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Português do Brasil
names in breadcrumbs
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Português do Brasil
names in breadcrumbs
Cellular Organisms
SAR (Stramenopiles, Alveolates, Rhizaria)
Gomphonema acuminatum
Scientific Names
Preferred Names
Gomphonema acuminatum
Species recognized by
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
Reference taxon from NCBI Taxonomy
Gomphonema acuminatum
Species recognized by
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
Austria Species List
Belgium Species List
Canada Species List
Colombia Species List
Czech Republic Species List
Finland Species List
France Species List
Germany Species List
Ireland Species List
Italy Species List
Poland Species List
Spain Species List
Sweden Species List
The Netherlands Species List
United Kingdom Species List
Mexico Species List
North Atlantic Species List
North Sea Species List
, and
United States Species List
Gomphonema acuminatum
Species recognized by
GBIF classification
Gomphonema acuminatum
Ehrenberg 1832
Species recognized by
GBIF national node type records UK
GBIF national node type records Germany
Gomphonema brebissonii
Kützing 1849
Species recognized by
GBIF national node type records UK
GBIF national node type records Germany
Gomphonema acuminatum
Species recognized by
wikidata_hierarchy tar gz
Global Biotic Interactions
iNaturalist data coverage
GGBN data coverage
, and
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.4
Gomphonema acuminatum
Recognized by
BHL data coverage
Flickr Group
Gomphonema acuminatum Ehrenb.
Species recognized by
Flora do Brasil
Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS) Taxonomic Hierarchy
Gomphonema acuminatum Ehrenberg 1832
Species recognized by
World Register of Marine Species
, and
GBIF data coverage
Alternative Names
Gomphonema acuminatum
F. W. Mills 1934
Doubtful according to
GBIF classification
(Possible variant of Gomphonema acuminatum f. curta Cleve-Euler, 1932)
Gomphonema acuminatum
Mayer 1916
Doubtful according to
GBIF classification
(Possible variant of Gomphonema acuminatum f. curta Cleve-Euler, 1932)
Gomphonema acuminatum
Dippel 1905
Homotypic synonym according to
GBIF classification
(Originally found in sources as accepted taxon within Gomphonema acuminatum Ehrenb.)
Gomphonema acuminatum
(Dippel) Mayer 1913
Doubtful according to
GBIF classification
(Possible variant of Gomphonema acuminatum var. intermedia Grunow)
Gomphonema brebissonii
Kützing 1849
Homotypic synonym according to
GBIF classification
(Originally found in sources as accepted taxon within Gomphonema C.G.Ehrenberg, 1832)
Gomphonema pusillum
(Grunow 1880) Kulikovskiy & Kociolek 2018
Homotypic synonym according to
GBIF classification
(Originally found in sources as accepted taxon within Gomphonema C.G.Ehrenberg, 1832)
Gomphonema acuminatum var. coronatum (Ehrenb.) Rabenh.
Not accepted according to
Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS) Taxonomic Hierarchy
Gomphonema acuminatum var. laticeps Ehrenb.
Not accepted according to
Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS) Taxonomic Hierarchy
Gomphonema americanum Ehrenb.
Not accepted according to
Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS) Taxonomic Hierarchy
Gomphonema coronatum Ehrenb.
Not accepted according to
Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS) Taxonomic Hierarchy
Common Names
There are no common names associated with this taxon.
Curated hierarchies for Gomphonema acuminatum
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
Cellular Organisms
SAR (Stramenopiles, Alveolates, Rhizaria)
Gomphonema Ehrenberg 1832
Gomphonema acuminatum
(this page)
Gomphonema acuminatum var. coronatum
Gomphonema acutiusculum (O. Müll.) A. Cleve 1955
Gomphonema affine
Gomphonema africanum G. S. West 1907
Gomphonema angkoricum Cejudo-Figueiras, S. Blanco & Álvarez-Blanco 2012
Gomphonema angustatum
Gomphonema angusticephalum
Gomphonema angustissimum F. Hustedt
Gomphonema angustum
Gomphonema archaevibrio Lange-Bertalot & E. Reichardt
Gomphonema asymmetricum J. R. Carter
Gomphonema augur
Gomphonema auritum A. Braun ex Kützing 1849
Gomphonema balatonis Pantocsek
Gomphonema berggrenii Cleve
Gomphonema bergii Skvortzov & Meyer
Gomphonema bicepiformis Wei Zhang & Kociolek 2018
Gomphonema boreale E. V. Ostrup
Gomphonema bourbonense
Gomphonema brasiliense Grunow 1878
Gomphonema brasiliensoide Metzeltin, Lange-Bertalot & García-Rodríguez
Gomphonema brebissonii
Gomphonema bukycanyona L. N. Bukhtiyarova 2013
Gomphonema californicum Stancheva & Kociolek 2016
Gomphonema candelariae J. Frenguelli
Gomphonema cantalicum J.-J. Brun & Héribaud-Joseph
Gomphonema capitatum
Gomphonema capitoccultum Reichardt
Gomphonema carolinense
Gomphonema catarinensis G. Krasske
Gomphonema catena (Ehrenberg) G. L. Rabenhorst
Gomphonema charcotii M. Peragallo
Gomphonema clavatoides H. P. Ghandi 1960
Gomphonema clavatuloides
Gomphonema clavatum
Gomphonema clevei
Gomphonema cristatum J. Ralfs
Gomphonema cygnus Ehrenberg
Gomphonema delicatula Skvortzov 1937
Gomphonema dichotiforme Z. X. Shi 2004
Gomphonema dichotomum
Gomphonema dubravicense Pantocsek
Gomphonema elongatum W. Smith 1855
Gomphonema exiguum (Ostrup) Fricke 1902
Gomphonema exilissimum
Gomphonema fusticulus W. Smith
Gomphonema gallaudi Héribaud-Joseph
Gomphonema glaciale (Kützing) G. L. Rabenhorst
Gomphonema globiferum Meister 1913
Gomphonema gracile
Gomphonema grande B. Karthick, Kociolek, J. C. Taylor & Cocquyt 2016
Gomphonema hasta Metzeltin & Lange-Bertalot
Gomphonema hastatum (Wislouch) Lange-Bertalot & Reichardt
Gomphonema heideni F. Fricke
Gomphonema helveticum Brun 1895
Gomphonema inaequilongum (Kobayasi) Kobayasi & Mayama
Gomphonema innata Skvortzov 1937
Gomphonema intermedium F. Hustedt
Gomphonema interruptum
Gomphonema intricatum
Gomphonema italicum Kützing 1844
Gomphonema jianghanense Y. L. Li, Z. J. Gong, P. Xie & J. Shen 2007
Gomphonema jilinense Huang ex Huang et al. 1983
Gomphonema kaznakowi K. S. Mereschkowsky
Gomphonema kerguelenensis E. E. Manguin
Gomphonema lacus-vulcani E. Reichardt & Lange-Bertalot 1997
Gomphonema lagenula
Gomphonema lagerheimei A. Cleve 1895
Gomphonema lagerheimii A. Cleve 1895
Gomphonema lapponicum (A. Cleve) Cleve-Euler
Gomphonema lateripunctatum Reichardt & Lange-Bertalot 1991
Gomphonema lenormandi F. J. Chauvin
Gomphonema longiceps Ehrenberg 1854
Gomphonema magnifica H. P. Gandhi
Gomphonema martini F. Fricke
Gomphonema micropus
Gomphonema narodoense
Gomphonema obesoccultum Reichardt
Gomphonema occidentale Schmidt 1899
Gomphonema oregonicum Ehrenberg
Gomphonema parvulum
Gomphonema productum
Gomphonema pseudaugur
Gomphonema puiggarianum Grunow
Gomphonema pumilum
Gomphonema resendei A. R. Moura
Gomphonema rosenstockianum
Gomphonema rostellatum (Kützing) G. L. Rabenhorst
Gomphonema saprophilum
Gomphonema sierrianum Stancheva & Kociolek 2016
Gomphonema spiculoides H. P. Gandhi
Gomphonema stauroneiforme Grunow
Gomphonema staurophorum (Pantocsek) Cleve-Euler 1955
Gomphonema subapicatum F. E. Fritsch & M. F. Rich
Gomphonema subclavatum
Gomphonema subramosum C. A. Agardh
Gomphonema tenoccultum Reichardt
Gomphonema truncatum
Gomphonema variabilis A. Jurilj 1957
Gomphonema vastum F. Hustedt
Gomphonema xiantaoicum Z. X. Shi & N. Li ex Z. X. Shi 2014
28 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.3
Gomphonema acuminatum
(this page)
Gomphonema acuminatum var. coronatum
Gomphonema acutiusculum (O. Müll.) A. Cleve 1955
Gomphonema affine
Gomphonema africanum G. S. West 1907
Gomphonema angkoricum Cejudo-Figueiras, S. Blanco & Álvarez-Blanco 2012
Gomphonema angustatum
Gomphonema angusticephalum
Gomphonema angustissimum F. Hustedt
Gomphonema angustum
Gomphonema archaevibrio Lange-Bertalot & E. Reichardt
Gomphonema asymmetricum J. R. Carter
Gomphonema augur
Gomphonema auritum A. Braun ex Kützing 1849
Gomphonema balatonis Pantocsek
Gomphonema berggrenii Cleve
Gomphonema bergii Skvortzov & Meyer
Gomphonema bicepiformis Wei Zhang & Kociolek 2018
Gomphonema boreale E. V. Ostrup
Gomphonema bourbonense
Gomphonema brasiliense Grunow 1878
Gomphonema brasiliensoide Metzeltin, Lange-Bertalot & García-Rodríguez
Gomphonema brebissonii
Gomphonema bukycanyona L. N. Bukhtiyarova 2013
Gomphonema californicum Stancheva & Kociolek 2016
Gomphonema candelariae J. Frenguelli
Gomphonema cantalicum J.-J. Brun & Héribaud-Joseph
Gomphonema capitatum
Gomphonema capitoccultum Reichardt
Gomphonema carolinense
Gomphonema catarinensis G. Krasske
Gomphonema catena (Ehrenberg) G. L. Rabenhorst
Gomphonema charcotii M. Peragallo
Gomphonema clavatoides H. P. Ghandi 1960
Gomphonema clavatuloides
Gomphonema clavatum
Gomphonema clevei
Gomphonema cristatum J. Ralfs
Gomphonema cygnus Ehrenberg
Gomphonema delicatula Skvortzov 1937
Gomphonema dichotiforme Z. X. Shi 2004
Gomphonema dichotomum
Gomphonema dubravicense Pantocsek
Gomphonema elongatum W. Smith 1855
Gomphonema exiguum (Ostrup) Fricke 1902
Gomphonema exilissimum
Gomphonema fusticulus W. Smith
Gomphonema gallaudi Héribaud-Joseph
Gomphonema glaciale (Kützing) G. L. Rabenhorst
Gomphonema globiferum Meister 1913
Gomphonema gracile
Gomphonema grande B. Karthick, Kociolek, J. C. Taylor & Cocquyt 2016
Gomphonema hasta Metzeltin & Lange-Bertalot
Gomphonema hastatum (Wislouch) Lange-Bertalot & Reichardt
Gomphonema heideni F. Fricke
Gomphonema helveticum Brun 1895
Gomphonema inaequilongum (Kobayasi) Kobayasi & Mayama
Gomphonema innata Skvortzov 1937
Gomphonema intermedium F. Hustedt
Gomphonema interruptum
Gomphonema intricatum
Gomphonema italicum Kützing 1844
Gomphonema jianghanense Y. L. Li, Z. J. Gong, P. Xie & J. Shen 2007
Gomphonema jilinense Huang ex Huang et al. 1983
Gomphonema kaznakowi K. S. Mereschkowsky
Gomphonema kerguelenensis E. E. Manguin
Gomphonema lacus-vulcani E. Reichardt & Lange-Bertalot 1997
Gomphonema lagenula
Gomphonema lagerheimei A. Cleve 1895
Gomphonema lagerheimii A. Cleve 1895
Gomphonema lapponicum (A. Cleve) Cleve-Euler
Gomphonema lateripunctatum Reichardt & Lange-Bertalot 1991
Gomphonema lenormandi F. J. Chauvin
Gomphonema longiceps Ehrenberg 1854
Gomphonema magnifica H. P. Gandhi
Gomphonema martini F. Fricke
Gomphonema micropus
Gomphonema narodoense
Gomphonema obesoccultum Reichardt
Gomphonema occidentale Schmidt 1899
Gomphonema oregonicum Ehrenberg
Gomphonema parvulum
Gomphonema productum
Gomphonema pseudaugur
Gomphonema puiggarianum Grunow
Gomphonema pumilum
Gomphonema resendei A. R. Moura
Gomphonema rosenstockianum
Gomphonema rostellatum (Kützing) G. L. Rabenhorst
Gomphonema saprophilum
Gomphonema sierrianum Stancheva & Kociolek 2016
Gomphonema spiculoides H. P. Gandhi
Gomphonema stauroneiforme Grunow
Gomphonema staurophorum (Pantocsek) Cleve-Euler 1955
Gomphonema subapicatum F. E. Fritsch & M. F. Rich
Gomphonema subclavatum
Gomphonema subramosum C. A. Agardh
Gomphonema tenoccultum Reichardt
Gomphonema truncatum
Gomphonema variabilis A. Jurilj 1957
Gomphonema vastum F. Hustedt
Gomphonema xiantaoicum Z. X. Shi & N. Li ex Z. X. Shi 2014
28 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
Cellular Organisms
SAR (Stramenopiles, Alveolates, Rhizaria)
Gomphonema acuminatum
(this page)
Gomphonema acuminatum ssp. turris (Ehrenberg) Cleve
Gomphonema acuminatum var. ellongatum (W. Sm.) Carr ex J. E. Gray 1864
Gomphonema acuminatum var. trigonocephalum (Ehrenberg) Grunow
Gomphonema affine
Gomphonema africanum G. S. West 1907
Gomphonema angustatum
Gomphonema angustissimum F. Hustedt
Gomphonema angustum
Gomphonema balatonis Pantocsek
Gomphonema berggreni
Gomphonema bergii Skvortzov & Meyer
Gomphonema bicepiformis Wei Zhang & Kociolek 2018
Gomphonema boreale E. V. Østrup
Gomphonema bourbonense
Gomphonema brebissonii
Gomphonema californicum Stancheva & Kociolek 2016
Gomphonema candelariae J. Frenguelli
Gomphonema cantalicum
Gomphonema capitatum
Gomphonema capitoccultum Reichardt
Gomphonema carolinense
Gomphonema catarinensis G. Krasske
Gomphonema charcotii M. Peragallo
Gomphonema clavatoides H. P. Ghandi 1960
Gomphonema clavatum
Gomphonema clevei
Gomphonema delicatula Skvortzov 1937
Gomphonema dichotiforme Z. X. Shi 2004
Gomphonema dichotomum
Gomphonema dubravicense Pantocsek
Gomphonema exilissimum
Gomphonema gallaudi Héribaud-Joseph
Gomphonema gracile
Gomphonema grande B. Karthick, Kociolek, J. C. Taylor & Cocquyt 2016
Gomphonema heideni F. Fricke
Gomphonema innata Skvortzov 1937
Gomphonema interruptum
Gomphonema intricatum
Gomphonema italicum Kützing 1844
Gomphonema jianghanense Y. L. Li, Z. J. Gong, P. Xie & J. Shen 2007
Gomphonema jilinense Huang ex Huang et al. 1983
Gomphonema kaznakowi K. S. Mereschkowsky
Gomphonema lagenula
Gomphonema lagerheimei A. Cleve 1895
Gomphonema lapponicum (A. Cleve) Cleve-Euler
Gomphonema magnifica H. P. Gandhi
Gomphonema martini F. Fricke
Gomphonema micropus
Gomphonema narodoense
Gomphonema obesoccultum Reichardt
Gomphonema occidentale
Gomphonema oregonicum Ehrenberg
Gomphonema parvulum
Gomphonema productum
Gomphonema pseudaugur
Gomphonema puiggarianum
Gomphonema pumilum
Gomphonema resendei A. R. Moura
Gomphonema rosenstockianum
Gomphonema rostellatum (Kützing) G. L. Rabenhorst
Gomphonema saprophilum
Gomphonema sierrianum Stancheva & Kociolek 2016
Gomphonema spiculoides H. P. Gandhi
Gomphonema stauroneiforme Grunow
Gomphonema staurophorum (Pantocsek) Cleve-Euler 1955
Gomphonema subapicatum F. E. Fritsch & M. F. Rich
Gomphonema subclavatum
Gomphonema subramosum C. A. Agardh
Gomphonema tenoccultum Reichardt
Gomphonema truncatum
Gomphonema variabilis A. Jurilj 1957
Gomphonema vastum F. Hustedt
Gomphonema xiantaoicum Z. X. Shi & N. Li ex Z. X. Shi 2014
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.4
Gomphonema acuminatum
(this page)
Gomphonema acuminatum var. coronatum
Gomphonema acutiusculum (O. Müll.) A. Cleve 1955
Gomphonema affine
Gomphonema africanum G. S. West 1907
Gomphonema angkoricum Cejudo-Figueiras, S. Blanco & Álvarez-Blanco 2012
Gomphonema angustatum
Gomphonema angusticephalum
Gomphonema angustissimum F. Hustedt
Gomphonema angustum
Gomphonema archaevibrio Lange-Bertalot & E. Reichardt
Gomphonema asymmetricum J. R. Carter
Gomphonema augur
Gomphonema auritum A. Braun ex Kützing 1849
Gomphonema balatonis Pantocsek
Gomphonema berggrenii Cleve
Gomphonema bergii Skvortzov & Meyer
Gomphonema bicepiformis Wei Zhang & Kociolek 2018
Gomphonema boreale E. V. Ostrup
Gomphonema bourbonense
Gomphonema brasiliense Grunow 1878
Gomphonema brasiliensoide Metzeltin, Lange-Bertalot & García-Rodríguez
Gomphonema brebissonii
Gomphonema bukycanyona L. N. Bukhtiyarova 2013
Gomphonema californicum Stancheva & Kociolek 2016
Gomphonema candelariae J. Frenguelli
Gomphonema cantalicum J.-J. Brun & Héribaud-Joseph
Gomphonema capitatum
Gomphonema capitoccultum Reichardt
Gomphonema carolinense
Gomphonema catarinensis G. Krasske
Gomphonema catena (Ehrenberg) G. L. Rabenhorst
Gomphonema charcotii M. Peragallo
Gomphonema clavatoides H. P. Ghandi 1960
Gomphonema clavatuloides
Gomphonema clavatum
Gomphonema clevei
Gomphonema cristatum J. Ralfs
Gomphonema cygnus Ehrenberg
Gomphonema delicatula Skvortzov 1937
Gomphonema dichotiforme Z. X. Shi 2004
Gomphonema dichotomum
Gomphonema dubravicense Pantocsek
Gomphonema elongatum W. Smith 1855
Gomphonema exiguum (Ostrup) Fricke 1902
Gomphonema exilissimum
Gomphonema fusticulus W. Smith
Gomphonema gallaudi Héribaud-Joseph
Gomphonema glaciale (Kützing) G. L. Rabenhorst
Gomphonema globiferum Meister 1913
Gomphonema gracile
Gomphonema grande B. Karthick, Kociolek, J. C. Taylor & Cocquyt 2016
Gomphonema hasta Metzeltin & Lange-Bertalot
Gomphonema hastatum (Wislouch) Lange-Bertalot & Reichardt
Gomphonema heideni F. Fricke
Gomphonema helveticum Brun 1895
Gomphonema inaequilongum (Kobayasi) Kobayasi & Mayama
Gomphonema innata Skvortzov 1937
Gomphonema intermedium F. Hustedt
Gomphonema interruptum
Gomphonema intricatum
Gomphonema italicum Kützing 1844
Gomphonema jianghanense Y. L. Li, Z. J. Gong, P. Xie & J. Shen 2007
Gomphonema jilinense Huang in Huang et al. 1983
Gomphonema kaznakowi K. S. Mereschkowsky
Gomphonema kerguelenensis E. E. Manguin
Gomphonema lacus-vulcani E. Reichardt & Lange-Bertalot 1997
Gomphonema lagenula
Gomphonema lagerheimei A. Cleve 1895
Gomphonema lagerheimii A. Cleve 1895
Gomphonema lapponicum (A. Cleve) Cleve-Euler
Gomphonema lateripunctatum Reichardt & Lange-Bertalot 1991
Gomphonema lenormandi F. J. Chauvin
Gomphonema longiceps Ehrenberg 1854
Gomphonema magnifica H. P. Gandhi
Gomphonema martini F. Fricke
Gomphonema micropus
Gomphonema narodoense
Gomphonema obesoccultum Reichardt
Gomphonema occidentale Schmidt 1899
Gomphonema oregonicum Ehrenberg
Gomphonema parvulum
Gomphonema productum
Gomphonema pseudaugur
Gomphonema puiggarianum Grunow
Gomphonema pumilum
Gomphonema resendei A. R. Moura
Gomphonema rosenstockianum
Gomphonema rostellatum (Kützing) G. L. Rabenhorst
Gomphonema saprophilum
Gomphonema sierrianum Stancheva & Kociolek 2016
Gomphonema spiculoides H. P. Gandhi
Gomphonema stauroneiforme Grunow
Gomphonema staurophorum (Pantocsek) Cleve-Euler 1955
Gomphonema subapicatum F. E. Fritsch & M. F. Rich
Gomphonema subclavatum
Gomphonema subramosum C. A. Agardh
Gomphonema tenoccultum Reichardt
Gomphonema truncatum
Gomphonema variabilis A. Jurilj 1957
Gomphonema vastum F. Hustedt
Gomphonema xiantaoicum Z. X. Shi & N. Li in Z. X. Shi 2014
28 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
GBIF classification
Gomphonema C. A. Agardh 1824
Gomphonema acuminatum Ehrenb.
(this page)
Gomphonema acuminatum f. acuminatoides Mayer 1928
Gomphonema acuminatum f. acuminatum
Gomphonema acuminatum f. brebissoniformis Mayer 1928
Gomphonema acuminatum f. brebissonii Heiden 1928
Gomphonema acuminatum f. curta Cleve-Euler 1932
Gomphonema acuminatum f. dippelii Woodhead & Tweed 1960
Gomphonema acuminatum f. hastata A. Cleve 1895
Gomphonema acuminatum f. malayensis Hustedt 1942
Gomphonema acuminatum f. pantocsekii Cleve-Euler 1932
Gomphonema acuminatum f. rectangulata Holmboe 1899
Gomphonema acuminatum f. rostrata Lauby 1910
Gomphonema acuminatum f. turris Ehrenberg 1841
Gomphonema acuminatum f. typica Cleve-Euler 1955
Gomphonema acuminatum subsp. acuminatoides Mayer
Gomphonema acuminatum subsp. acuminatum
Gomphonema acuminatum subsp. sinica Skvortzow
Gomphonema acuminatum subsp. turris (Ehrenberg) Cleve
Gomphonema acuminatum var. acuminatotruncatum Filarszki 1899
Gomphonema acuminatum var. acuminatum
Gomphonema acuminatum var. beta Smith
Gomphonema acuminatum var. biconstricta Fontell 1917
Gomphonema acuminatum var. brasiliensis Fricke 1902
Gomphonema acuminatum var. brebissonii (Kütz.) Cleve
Gomphonema acuminatum var. constrictum Akimova 1930
Gomphonema acuminatum var. cuneatum Carruthers 1864
Gomphonema acuminatum var. curvatum Shirshov 1937
Gomphonema acuminatum var. directa Cleve-Euler 1932
Gomphonema acuminatum var. ellongatum (W. Sm.) Carr 1864
Gomphonema acuminatum var. gamma W. Smith 1853
Gomphonema acuminatum var. genuina Mayer 1913
Gomphonema acuminatum var. gigantea Héribaud & M. Peragallo 1902
Gomphonema acuminatum var. hybrida Cleve-Euler 1939
Gomphonema acuminatum var. intermedia Grunow
Gomphonema acuminatum var. laticeps Truan
Gomphonema acuminatum var. lineare Carruthers 1864
Gomphonema acuminatum var. minutissima Héribaud 1908
Gomphonema acuminatum var. montanum J. Schumann 1867
Gomphonema acuminatum var. obtusum Fan & Bao 2004
Gomphonema acuminatum var. pontina Zanon 1928
Gomphonema acuminatum var. pusillum Grunow
Gomphonema acuminatum var. sinica Skvortzow 1935
Gomphonema acuminatum var. smithii Brügger 1863
Gomphonema acuminatum var. sphaerophora Stoermer & Kreis 1978
Gomphonema acuminatum var. spoliata Frenguelli 1942
Gomphonema acuminatum var. submontanum Gutwinski 1890
Gomphonema acuminatum var. tibeticum Jao 1964
Gomphonema acuminatum var. trigonum Swirenko 1941
Gomphonema acuminatum var. turris (Ehernberg) Cleve 1894
Gomphonema montanum f. abnormis Mayer 1928
Gomphonema montanum f. curta Mayer 1917
Gomphonema montanum f. hankensis Skvortzow 1929
Gomphonema montanum f. indicum Sarode & Kamat 1984
Gomphonema montanum f. maharashtrensis Sarode & Kamat 1980
Gomphonema montanum f. media Grunow 1880
Gomphonema montanum f. minor Mayer 1913
Gomphonema montanum f. montanum
Gomphonema montanum f. subaequalis Mayer 1928
Gomphonema montanum f. subclavatum Grunow 1880
Gomphonema abbreviatum C. Agardh
Gomphonema aestuarii Cleve 1893
Gomphonema affine Kütz.
Gomphonema angustatum (Kütz.) Rabenh.
Gomphonema apuncto J. H. Wallace
Gomphonema augur Ehrenb.
Gomphonema bohemicum Reichelt & Fricke
Gomphonema brasiliense Grunow
Gomphonema clevei Fricke
Gomphonema consector M. H. Hohn & Hellerm.
Gomphonema cymbelloides Frenguelli & Orlando 1960
Gomphonema dichotomum Kütz.
Gomphonema exiguum (Ostrup) Fricke 1902
Gomphonema exilissima (Grunow) Lange-Bertalot & E. Reichardt
Gomphonema geminatum
Gomphonema germainii Kociolek & Stoermer
Gomphonema grovei M. Schmidt
Gomphonema grunowii R. M. Patrick
Gomphonema helveticum Brun
Gomphonema herculeana Ehrenberg
Gomphonema insigne W. Greg.
Gomphonema kamtschaticum Grunov
Gomphonema laticeps Ehrenb.
Gomphonema leptocampum Kociolek & Stoermer
Gomphonema longiceps Ehrenb.
Gomphonema longipes
Gomphonema montanum Schum.
Gomphonema olivaceoides Hust.
Gomphonema olivaceum (Lyngbye) Desmazieres
Gomphonema parvulum (Kütz.) Kütz.
Gomphonema productum Lange-Bert. & Reichardt
Gomphonema pseudoaugur Lange-Bert.
Gomphonema pseudotenellum Lange-Bert.
Gomphonema pygmaeum Kociolek & Stoermer
Gomphonema robustum Grunow
Gomphonema sagitta Schumann 1863
Gomphonema sarcophagus W. Greg.
Gomphonema semiapertum Grunow
Gomphonema septata Nägeli
Gomphonema sphaerophorum Ehrenb.
Gomphonema subclavatum (Grunow) Grunow
Gomphonema submehleri Kociolek & Stoermer
Gomphonema subtile Ehrenb.
Gomphonema superiorensis Kociolek & Stoermer
Gomphonema tergestinum (Grunow) Fricke
Gomphonema trigonocephalum Ehrenb.
Gomphonema truncatum Ehrenb.
Gomphonema tumens Kociolek & Stoermer
Gomphonema turris Ehrenb.
Gomphonema vibrio Ehrenb.
Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS) Taxonomic Hierarchy
Bacillariophyceae Haeckel
Bacillariophycidae Mann
Cymbellales Mann
Gomphonemataceae Kützing
Gomphonema Ehrenberg
Gomphonema acuminatum Ehrenb.
(this page)
Gomphonema acuminatum var. acuminatum Ehrenb.
Gomphonema acuminatum var. brebissonii (Kütz.) Cleve
Gomphonema acuminatum var. intermedia Grunow
Gomphonema acuminatum var. pusillum Grunow
Gomphonema acuminatum var. trigonocephalum (Ehrenb.) Grunow
Gomphonema abbreviatum C. Agardh
Gomphonema aestuarii
Gomphonema affine Kütz.
Gomphonema angustatum (Kütz.) Rabenh.
Gomphonema apuncto J. H. Wallace
Gomphonema augur Ehrenb.
Gomphonema bohemicum Reichelt & Fricke
Gomphonema brasiliense Grunow
Gomphonema clevei Fricke
Gomphonema consector M. H. Hohn & Hellerm.
Gomphonema constrictum var. subcapitatum Van Heurck
Gomphonema cymbelloides Frenguelli & Orlando 1960
Gomphonema dichotomum Kütz.
Gomphonema exiguum
Gomphonema exilissima (Grunow) Lange-Bertalot & E. Reichardt ex Lange-Bertalot
Gomphonema geminatum
Gomphonema germainii Kociolek & Stoermer
Gomphonema gracile Ehrenb. emend. Van Heurck
Gomphonema grovei M. Schmidt
Gomphonema grunowii R. M. Patrick
Gomphonema helveticum Brun
Gomphonema herculeana Ehrenberg
Gomphonema insigne
Gomphonema kamtschaticum
Gomphonema lanceolatum var. insigne
Gomphonema laticeps Ehrenb.
Gomphonema leptocampum Kociolek & Stoermer
Gomphonema longiceps Ehrenb.
Gomphonema longipes
Gomphonema montanum Schum.
Gomphonema olivaceoides Hust.
Gomphonema olivaceum (Lyngbye) Desmazieres
Gomphonema parvulum (Kütz.) Kütz.
Gomphonema productum Lange-Bert. & Reichardt ex Lange-Bert.
Gomphonema pseudoaugur Lange-Bert.
Gomphonema pseudotenellum Lange-Bert.
Gomphonema pygmaeum Kociolek & Stoermer
Gomphonema robustum Grunow
Gomphonema sagitta
Gomphonema sarcophagus W. Greg.
Gomphonema semiapertum Grunow
Gomphonema septata Nägeli
Gomphonema sphaerophorum Ehrenb.
Gomphonema subclavatum (Grunow) Grunow
Gomphonema submehleri Kociolek & Stoermer
Gomphonema subtile Ehrenb.
Gomphonema superiorensis Kociolek & Stoermer
Gomphonema tergestinum (Grunow) Fricke
Gomphonema trigonocephalum Ehrenb.
Gomphonema truncatum Ehrenb.
Gomphonema tumens Kociolek & Stoermer
Gomphonema turris Ehrenb.
Gomphonema vibrio Ehrenb.
cellular organisms
Gomphonema acuminatum
(this page)
Gomphonema acuminatum var. coronatum
Gomphonema affine
Gomphonema angustatum
Gomphonema angustum
Gomphonema bourbonense
Gomphonema brebissonii
Gomphonema capitatum
Gomphonema carolinense
Gomphonema clavatuloides
Gomphonema clavatum
Gomphonema clevei
Gomphonema dichotomum
Gomphonema exilissimum
Gomphonema gracile
Gomphonema intricatum
Gomphonema lagenula
Gomphonema micropus
Gomphonema minutum
Gomphonema narodoense
Gomphonema parvulum
Gomphonema productum
Gomphonema pseudaugur
Gomphonema pumilum
Gomphonema rosenstockianum
Gomphonema saprophilum
Gomphonema subclavatum
Gomphonema truncatum
Gomphonema turris
unclassified Gomphonema
wikidata_hierarchy tar gz
Gomphonema acuminatum
(this page)
Gomphonema abbreviatum
Gomphonema acidoclinatum
Gomphonema angustatum
Gomphonema auritum
Gomphonema clavatum
Gomphonema clevei
Gomphonema constrictum
Gomphonema dichotomum
Gomphonema gracile
Gomphonema grovei
Gomphonema intricatum
Gomphonema montanum
Gomphonema olivaceum
Gomphonema parvulum
Gomphonema rhombicum
Gomphonema subclavatum
Gomphonema tenellum
Gomphonema truncatum
Gomphonema turris
Gomphonema ventricosum
World Register of Marine Species
Gomphonema acuminatum Ehrenberg 1832
(this page)
Gomphonema acuminatum subsp. turris (Ehrenberg) Cleve
Gomphonema acuminatum var. trigonocephalum (Ehrenberg) Grunow
Gomphonema candelariae var. lanceolata Frenguelli 1934
Gomphonema longiceps var. subclavatum f. gracilis Hustedt
Gomphonema micropus Kützing 1844
Gomphonema parvulum (Kützing) Kützing 1849
Gomphonema parvulum var. parvulum
Gomphonema variabilis A. Jurilj 1957