Unresolved name

Telorchis bravoae Caballero

Scientific Names

Preferred Names

Telorchis bravoae Caballero
Species recognized by GBIF classification
Telorchis bravoae
Species recognized by wikidata_hierarchy tar gz
Telorchis bravoae Caballero, C., Zerecero & D. 1961

Common Names

There are no common names associated with this taxon.

Curated hierarchies for Telorchis bravoae Caballero

Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024

Platyhelminthes Minot 1876
Rhabditophora Ehlers 1985
Digenea Carus 1863
Plagiorchiida La Rue 1957
Xiphidiata Olson, Cribb, Tkach, Bray & Littlewood 2003
Plagiorchioidea Lühe 1901
Telorchiidae Looss 1899
Telorchis Lühe 1899

EOL Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.4

Telorchis chauhani Dandotia 1975
PAGE MISSING (bad import)
Telorchis gorukhpuri Chatterji 1948
PAGE MISSING (bad import)
Telorchis mehrai Pandey 1975
PAGE MISSING (bad import)
Telorchis temimi Gonzalez & Mishra 1977
PAGE MISSING (bad import)
Telorchis thapari Pandey 1975
PAGE MISSING (bad import)