Beardsley Zoo, Bridgeport, Connecticut
Dallas Aquarium, Fair Park, Dallas, Texas
Aquarium, Paris
Kattegatcentret, Grenå. Aquarium
Metynnis mola (Eigenmann and Kennedy).
Dentition of Pygopristis denticulatus (Cuvier).
Rooseveltiella altus (Gill). No. 21432 U. S. N. M., presumably the type. 155 mm. long. Napo, on Marathon River. Collected by Orton.
Myletes pacu, Native of the Essequibo, Guiana.
Piaractus nigripinn is (Cope). C.M. No.5635. 192 mm. Santarem.
Dentition of Serrasalmo brandii Reinhardt.
Serrasalmo emarginatus.
Pygocentrus piraya (Cuvier). Specimen no. 3630, Berlin Museum, labelled "P.nigricans" in the hand-writing of Johannes Muller. 127 mm. long. Guliana..
Kattegatcentret Grenå
Dentition of Serrasalmo humeralis (Cuvier and Valenciennes).
Enlarged teeth of a young specimen of Myleus pacu Humboldt.
Premaxillary and mandibular teeth of Rooseveltiella notatus (Lutken).
Myletes pacu; Native of the Essequibo, Guiana.
Dentition of Piaractus nigripinnis (Cope). a, b, c, the premaxilry from below, within, and without, respectively. d and e, the dentary from within and without.
Serrasalmo brandti Reinhardt. 1. C.M. No.5766. 59 mm. Pirafora. 2. C.M. No.5766. 85mm. Pirafora. 3. C.M. No.5762. 123 mm. Joazeiro. 4. C.M. 5762. 170b mm. Joazeiro..
Dentition of Myloplus micans (Lutken).
Serrasalmo piranha.
Kattegatcentret Grenå
Dentition of Serrasalmo humeralis gracilior Eigenmann.
Myleus levis Eigenmann and McAtee.