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Coelopleurus longicollis A. Agassiz & H. L. Clark 1908

Diagnostic Description

provided by Echinoderms of Panama

The test is subcircular, somewhat flattened aborally and has moderately broad, naked median interambulacral regions that have undulating edges. These are cream, with each median region having an undulating purple line that starts from the genital plate and continues to just above ambitus. These naked median regions have red borders that continue to the ambitus. Primary spines are highly curved, unbanded and are typically cream in colour (occasionally red and green pigment is seen proximally just above the spine's collar). The spine's collar is particularly long in the adambital primary spines, measuring up to 20 mm (on the holotype), ~20 % of the length of the ambital spines. The dorsal surface of the collar has granules either side of the central ridge, with ridges and granules on the ventral surface. Secondary spines are somewhat club-shaped (not distinctly tapering distally). Ophicephalous pedicellariae are abundant both orally and aborally with unconstricted valves. The ophicephalous pedicellariae on the aboral surface have very short distal regions (relative to the proximal regions), which are distinctly triangular in shape.

This species is similar to C. granulatus in the markings on the interambulacra, however, its is easily distinguished by its flattened test aborally, by the predominantly cream colour of the primary spines, and by the very short distal regions of the ophicephalous pedicellariae.

Coppard , Simon
Coppard , Simon
partner site
Echinoderms of Panama


provided by Echinoderms of Panama


Coppard , Simon
Coppard , Simon
partner site
Echinoderms of Panama