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Português do Brasil
names in breadcrumbs
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Português do Brasil
names in breadcrumbs
Cellular Organisms
SAR (Stramenopiles, Alveolates, Rhizaria)
Endothyra occidentalis Morozova 1949
Scientific Names
Preferred Names
Endothyra occidentalis Morozova 1949
Species recognized by
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
Reference taxon from World Register of Marine Species
Endothyra occidentalis
Morozova 1949
Species recognized by
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
Endothyra occidentalis Morozova 1949
Species recognized by
Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
World Register of Marine Species
, and
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.4
Common Names
There are no common names associated with this taxon.
Curated hierarchies for Endothyra occidentalis Morozova 1949
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
Cellular Organisms
SAR (Stramenopiles, Alveolates, Rhizaria)
Endothyra Phillips 1846
Endothyra occidentalis Morozova 1949
(this page)
Endothyra occidentalis subsp. kljutschiensis Baryshnikov 1982
Endothyra abnormis Malakhova 1956
Endothyra abramovi Bogush & Yuferev 1966
Endothyra admiranda Lebedeva 1954
Endothyra advena Durkina 1959
Endothyra agilis Durkina 1959
Endothyra apposita Ganelina 1956
Endothyra archaediscoidea Ganelina 1956
Endothyra archerbecki Conil & Longerstaey 1980
Endothyra arctica Ross 1967
Endothyra atra Conil & Naum ex Conil et al. 1981
Endothyra austrotriadica Oberhauser 1960
Endothyra badouxi Zaninetti & Brönnimann 1972
Endothyra baileyi (Hall 1858)
Endothyra bamberi Pinard & Mamet 1998
Endothyra barwinekensis Noth 1912
Endothyra bowmani Phillips 1846
Endothyra carbonica Durkina 1984
Endothyra conspicua Howchin 1888
Endothyra delecta Lebedeva 1954
Endothyra devexa Rauzer-Chernousova 1948
Endothyra dorogobuzhica Ganelina 1956
Endothyra elegia Malakhova 1956
Endothyra excentralis Cooper 1947
Endothyra fausta Malakhova 1956
Endothyra finitima Voytsekhovskaya 1961
Endothyra fominae Rozovskaya 1963
Endothyra gemma Malakhova 1956
Endothyra geniculata Ganelina 1956
Endothyra graciosa Brazhnikova 1951
Endothyra grandis Waters 1928
Endothyra granularis Rozovskaya 1963
Endothyra gruenbachensis Oberhauser 1960
Endothyra gutschicki Skipp 1969
Endothyra hortonensis Rich 1980
Endothyra igoi Kobayashi 1994
Endothyra incrassata Mckay & Green 1963
Endothyra inflata Morozova 1949
Endothyra inusitata Reitlinger 1950
Endothyra kartzevae Lebedeva 1954
Endothyra kibiensis Sada 1969
Endothyra kirgisana Rauzer-Chernousova 1948
Endothyra kjutjungdensis Bogush 1980
Endothyra klubovi Lebedeva 1956
Endothyra kosvensis Grozdilova & Lebedeva 1954
Endothyra latidorsata Malakhova 1980
Endothyra latissima Malakhova 1956
Endothyra levis Conil & Naum 1977
Endothyra lipinae Morozova 1949
Endothyra lobata M. F. Solovieva 1970
Endothyra lytvensis Malakhova 1959
Endothyra macera M. F. Solovieva 1970
Endothyra magna Grozdilova & Lebedeva 1954
Endothyra malayensis Gaździcki & Smit 1977
Endothyra minima Lange 1925
Endothyra minuta Reitlinger 1950
Endothyra modica Conil & Naum 1982
Endothyra nana Lipina 1951
Endothyra neruensis Bogush & Yuferev 1970
Endothyra nevskiensis Lebedeva 1954
Endothyra obsoleta Rauzer-Chernousova 1948
Endothyra octocamerata Morozova 1949
Endothyra omraensis Durkina 1959
Endothyra orbiculata Durkina 1959
Endothyra orientalis M. F. Solovieva 1970
Endothyra paraendothyriformis Vdovenko 1973
Endothyra paramosquensis Mamet 1977
Endothyra paraturkestanica Poyarkov & Skvortsov 1971
Endothyra paraukrainica Grozdilova & Lebedeva 1954
Endothyra pauciloculata Cushman & Waters 1930
Endothyra paula Vissarionova 1948
Endothyra persimilus Malakhova 1956
Endothyra persimplex M. F. Solovieva 1970
Endothyra plana Mikhno ex Mikhno & Balakin 1975
Endothyra prokirgisana Rauzer-Chernousova 1948
Endothyra pygma Lin 1984
Endothyra radiifera Gümbel 1878
Endothyra resida Durkina 1959
Endothyra rotundata Morozova 1949
Endothyra salaji Gaździcki 1975
Endothyra sazonovi Durkina 1959
Endothyra scalebrensis Conil & Longerstaey 1980
Endothyra similis Rauzer-Chernousova & Reitlinger 1936
Endothyra simplex Gümbel 1878
Endothyra siviniensis Reitlinger 1950
Endothyra soshkinae Morozova 1949
Endothyra sulcata Ganelina 1956
Endothyra superba Malakhova 1956
Endothyra tenella Ye, Lin & Gu 1987
Endothyra torta Conil & Lys 1968
Endothyra tortilis St. Jean 1957
Endothyra trachida (Zeller)
Endothyra tschernovi Rauzer-Chernousova & Reitlinger 1936
Endothyra tuberiformis Durkina 1959
Endothyra tumulifera Reitlinger 1980
Endothyra varicosa M. F. Solovieva 1970
Endothyra wanlessi Rich 1980
Endothyra westphaliana Woszczyńska 1981
Endothyra wiseniana Woszczyńska 1981
Endothyra yanagidai Matsusue 1997
Endothyra zlobini Voytsekhovskaya 1961
100 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
Fusulinata Maslakova 1990
Fusulinana Maslakova 1990
Endothyrida Fursenko 1958
Endothyroidea Brady 1884
Endothyridae Brady 1884
Endothyrinae Brady 1884
Endothyra Phillips 1846
Endothyra occidentalis Morozova 1949
(this page)
Endothyra occidentalis subsp. kljutschiensis Baryshnikov 1982
Endothyra abnormis Malakhova 1956
Endothyra abramovi Bogush & Yuferev 1966
Endothyra acuta Cooper 1947
Endothyra admiranda Lebedeva 1954
Endothyra advena Durkina 1959
Endothyra agilis Durkina 1959
Endothyra altilis Orlova 1958
Endothyra ameradaensis Harlton 1927
Endothyra apposita Ganelina 1956
Endothyra archaediscoidea Ganelina 1956
Endothyra archerbecki Conil & Longerstaey 1980
Endothyra arctica Ross 1967
Endothyra arguta Durkina 1959
Endothyra aspera M. F. Solovieva 1970
Endothyra asymmetrica M. F. Solovieva 1970
Endothyra atra Conil & Naum ex Conil et al. 1981
Endothyra bamberi Pinard & Mamet 1998
Endothyra barwinekensis Noth 1912
Endothyra bashkirica Morozova 1949
Endothyra beanscreekensis Rich 1980
Endothyra borealis Malakhova 1980
Endothyra bowmani Phillips 1846
Endothyra bunkerae Coryell & Rozanski 1942
Endothyra burgaliensis Bogush & Yuferev 1970
Endothyra carbonica Durkina 1984
Endothyra communis Chernysheva 1940
Endothyra conspicua Howchin 1888
Endothyra conspicua M. F. Solovieva 1970
Endothyra cowanensis Rich 1980
Endothyra crassiseptata Malakhova 1956
Endothyra curiosa M. F. Solovieva 1970
Endothyra demini Durkina 1959
Endothyra dentata Durkina 1959
Endothyra devexa Rauzer-Chernousova 1948
Endothyra dilucida Durkina 1984
Endothyra distensa Plummer 1945
Endothyra distorta M. F. Solovieva 1970
Endothyra donetziana Potievskaya 1958
Endothyra dorogobuzhica Ganelina 1956
Endothyra dushanensis Shi 1997
Endothyra elegans Harlton 1927
Endothyra elegia Malakhova 1956
Endothyra excentralis Cooper 1947
Endothyra explicata Ganelina 1956
Endothyra fausta Malakhova 1956
Endothyra finitima Voytsekhovskaya 1961
Endothyra fominae Rozovskaya 1963
Endothyra gemma Malakhova 1956
Endothyra geniculata Ganelina 1956
Endothyra glomeraris Shlykova 1951
Endothyra graciosa Brazhnikova 1951
Endothyra grandis Waters 1928
Endothyra granularis Rozovskaya 1963
Endothyra guangdongensis Lin 1981
Endothyra gutschicki Skipp 1969
Endothyra hemievoluta Lin 1981
Endothyra hortonensis Rich 1980
Endothyra hunanica Lin, Li & Sun 1990
Endothyra igoi Kobayashi 1994
Endothyra incrassata Mckay & Green 1963
Endothyra infirma Lipina 1955
Endothyra inflata Morozova 1949
Endothyra inusitata Reitlinger 1950
Endothyra irinaeformis Okuyucu, Vachard & Göncüoğlu 2013
Endothyra karasikae Durkina 1959
Endothyra kartzevae Lebedeva 1954
Endothyra keithensis Rich 1980
Endothyra kennethi St. Jean 1957
Endothyra kibiensis Sada 1969
Endothyra kirgisana Rauzer-Chernousova 1948
Endothyra kizilica Malakhova 1980
Endothyra kjutjungdensis Bogush 1980
Endothyra klubovi Lebedeva 1956
Endothyra komi Durkina 1959
Endothyra kosvensis Grozdilova & Lebedeva 1954
Endothyra kuepperi Oberhauser 1960
Endothyra lanceolata Woodland 1958
Endothyra latidorsata Malakhova 1980
Endothyra latissima Malakhova 1956
Endothyra levis Conil & Naum 1977
Endothyra liciae Conil & Longerstaey 1980
Endothyra lipinae Morozova 1949
Endothyra lobata M. F. Solovieva 1970
Endothyra longlinensis Lin, Li & Sun 1990
Endothyra lytvensis Malakhova 1959
Endothyra macella (Brady 1870)
Endothyra macera M. F. Solovieva 1970
Endothyra magna Grozdilova & Lebedeva 1954
Endothyra malayensis Gaździcki & Smit 1977
Endothyra media Waters 1928
Endothyra miassica Malakhova 1965
Endothyra minima Lange 1925
Endothyra modica Conil & Naum 1982
Endothyra multiforma Sosipatrova & Wan ex Wan et al. 1963
Endothyra mutabilis Reitlinger 1961
Endothyra mylvica Durkina 1959
Endothyra nana Lipina 1951
Endothyra nanlinensis Sosipatrova & Wan ex Wan et al. 1963
Endothyra nebulosa Malakhova 1956
Endothyra neglecta Vachard 1977
100 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.3
Endothyra occidentalis Morozova 1949
(this page)
Endothyra occidentalis subsp. kljutschiensis Baryshnikov 1982
Endothyra abnormis Malakhova 1956
Endothyra abramovi Bogush & Yuferev 1966
Endothyra admiranda Lebedeva 1954
Endothyra advena Durkina 1959
Endothyra agilis Durkina 1959
Endothyra apposita Ganelina 1956
Endothyra archaediscoidea Ganelina 1956
Endothyra archerbecki Conil & Longerstaey 1980
Endothyra arctica Ross 1967
Endothyra atra Conil & Naum ex Conil et al. 1981
Endothyra austrotriadica Oberhauser 1960
Endothyra badouxi Zaninetti & Brönnimann 1972
Endothyra baileyi (Hall 1858)
Endothyra bamberi Pinard & Mamet 1998
Endothyra barwinekensis Noth 1912
Endothyra bowmani Phillips 1846
Endothyra carbonica Durkina 1984
Endothyra conspicua Howchin 1888
Endothyra delecta Lebedeva 1954
Endothyra devexa Rauzer-Chernousova 1948
Endothyra dorogobuzhica Ganelina 1956
Endothyra elegia Malakhova 1956
Endothyra excentralis Cooper 1947
Endothyra fausta Malakhova 1956
Endothyra finitima Voytsekhovskaya 1961
Endothyra fominae Rozovskaya 1963
Endothyra gemma Malakhova 1956
Endothyra geniculata Ganelina 1956
Endothyra graciosa Brazhnikova 1951
Endothyra grandis Waters 1928
Endothyra granularis Rozovskaya 1963
Endothyra gruenbachensis Oberhauser 1960
Endothyra gutschicki Skipp 1969
Endothyra hortonensis Rich 1980
Endothyra igoi Kobayashi 1994
Endothyra incrassata Mckay & Green 1963
Endothyra inflata Morozova 1949
Endothyra inusitata Reitlinger 1950
Endothyra kartzevae Lebedeva 1954
Endothyra kibiensis Sada 1969
Endothyra kirgisana Rauzer-Chernousova 1948
Endothyra kjutjungdensis Bogush 1980
Endothyra klubovi Lebedeva 1956
Endothyra kosvensis Grozdilova & Lebedeva 1954
Endothyra latidorsata Malakhova 1980
Endothyra latissima Malakhova 1956
Endothyra levis Conil & Naum 1977
Endothyra lipinae Morozova 1949
Endothyra lobata M. F. Solovieva 1970
Endothyra lytvensis Malakhova 1959
Endothyra macera M. F. Solovieva 1970
Endothyra magna Grozdilova & Lebedeva 1954
Endothyra malayensis Gaździcki & Smit 1977
Endothyra minima Lange 1925
Endothyra minuta Reitlinger 1950
Endothyra modica Conil & Naum 1982
Endothyra nana Lipina 1951
Endothyra neruensis Bogush & Yuferev 1970
Endothyra nevskiensis Lebedeva 1954
Endothyra obsoleta Rauzer-Chernousova 1948
Endothyra octocamerata Morozova 1949
Endothyra omraensis Durkina 1959
Endothyra orbiculata Durkina 1959
Endothyra orientalis M. F. Solovieva 1970
Endothyra paraendothyriformis Vdovenko 1973
Endothyra paramosquensis Mamet 1977
Endothyra paraturkestanica Poyarkov & Skvortsov 1971
Endothyra paraukrainica Grozdilova & Lebedeva 1954
Endothyra pauciloculata Cushman & Waters 1930
Endothyra paula Vissarionova 1948
Endothyra persimilus Malakhova 1956
Endothyra persimplex M. F. Solovieva 1970
Endothyra plana Mikhno ex Mikhno & Balakin 1975
Endothyra prokirgisana Rauzer-Chernousova 1948
Endothyra pygma Lin 1984
Endothyra radiifera Gümbel 1878
Endothyra resida Durkina 1959
Endothyra rotundata Morozova 1949
Endothyra salaji Gaździcki 1975
Endothyra sazonovi Durkina 1959
Endothyra scalebrensis Conil & Longerstaey 1980
Endothyra similis Rauzer-Chernousova & Reitlinger 1936
Endothyra simplex Gümbel 1878
Endothyra siviniensis Reitlinger 1950
Endothyra soshkinae Morozova 1949
Endothyra sulcata Ganelina 1956
Endothyra superba Malakhova 1956
Endothyra tenella Ye, Lin & Gu 1987
Endothyra torta Conil & Lys 1968
Endothyra tortilis St. Jean 1957
Endothyra trachida (Zeller)
Endothyra tschernovi Rauzer-Chernousova & Reitlinger 1936
Endothyra tuberiformis Durkina 1959
Endothyra tumulifera Reitlinger 1980
Endothyra varicosa M. F. Solovieva 1970
Endothyra wanlessi Rich 1980
Endothyra westphaliana Woszczyńska 1981
Endothyra wiseniana Woszczyńska 1981
Endothyra yanagidai Matsusue 1997
Endothyra zlobini Voytsekhovskaya 1961
100 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
Cellular Organisms
SAR (Stramenopiles, Alveolates, Rhizaria)
Fusulinata Fursenko 1958
Fusulinina Rauzer-Chernousova et al. 1996
Endothyrida Brady 1884
Endothyroidea Brady 1884
Endothyridae Brady 1884
Endothyrinae Brady 1884
Endothyra Phillips 1846
Endothyra occidentalis Morozova 1949
(this page)
Endothyra occidentalis ssp. kljutschiensis Baryshnikov 1982
Endothyra abramovi Bogush & Yuferev 1966
Endothyra admiranda Lebedeva 1954
Endothyra advena Durkina 1959
Endothyra agilis Durkina 1959
Endothyra analoga Malakhova 1956
Endothyra apposita Ganelina 1956
Endothyra apta Malakhova 1956
Endothyra archaediscoidea Ganelina 1956
Endothyra archerbecki Conil & Longerstaey 1980
Endothyra arctica Ross 1967
Endothyra atra Conil & Naum ex Conil et al. 1981
Endothyra badouxi Zaninetti & Brönnimann 1972
Endothyra baileyi (Hall 1858)
Endothyra bamberi Pinard & Mamet 1998
Endothyra barwinekensis Noth 1912
Endothyra bowmani Phillips 1846
Endothyra circumplicata Howchin 1888
Endothyra concava Malakhova 1956
Endothyra conspicua Howchin 1888
Endothyra cussyensis Meunier 1888
Endothyra danica Michelsen 1971
Endothyra delecta Lebedeva 1954
Endothyra devexa Rauzer-Chernousova 1948
Endothyra elegia Malakhova 1956
Endothyra eospiroides Skipp 1969
Endothyra excelsaformis Bogush 1980
Endothyra exilis Rauzer-Chernousova 1948
Endothyra expressa Ganelina 1956
Endothyra fausta Malakhova 1956
Endothyra finitima Voytsekhovskaya 1961
Endothyra fominae Rozovskaya 1963
Endothyra frequentata Ganelina 1956
Endothyra gemma Malakhova 1956
Endothyra geniculata Ganelina 1956
Endothyra graciosa Brazhnikova 1951
Endothyra grandis Waters 1928
Endothyra granularis Rozovskaya 1963
Endothyra gruenbachensis Oberhauser 1960
Endothyra gutschicki Skipp 1969
Endothyra hortonensis Rich 1980
Endothyra igoi Kobayashi 1994
Endothyra inflata Morozova 1949
Endothyra irenae Shlykova 1951
Endothyra juliusi Voytsekhovskaya 1961
Endothyra kartzevae Lebedeva 1954
Endothyra kibiensis Sada 1969
Endothyra kirgisana Rauzer-Chernousova 1948
Endothyra kjutjungdensis Bogush 1980
Endothyra klubovi Lebedeva 1956
Endothyra kosvensis Grozdilova & Lebedeva 1954
Endothyra latissima Malakhova 1956
Endothyra levis Conil & Naum 1977
Endothyra lipinae Morozova 1949
Endothyra lobata M. F. Solovieva 1970
Endothyra lytvensis Malakhova 1959
Endothyra magna Grozdilova & Lebedeva 1954
Endothyra malayensis Gazdzicki & Smit 1977
Endothyra minuta Reitlinger 1950
Endothyra modica Conil & Naum 1982
Endothyra nana Lipina 1951
Endothyra neruensis Bogush & Yuferev 1970
Endothyra nevskiensis Lebedeva 1954
Endothyra obsoleta Rauzer-Chernousova 1948
Endothyra octocamerata Morozova 1949
Endothyra originis Voytsekhovskaya 1961
Endothyra paracostifera Grozdilova & Lebedeva 1954
Endothyra paracrassitheca Mikhno ex Mikhno & Balakin 1975
Endothyra paramosquensis Mamet 1977
Endothyra paraturkestanica Poyarkov & Skvortsov 1971
Endothyra pauciloculata Cushman & Waters 1930
Endothyra paula Vissarionova 1948
Endothyra persimilus Malakhova 1956
Endothyra persimplex M. F. Solovieva 1970
Endothyra plana Mikhno ex Mikhno & Balakin 1975
Endothyra prokirgisana Rauzer-Chernousova 1948
Endothyra pulchra Brazhnikova & Potievskaya 1956
Endothyra radiifera Gümbel 1878
Endothyra resida Durkina 1959
Endothyra robusta Mckay & Green 1963
Endothyra rotundata Morozova 1949
Endothyra salaji Gazdzicki 1975
Endothyra samarica Rauzer-Chernousova 1948
Endothyra similis Rauzer-Chernousova & Reitlinger 1936
Endothyra singularia Malakhova 1956
Endothyra siviniensis Reitlinger 1950
Endothyra spiroides Zeller 1957
Endothyra sulcata Ganelina 1956
Endothyra taimyrica Lipina 1951
Endothyra tantilla Shlykova 1951
Endothyra timanica Durkina 1959
Endothyra tortilis St. Jean 1957
Endothyra trachida (Zeller)
Endothyra tschernovi Rauzer-Chernousova & Reitlinger 1936
Endothyra tuberiformis Durkina 1959
Endothyra tumulifera Reitlinger 1980
Endothyra uchtovensis Durkina 1959
Endothyra varicosa M. F. Solovieva 1970
Endothyra wanlessi Rich 1980
Endothyra westphaliana Woszczyńska 1981
Endothyra yanagidai Matsusue 1997
144 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.4
Endothyra occidentalis Morozova 1949
(this page)
Endothyra occidentalis subsp. kljutschiensis Baryshnikov 1982
Endothyra abnormis Malakhova 1956
Endothyra abramovi Bogush & Yuferev 1966
Endothyra admiranda Lebedeva 1954
Endothyra advena Durkina 1959
Endothyra agilis Durkina 1959
Endothyra apposita Ganelina 1956
Endothyra archaediscoidea Ganelina 1956
Endothyra archerbecki Conil & Longerstaey 1980
Endothyra arctica Ross 1967
Endothyra atra Conil & Naum in Conil et al. 1981
Endothyra austrotriadica Oberhauser 1960
Endothyra badouxi Zaninetti & Brönnimann 1972
Endothyra baileyi (Hall 1858)
Endothyra bamberi Pinard & Mamet 1998
Endothyra barwinekensis Noth 1912
Endothyra bowmani Phillips 1846
Endothyra carbonica Durkina 1984
Endothyra conspicua Howchin 1888
Endothyra delecta Lebedeva 1954
Endothyra devexa Rauzer-Chernousova 1948
Endothyra dorogobuzhica Ganelina 1956
Endothyra elegia Malakhova 1956
Endothyra excentralis Cooper 1947
Endothyra fausta Malakhova 1956
Endothyra finitima Voytsekhovskaya 1961
Endothyra fominae Rozovskaya 1963
Endothyra gemma Malakhova 1956
Endothyra geniculata Ganelina 1956
Endothyra graciosa Brazhnikova 1951
Endothyra grandis Waters 1928
Endothyra granularis Rozovskaya 1963
Endothyra gruenbachensis Oberhauser 1960
Endothyra gutschicki Skipp 1969
Endothyra hortonensis Rich 1980
Endothyra igoi Kobayashi 1994
Endothyra incrassata Mckay & Green 1963
Endothyra inflata Morozova 1949
Endothyra inusitata Reitlinger 1950
Endothyra kartzevae Lebedeva 1954
Endothyra kibiensis Sada 1969
Endothyra kirgisana Rauzer-Chernousova 1948
Endothyra kjutjungdensis Bogush 1980
Endothyra klubovi Lebedeva 1956
Endothyra kosvensis Grozdilova & Lebedeva 1954
Endothyra latidorsata Malakhova 1980
Endothyra latissima Malakhova 1956
Endothyra levis Conil & Naum 1977
Endothyra lipinae Morozova 1949
Endothyra lobata M. F. Solovieva 1970
Endothyra lytvensis Malakhova 1959
Endothyra macera M. F. Solovieva 1970
Endothyra magna Grozdilova & Lebedeva 1954
Endothyra malayensis Gaździcki & Smit 1977
Endothyra minima Lange 1925
Endothyra minuta Reitlinger 1950
Endothyra modica Conil & Naum 1982
Endothyra nana Lipina 1951
Endothyra neruensis Bogush & Yuferev 1970
Endothyra nevskiensis Lebedeva 1954
Endothyra obsoleta Rauzer-Chernousova 1948
Endothyra octocamerata Morozova 1949
Endothyra omraensis Durkina 1959
Endothyra orbiculata Durkina 1959
Endothyra orientalis M. F. Solovieva 1970
Endothyra paraendothyriformis Vdovenko 1973
Endothyra paramosquensis Mamet 1977
Endothyra paraturkestanica Poyarkov & Skvortsov 1971
Endothyra paraukrainica Grozdilova & Lebedeva 1954
Endothyra pauciloculata Cushman & Waters 1930
Endothyra paula Vissarionova 1948
Endothyra persimilus Malakhova 1956
Endothyra persimplex M. F. Solovieva 1970
Endothyra plana Mikhno in Mikhno & Balakin 1975
Endothyra prokirgisana Rauzer-Chernousova 1948
Endothyra pygma Lin 1984
Endothyra radiifera Gümbel 1878
Endothyra resida Durkina 1959
Endothyra rotundata Morozova 1949
Endothyra salaji Gaździcki 1975
Endothyra sazonovi Durkina 1959
Endothyra scalebrensis Conil & Longerstaey 1980
Endothyra similis Rauzer-Chernousova & Reitlinger 1936
Endothyra simplex Gümbel 1878
Endothyra siviniensis Reitlinger 1950
Endothyra soshkinae Morozova 1949
Endothyra sulcata Ganelina 1956
Endothyra superba Malakhova 1956
Endothyra tenella Ye, Lin & Gu 1987
Endothyra torta Conil & Lys 1968
Endothyra tortilis St. Jean 1957
Endothyra trachida (Zeller)
Endothyra tschernovi Rauzer-Chernousova & Reitlinger 1936
Endothyra tuberiformis Durkina 1959
Endothyra tumulifera Reitlinger 1980
Endothyra varicosa M. F. Solovieva 1970
Endothyra wanlessi Rich 1980
Endothyra westphaliana Woszczyńska 1981
Endothyra wiseniana Woszczyńska 1981
Endothyra yanagidai Matsusue 1997
Endothyra zlobini Voytsekhovskaya 1961
100 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
World Register of Marine Species
Endothyra occidentalis Morozova 1949
(this page)
Endothyra (Birectoendothyra) curta Brazhnikova 1974
Endothyra (Birectoendothyra) shlykovae Poyarkov ex Lipina 1970
Endothyra (Endothyra) planiformis Brenckle 1973
Endothyra (Endothyra) postgibbera Vdovenko 2000
Endothyra (Endothyra) similis var. stylae Vdovenko 1973
Endothyra (Endothyra) spinulosa Brazhnikova 1973
Endothyra (Latiendothyra) glomospiroides Brazhnikova 1973
Endothyra (Latiendothyra) tumidiformis Brazhnikova 1973
Endothyra (Rectoendothyra) curta Brazhnikova 1983
Endothyra (Rectoendothyra) donbassica f. biserialis Brazhnikova 1983
Endothyra (Rectoendothyra) donbassica f. cuboides Brazhnikova 1983
Endothyra (Rectoendothyra) globiformis Brazhnikova 1983
Endothyra (Rectoendothyra) latiformis f. biserialis Brazhnikova 1983
Endothyra (Rectoendothyra) parasymmetrica Brazhnikova 1983
Endothyra (Rectoendothyra) priscoidea Brazhnikova 1983
Endothyra (Spinoendothyra) pietoni subsp. kalmiussi Vdovenko 1973
Endothyra (Tuberendothyra) tuberculata subsp. inaequalis (Vdovenko 1961)
Endothyra abnormis Malakhova 1956
Endothyra abramovi Bogush & Yuferev 1966
Endothyra acuta Cooper 1947
Endothyra admiranda subsp. proxima M. F. Solovieva 1970
Endothyra archerbecki Conil & Longerstaey 1980
Endothyra aspera M. F. Solovieva 1970
Endothyra asymmetrica M. F. Solovieva 1970
Endothyra atra Conil & Naum ex Conil et al. 1981
Endothyra bamberi Pinard & Mamet 1998
Endothyra borealis Malakhova 1980
Endothyra bradyi subsp. sajakensis Bogush & Yuferev 1976
Endothyra bradyi var. eminens Potievskaya 1958
Endothyra bradyi var. maxima Brazhnikova & Potievskaya 1948
Endothyra burgaliensis Bogush & Yuferev 1970
Endothyra carbonica Durkina 1984
Endothyra conspicua M. F. Solovieva 1970
Endothyra curiosa M. F. Solovieva 1970
Endothyra devexa subsp. parva Potievskaya 1958
Endothyra dilucida Durkina 1984
Endothyra distorta M. F. Solovieva 1970
Endothyra donetziana Potievskaya 1958
Endothyra dushanensis Shi 1997
Endothyra graciosa Brazhnikova 1951
Endothyra guangdongensis Lin 1981
Endothyra hemievoluta Lin 1981
Endothyra igoi Kobayashi 1994
Endothyra irinaeformis Okuyucu, Vachard & Göncüoğlu 2013
Endothyra kibiensis Sada 1969
Endothyra kizilica Malakhova 1980
Endothyra kjutjungdensis Bogush 1980
Endothyra kosvensis subsp. stricta M. F. Solovieva 1970
Endothyra kosvensis subsp. tchatkalica Mikhno ex Mikhno & Balakin 1975
Endothyra latidorsata Malakhova 1980
Endothyra levis Conil & Naum 1977
Endothyra liciae Conil & Longerstaey 1980
Endothyra lipinae subsp. lata Zolotova 1982
Endothyra lobata M. F. Solovieva 1970
Endothyra longlinensis Lin, Li & Sun 1990
Endothyra macella (Brady 1870)
Endothyra macera M. F. Solovieva 1970
Endothyra miassica Malakhova 1965
Endothyra miriformis (Lin 1985)
Endothyra modica Conil & Naum 1982
Endothyra mosquensis subsp. kungesaica Bogush & Yuferev 1976
Endothyra multiforma Sosipatrova & Wan ex Wan et al. 1963
Endothyra mutabilis Reitlinger 1961
Endothyra nana Lipina 1951
Endothyra nanlinensis Sosipatrova & Wan ex Wan et al. 1963
Endothyra neglecta Vachard 1977
Endothyra neruensis Bogush & Yuferev 1970
Endothyra obliqua (Brady 1870)
Endothyra occidentalis subsp. kljutschiensis Baryshnikov 1982
Endothyra oldae Bogush & Yuferev 1966
Endothyra orientalis M. F. Solovieva 1970
Endothyra pannusaeformis subsp. densa M. F. Solovieva 1970
Endothyra paraendothyriformis Vdovenko 1973
Endothyra pepeljaevi Bogush & Yuferev 1970
Endothyra persimplex M. F. Solovieva 1970
Endothyra plectogyra (Zeller 1950)
Endothyra polonica Woszczyńska 1981
Endothyra pseudobradyi Brazhnikova 1956
Endothyra pygma Lin 1984
Endothyra quantula Shlykova & Ganelina 1974
Endothyra scabra Lin 1984
Endothyra scalebrensis Conil & Longerstaey 1980
Endothyra settedabanica Bogush & Yuferev 1966
Endothyra sibirica Lipina 1951
Endothyra songziensis Lin 1984
Endothyra spira (Conil & Lys 1964)
Endothyra strobilata Bogush & Yuferev 1970
Endothyra tenella Ye, Lin & Gu 1987
Endothyra torta Conil & Lys 1968
Endothyra trachida (Zeller)
Endothyra tumulifera Reitlinger 1980
Endothyra tynanti Conil & Ramsbottom ex Conil et al. 1981
Endothyra vagus Sosipatrova & Wan ex Wan et al. 1963
Endothyra varicosa M. F. Solovieva 1970
Endothyra verkhojanica Bogush & Yuferev 1966
Endothyra westphaliana Woszczyńska 1981
Endothyra wiseniana Woszczyńska 1981
Endothyra woodlandi Solovieva 1972
Endothyra yanagidai Matsusue 1997
Endothyra zelleri M. F. Solovieva 1970
122 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.