921
Batostoma jamesi Nicholson 1874
Batostoma jinhongshanense Yin & Xia 1986
Batostoma kettneri Pouba 1947
Batostoma lamellatum (Coryell 1921)
Batostoma lanense Ross 1963
Batostoma lanenseforme Pushkin 2012
Batostoma lenaense Modzalevskaya 1955
Batostoma magnoporum Ulrich 1893
Batostoma manitobense Ulrich 1889
Batostoma maysvillense Nickles 1905
Batostoma microcellatum Astrova 1959
Batostoma montuosum Ulrich 1893
Batostoma multispinatum Fan & Hu 1985
Batostoma multitectum Fan & Hu 1985
Batostoma murchisoni Spjeldnaes 1957
Batostoma nodosum Ulrich 1893
Batostoma ovatum (Ulrich 1893)
Batostoma palare Astrova 1965
Batostoma parcum Utgaard & Perry 1964
Batostoma peripherolatum Yang & Xia 1976
Batostoma phragmorarum Conti 1990
Batostoma prosseri Cumings & Galloway 1912
Batostoma pseudomickwitzi Modzalevskaya 1977
Batostoma qujingense Yang & Xia 1976
Batostoma ramosum Coryell 1921
Batostoma rariseptum Hu & Fan 1985
Batostoma regulare (Coryell 1921)
Batostoma rugosum (Whitfield 1880)
Batostoma scanicum Brood 1974
Batostoma sheldonense Ross 1963
Batostoma singulare Pushkin 1976
Batostoma solidum (Modzalevskaya & Nekhoroshev 1965)
Batostoma speciosum Modzalevskaya 1953
Batostoma suberassum Coryell 1921
Batostoma subgranulosum Pushkin 1987
Batostoma subtile Astrova 1965
Batostoma superbum (Foord 1883)
Batostoma supernodosum Astrova 1965
Batostoma taoyuanense Li 1977
Batostoma thomasi (Ross 1963)
Batostoma tubuliferum Ross 1961
Batostoma ulrichi Troedsson 1929
Batostoma varians (James 1878)
Batostoma varium Ulrich 1893
Batostoma xainzaense Hu 1986
Batostoma xuanenense Yang & Xia 1976
Batostoma yilehuliense Liu 1987
Batostoma yunnanense Hu & Fan 1985
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.4
Batostoma adhaerens (Billings 1859)
(this page)
Batostoma akadyricum Modzalevskaya 1968
Batostoma altunshanense Yin & Xia 1986
Batostoma amplum Pushkin 1987
Batostoma arcticum Astrova 1965
Batostoma bassleri Troedsson 1929
Batostoma bellus Yang & Xia 1976
Batostoma billingsi Bassler 1927
Batostoma canadense (Foord 1883)
Batostoma canavarii Vinassa de Regny 1915
Batostoma chazyense Ross 1963
Batostoma claviforme (Ulrich 1893)
Batostoma clogyfranense Buttler 1997
Batostoma cornula (Cumings & Galloway 1915)
Batostoma coronatum Hu & Fan 1985
Batostoma crassitunicatum Kopajevich 1984
Batostoma crassum Hu & Fan 1985
Batostoma cumingsi (Troedsson 1929)
Batostoma densitabulatum Astrova 1959
Batostoma evansi Sproule 1936
Batostoma fabianii (Vinassa de Regny 1914)
Batostoma fertile Ulrich 1886
Batostoma frondosum (Loeblich 1942)
Batostoma gabiani Prantl 1940
Batostoma gallowayi Fritz 1957
Batostoma gemmata Liu 1980
Batostoma globulare (Ulrich & Bassler 1913)
Batostoma gracile Brood 1978
Batostoma grandialveolatum Pushkin 2012
Batostoma granulosum Bassler 1911
Batostoma hueffneri (Paeckelmann 1925)
Batostoma humile Ulrich 1893
Batostoma implicatum (Nicholson 1881)
Batostoma increbescens Bork & Perry 1967
Batostoma incrustans (Coryell 1921)
Batostoma inospinosum Yang & Xia 1976
Batostoma inutile Coryell 1921
Batostoma jamesi Nicholson 1874
Batostoma jinhongshanense Yin & Xia 1986
Batostoma kettneri Pouba 1947
Batostoma lamellatum (Coryell 1921)
Batostoma lanense Ross 1963
Batostoma lanenseforme Pushkin 2012
Batostoma lenaense Modzalevskaya 1955
Batostoma magnoporum Ulrich 1893
Batostoma manitobense Ulrich 1889
Batostoma maysvillense Nickles 1905
Batostoma microcellatum Astrova 1959
Batostoma montuosum Ulrich 1893
Batostoma multispinatum Fan & Hu 1985
Batostoma multitectum Fan & Hu 1985
Batostoma murchisoni Spjeldnaes 1957
Batostoma nodosum Ulrich 1893
Batostoma ovatum (Ulrich 1893)
Batostoma palare Astrova 1965
Batostoma parcum Utgaard & Perry 1964
Batostoma peripherolatum Yang & Xia 1976
Batostoma phragmorarum Conti 1990
Batostoma prosseri Cumings & Galloway 1912
Batostoma pseudomickwitzi Modzalevskaya 1977
Batostoma qujingense Yang & Xia 1976
Batostoma ramosum Coryell 1921
Batostoma rariseptum Hu & Fan 1985
Batostoma regulare (Coryell 1921)
Batostoma rugosum (Whitfield 1880)
Batostoma scanicum Brood 1974
Batostoma sheldonense Ross 1963
Batostoma singulare Pushkin 1976
Batostoma solidum (Modzalevskaya & Nekhoroshev 1965)
Batostoma speciosum Modzalevskaya 1953
Batostoma suberassum Coryell 1921
Batostoma subgranulosum Pushkin 1987
Batostoma subtile Astrova 1965
Batostoma superbum (Foord 1883)
Batostoma supernodosum Astrova 1965
Batostoma taoyuanense Li 1977
Batostoma thomasi (Ross 1963)
Batostoma tubuliferum Ross 1961
Batostoma ulrichi Troedsson 1929
Batostoma varians (James 1878)
Batostoma varium Ulrich 1893
Batostoma xainzaense Hu 1986
Batostoma xuanenense Yang & Xia 1976
Batostoma yilehuliense Liu 1987
Batostoma yunnanense Hu & Fan 1985
World Register of Marine Species
Batostoma adhaerens (Billings 1859)
(this page)
Batostoma akadyricum Modzalevskaya 1968
Batostoma altunshanense Yin & Xia 1986
Batostoma amplum Pushkin 1987
Batostoma arcticum Astrova 1965
Batostoma bassleri Troedsson 1929
Batostoma bellus Yang & Xia 1976
Batostoma billingsi Bassler 1927
Batostoma canadense (Foord 1883)
Batostoma canavarii Vinassa de Regny 1915
Batostoma chazyense Ross 1963
Batostoma claviforme (Ulrich 1893)
Batostoma clogyfranense Buttler 1997
Batostoma cornula (Cumings & Galloway 1915)
Batostoma coronatum Hu & Fan 1985
Batostoma crassitunicatum Kopajevich 1984
Batostoma crassum Hu & Fan 1985
Batostoma cumingsi (Troedsson 1929)
Batostoma cumingsi Loeblich 1942
Batostoma densitabulatum Astrova 1959
Batostoma evansi Sproule 1936
Batostoma fabianii (Vinassa de Regny 1914)
Batostoma fertile circulare Ulrich 1893
Batostoma fertile Ulrich 1886
Batostoma frondosum (Loeblich 1942)
Batostoma gabiani Prantl 1940
Batostoma gallowayi Fritz 1957
Batostoma gemmata Liu 1980
Batostoma globulare (Ulrich & Bassler 1913)
Batostoma gracile Brood 1978
Batostoma grandialveolatum Pushkin 2012
Batostoma granulosum Bassler 1911
Batostoma hueffneri (Paeckelmann 1925)
Batostoma humile Ulrich 1893
Batostoma implicatum (Nicholson 1881)
Batostoma implicatum divisum Modzalevskaya 1977
Batostoma increbescens Bork & Perry 1967
Batostoma incrustans (Coryell 1921)
Batostoma inospinosum Yang & Xia 1976
Batostoma inutile Coryell 1921
Batostoma jamesi Nicholson 1874
Batostoma jinhongshanense Yin & Xia 1986
Batostoma kettneri Pouba 1947
Batostoma lamellatum (Coryell 1921)
Batostoma lanense Ross 1963
Batostoma lanenseforme Pushkin 2012
Batostoma lenaense Modzalevskaya 1955
Batostoma magnoporum Ulrich 1893
Batostoma manitobense Ulrich 1889
Batostoma maysvillense Nickles 1905
Batostoma microcellatum Astrova 1959
Batostoma montuosum Ulrich 1893
Batostoma multispinatum Fan & Hu 1985
Batostoma multitectum Fan & Hu 1985
Batostoma murchisoni Spjeldnaes 1957
Batostoma nodosum Astrova 1965
Batostoma nodosum Ulrich 1893
Batostoma ovatum (Ulrich 1893)
Batostoma palare Astrova 1965
Batostoma parcum Utgaard & Perry 1964
Batostoma peripherolatum Yang & Xia 1976
Batostoma phragmorarum Conti 1990
Batostoma prosseri Cumings & Galloway 1912
Batostoma pseudomickwitzi Modzalevskaya 1977
Batostoma qujingense Yang & Xia 1976
Batostoma ramosum Coryell 1921
Batostoma rariseptum Hu & Fan 1985
Batostoma regulare (Coryell 1921)
Batostoma rugosum (Whitfield 1880)
Batostoma scanicum Brood 1974
Batostoma sheldonense Ross 1963
Batostoma singulare Pushkin 1976
Batostoma solidum (Modzalevskaya & Nekhoroshev 1965)
Batostoma speciosum Modzalevskaya 1953
Batostoma suberassum Coryell 1921
Batostoma subgranulosum Pushkin 1987
Batostoma subtile Astrova 1965
Batostoma superbum (Foord 1883)
Batostoma supernodosum Astrova 1965
Batostoma taoyuanense Li 1977
Batostoma thomasi (Ross 1963)
Batostoma tubuliferum Ross 1961
Batostoma ulrichi Troedsson 1929
Batostoma varians (James 1878)
Batostoma varium Ulrich 1893
Batostoma xainzaense Hu 1986
Batostoma xuanenense Yang & Xia 1976
Batostoma yilehuliense Liu 1987
Batostoma yunnanense Hu & Fan 1985