The test is subcircular and has short and narrow naked median interambulacral regions which have slightly undulating lines down the sutures of the interambulacra. These naked regions have undulating red borders that continue to just above the ambitus. Primary spines are highly curved, and banded red and light green/yellow down the entire length of their dorsal surface. The spine's collar has only granules either side of the central dorsal ridge, with longitudinal ridges ventrally. Secondary spines are distinctly club-shaped. Ophicephalous pedicellariae are abundant both orally and aborally. These have moderately constricted valves aborally (distal and proximal regions of equal length), but are unconstricted on the oral surface.
This species is distinguished from all other Recent Coelopleurus by its aboral primary spines that are banded red and green down their entire length (banded purple and green in C. maillardi). It is similar to C. undulatus in having narrow, short naked interambulacral regions and club-shaped secondary spines.
Japan and Philippines.