Description: Democrinus sp. or Monachocrinus sp. on the seabed.
The photo is almost certainly not an isocrinid (or pentacrinitid according to my French colleagues). The stalk appears to be covered by either hydroids or zoanthids (which I have seen before) that can look a bit like the cirri of isocrinids. There is also a brittlestar at the base of the crinoid. Also, no isocrinids have only 5 unbranched rays at the size you record (It is about 150 mm in stalk length). In 550 m water depth, it is most likely Democrinus or Monachocrinus caribbeus. Item Type: Image Title: Democrinus sp. or Monachocrinus sp. Copyright: SERPENT project Species: Democrinus sp. or, Monachocrinus sp. Behaviour: on seabed Site: Atlantic -- Venezuelan Basin Site Description: Seafloor Depth (m): 543 Latitude: 9 deg 44' 07" N Longitude: 59 deg 44' 60" W Countries: South America -- Venezuela Rig: Transocean Sovereign Explorer Project Partners: Statoil, Transocean, Subsea 7 ROV: Centurion 38 HD Deposited By: Dr Daniel Jones Deposited On: 08 February 2010
Democrinus coniferDemocrinus conifer collected from southeast of the Straits of Florida (Centroid Latitude: 25.50000, Centroid Longitude:-79.96667), Florida, U.S.A., North Atlantic Ocean, by the R. V. Gerda from a depth of 329 m.
Democrinus brevisDemocrinus brevis, collected off Key Briscayne (Centroid Latitude: 25.51667, Centroid Longitude: -79.95000), East of the Straits of Florida, Florida, U.S.A., North Atlantic Ocean, by the R. V. Gerda, from a depth of 351m.