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names in breadcrumbs
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Português do Brasil
names in breadcrumbs
Cellular Organisms
SAR (Stramenopiles, Alveolates, Rhizaria)
Eponides ellisorae Garrett 1939
Scientific Names
Preferred Names
Eponides ellisorae Garrett 1939
Species recognized by
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
Reference taxon from World Register of Marine Species
Eponides ellisorae
Garrett 1939
Species recognized by
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
Eponides ellisorae Garrett 1939
Species recognized by
Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
World Register of Marine Species
GBIF data coverage
, and
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.4
Common Names
There are no common names associated with this taxon.
Curated hierarchies for Eponides ellisorae Garrett 1939
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
Cellular Organisms
SAR (Stramenopiles, Alveolates, Rhizaria)
Eponides Montfort 1808
Eponides ellisorae Garrett 1939
(this page)
Eponides abatissae (Selli 1946)
Eponides abuillotensis Bermúdez 1949
Eponides acutus Rouvillois 1960
Eponides africana de Klasz & Rérat 1962
Eponides araneus Ayzenshtat In Myatlyuk 1953
Eponides arubaensis McCulloch 1981
Eponides asanoi Yoshida 1958
Eponides bandyi Trujillo 1960
Eponides batialis Boltovskoy & Guissani de Kahn 1981
Eponides beaberleae Mclean 1953
Eponides biconvexa Marie 1941
Eponides birdi Trujillo 1960
Eponides blancoensis Bandy 1950
Eponides bolivarensis Nuttall 1935
Eponides bosoensis Higuchi 1967
Eponides budensis (Hantken 1875)
Eponides carolinensis Cushman 1935
Eponides choctawensis Cushman & Mcglamery 1938
Eponides cocoaensis Cushman 1928
Eponides concameratus (Montagu 1808)
Eponides conspectus Vasilenko 1961
Eponides convexoseptatus Myatlyuk 1953
Eponides crebbsi Hedberg 1937
Eponides cribrorepandus (Asano & Uchio 1951)
Eponides cubensis Palmer & Bermúdez 1936
Eponides diversus Belford 1960
Eponides dorfi Toulmin 1941
Eponides dorsoplana Brotzen 1940
Eponides dorsopustulatus Dorreen 1948
Eponides ecuadorana Cushman & Stevenson 1948
Eponides frankei Brotzen 1940
Eponides gabrioli Mcgugan 1964
Eponides gaviotaensis Wilson 1954
Eponides gemmata van Soest 1942
Eponides globuliformis Mcgill & Loranger 1961
Eponides goudkoffi Trujillo 1960
Eponides granulatus Lautenschlager In Myatlyuk 1953
Eponides greatvalleyensis Trujillo 1960
Eponides gulistanensis Aliyulla 1960
Eponides gunteri Cole 1942
Eponides helenentalensis Oberhauser 1960
Eponides inceratus (Cushman 1922)
Eponides incognitus Kipriyanova 1960
Eponides ingramensis Cushman & Goudkoff 1944
Eponides inornata Hussey 1949
Eponides italicus Hagn 1956
Eponides jaumei Bermúdez 1949
Eponides kirki Bermúdez 1949
Eponides kleinpelli Cushman & Frizzell 1940
Eponides konstantinovi Rodionova 1963
Eponides labricrassus Belford 1966
Eponides leinzi Petri 1962
Eponides libertyensis Applin 1964
Eponides limbatus Tolmachoff 1934
Eponides lommerzheimi Hagn & Kuhn 1989
Eponides lornensis Finlay 1939
Eponides lowei Garrett 1941
Eponides mammalonicus Smith 1948
Eponides marcida Emiliani 1954
Eponides mariei Said & Kenawy 1956
Eponides marielensis Cushman & Bermúdez 1937
Eponides mentaweiensis Le Roy 1941
Eponides minutissimus Cushman & Todd 1948
Eponides morani Tappan 1957
Eponides nagasakiensis Asano & Murata 1958
Eponides nathani Hagn 1956
Eponides omnivagus Łuczkowska 1960
Eponides ornatissimus Galloway & Heminway 1941
Eponides pampalasoi Reyment 1966
Eponides patelliformis Stadnichenko 1927
Eponides perspicax Camacho 1954
Eponides petricosa Bermúdez 1949
Eponides plummerae Cushman 1948
Eponides praeumbonatus Myatlyuk 1953
Eponides probatus Krasheninnikov 1958
Eponides proprius Podobina 1975
Eponides pseudogranulatus Plotnikova 1967
Eponides pulvinus Galloway & Heminway 1941
Eponides punctatus Le Roy 1941
Eponides repandus (Fichtel & Moll 1798)
Eponides rotaliformis Mcgill & Loranger 1961
Eponides saginaris Bykova 1953
Eponides saridaschensis Geodakchan 1958
Eponides scheibei Petters & Sarmiento 1956
Eponides shiraii Yoshida 1980
Eponides shoshonensis Fox 1954
Eponides sigali Said & Kenawy 1956
Eponides simplex (White 1928)
Eponides stellatus Kraeva 1960
Eponides stilibius Loeblich & Tappan 1946
Eponides subornatus (Cushman 1921)
Eponides subumbonatus Myatlyuk 1953
Eponides tethycus Dorreen 1948
Eponides tokachiensis Yoshida 1963
Eponides turgidus Phleger & Parker 1951
Eponides veslensis Rouvillois 1960
Eponides vialovi Venglinsky 1953
Eponides waltonensis Applin & Jordan 1945
Eponides yoshidai Takayanagi 1960
Eponides zaratei Frizzell 1943
98 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
Globothalamea Pawlowski, Holzmann & Tyszka 2013
Rotaliana Mikhalevich 1980
Rotaliida Delage & Hérouard 1896
Discorboidea Ehrenberg 1838
Eponididae Hofker 1951
Eponidinae Hofker 1951
Eponides Montfort 1808
Eponides ellisorae Garrett 1939
(this page)
Eponides abatissae (Selli 1946)
Eponides abuillotensis Bermúdez 1949
Eponides acria Loeblich & Tappan 1946
Eponides acutus Rouvillois 1960
Eponides advenus (Cushman 1923)
Eponides africana de Klasz & Rérat 1962
Eponides alabaminaeformis Subbotina 1960
Eponides allianceae van Voorthuysen 1969
Eponides anconensis Hofker 1956
Eponides antarcticus McCulloch 1977
Eponides antillariformis McCulloch 1981
Eponides araneus Ayzenshtat In Myatlyuk 1953
Eponides arubaensis McCulloch 1981
Eponides asanoi Yoshida 1958
Eponides babsae Brenner 1962
Eponides batialis Boltovskoy & Guissani de Kahn 1981
Eponides beaberleae McLean 1953
Eponides belorussiensis Akimets 1961
Eponides binominatus Subbotina 1960
Eponides birdi Trujillo 1960
Eponides blancoensis Bandy 1950
Eponides bodjonegoroensis Boomgaart 1949
Eponides bolivarensis Nuttall 1935
Eponides bosoensis Higuchi 1967
Eponides boueanus (d'Orbigny 1846)
Eponides bronnimanni Cushman & Renz 1946
Eponides budensis (Hantken 1875)
Eponides byramensis (Cushman 1922)
Eponides candidulus (Schwager 1883)
Eponides carolinensis Cushman 1935
Eponides chalilovi Dzhafarov & Agalarova 1949
Eponides choctawensis Cushman & Mcglamery 1938
Eponides cocoaensis Cushman 1928
Eponides concameratus (Montagu 1808)
Eponides concinnus Brotzen 1936
Eponides conicus Boomgaart 1949
Eponides conspectus Vasilenko 1961
Eponides convexoseptatus Myatlyuk 1953
Eponides cribrorepandus (Asano & Uchio 1951)
Eponides cubensis Palmer & Bermúdez 1936
Eponides dalbiezi Hofker 1959
Eponides darrelli McCulloch 1981
Eponides differens McCulloch 1977
Eponides diversus Belford 1960
Eponides dorfi Toulmin 1941
Eponides dorsopustulatus Dorreen 1948
Eponides dubinskii Tkachuk 1968
Eponides duprei Cushman & Schenck 1928
Eponides dwighti McCulloch 1981
Eponides ecuadorana Cushman & Stevenson 1948
Eponides formosulus Todd & Low 1970
Eponides frankei Brotzen 1940
Eponides frizzelli Kleinpell 1938
Eponides gabrioli McGugan 1964
Eponides gaviotaensis Wilson 1954
Eponides gemmata van Soest 1942
Eponides globuliformis Mcgill & Loranger 1961
Eponides gracillimus Ten Dam 1944
Eponides gratiosus Cushman & Bermúdez 1948
Eponides gratus (Reuss 1866)
Eponides greatvalleyensis Trujillo 1960
Eponides guayabalensis Cole 1927
Eponides gulistanensis Aliyulla 1960
Eponides gunteri Cole 1942
Eponides hatakeyamai Iwasa & Kikuchi 1954
Eponides helenentalensis Oberhauser 1960
Eponides hokkaidoensis Yoshida 1963
Eponides hombetsuensis Yoshida 1963
Eponides huaynai Frizzell 1943
Eponides inceratus (Cushman 1922)
Eponides incognitus Kipriyanova 1960
Eponides ingramensis Cushman & Goudkoff 1944
Eponides inornata Hussey 1949
Eponides involutus Hofker 1955
Eponides iojimaensis Asano & Murata 1958
Eponides iranensis Kavary 1964
Eponides italicus Hagn 1956
Eponides jaumei Bermúdez 1949
Eponides jucundus Bermúdez 1937
Eponides karatschayaensis Aliyulla 1960
Eponides karsteni (Reuss 1855)
Eponides kirki Bermúdez 1949
Eponides kleinpelli Cushman & Frizzell 1940
Eponides konstantinovi Rodionova 1963
Eponides kuluvensis Serova 1978
Eponides labiomargus Shifflett 1948
Eponides labricrassus Belford 1966
Eponides leinzi Petri 1962
Eponides lewinskii Liszka 1949
Eponides libertyensis Applin 1964
Eponides limbatus Tolmachoff 1934
Eponides lisbonensis Bandy 1949
Eponides niigataensis Husezima & Maruhasi 1944
Eponides ocalana Cushman 1933
Eponides orientalis Asano 1937
Eponides pseudoaffinis Bandy & Arnal 1957
Eponides repandus (Fichtel & Moll 1798)
Eponides subornatus (Cushman 1921)
Eponides turgidus Phleger & Parker 1951
Eponides varvus Shchedrina 1984
97 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.3
Eponides ellisorae Garrett 1939
(this page)
Eponides abatissae (Selli 1946)
Eponides abuillotensis Bermúdez 1949
Eponides acutus Rouvillois 1960
Eponides africana de Klasz & Rérat 1962
Eponides araneus Ayzenshtat In Myatlyuk 1953
Eponides arubaensis McCulloch 1981
Eponides asanoi Yoshida 1958
Eponides bandyi Trujillo 1960
Eponides batialis Boltovskoy & Guissani de Kahn 1981
Eponides beaberleae Mclean 1953
Eponides biconvexa Marie 1941
Eponides birdi Trujillo 1960
Eponides blancoensis Bandy 1950
Eponides bolivarensis Nuttall 1935
Eponides bosoensis Higuchi 1967
Eponides budensis (Hantken 1875)
Eponides carolinensis Cushman 1935
Eponides choctawensis Cushman & Mcglamery 1938
Eponides cocoaensis Cushman 1928
Eponides concameratus (Montagu 1808)
Eponides conspectus Vasilenko 1961
Eponides convexoseptatus Myatlyuk 1953
Eponides crebbsi Hedberg 1937
Eponides cribrorepandus (Asano & Uchio 1951)
Eponides cubensis Palmer & Bermúdez 1936
Eponides diversus Belford 1960
Eponides dorfi Toulmin 1941
Eponides dorsoplana Brotzen 1940
Eponides dorsopustulatus Dorreen 1948
Eponides ecuadorana Cushman & Stevenson 1948
Eponides frankei Brotzen 1940
Eponides gabrioli Mcgugan 1964
Eponides gaviotaensis Wilson 1954
Eponides gemmata van Soest 1942
Eponides globuliformis Mcgill & Loranger 1961
Eponides goudkoffi Trujillo 1960
Eponides granulatus Lautenschlager In Myatlyuk 1953
Eponides greatvalleyensis Trujillo 1960
Eponides gulistanensis Aliyulla 1960
Eponides gunteri Cole 1942
Eponides helenentalensis Oberhauser 1960
Eponides inceratus (Cushman 1922)
Eponides incognitus Kipriyanova 1960
Eponides ingramensis Cushman & Goudkoff 1944
Eponides inornata Hussey 1949
Eponides italicus Hagn 1956
Eponides jaumei Bermúdez 1949
Eponides kirki Bermúdez 1949
Eponides kleinpelli Cushman & Frizzell 1940
Eponides konstantinovi Rodionova 1963
Eponides labricrassus Belford 1966
Eponides leinzi Petri 1962
Eponides libertyensis Applin 1964
Eponides limbatus Tolmachoff 1934
Eponides lommerzheimi Hagn & Kuhn 1989
Eponides lornensis Finlay 1939
Eponides lowei Garrett 1941
Eponides mammalonicus Smith 1948
Eponides marcida Emiliani 1954
Eponides mariei Said & Kenawy 1956
Eponides marielensis Cushman & Bermúdez 1937
Eponides mentaweiensis Le Roy 1941
Eponides minutissimus Cushman & Todd 1948
Eponides morani Tappan 1957
Eponides nagasakiensis Asano & Murata 1958
Eponides nathani Hagn 1956
Eponides omnivagus Łuczkowska 1960
Eponides ornatissimus Galloway & Heminway 1941
Eponides pampalasoi Reyment 1966
Eponides patelliformis Stadnichenko 1927
Eponides perspicax Camacho 1954
Eponides petricosa Bermúdez 1949
Eponides plummerae Cushman 1948
Eponides praeumbonatus Myatlyuk 1953
Eponides probatus Krasheninnikov 1958
Eponides proprius Podobina 1975
Eponides pseudogranulatus Plotnikova 1967
Eponides pulvinus Galloway & Heminway 1941
Eponides punctatus Le Roy 1941
Eponides repandus (Fichtel & Moll 1798)
Eponides rotaliformis Mcgill & Loranger 1961
Eponides saginaris Bykova 1953
Eponides saridaschensis Geodakchan 1958
Eponides scheibei Petters & Sarmiento 1956
Eponides shiraii Yoshida 1980
Eponides shoshonensis Fox 1954
Eponides sigali Said & Kenawy 1956
Eponides simplex (White 1928)
Eponides stellatus Kraeva 1960
Eponides stilibius Loeblich & Tappan 1946
Eponides subornatus (Cushman 1921)
Eponides subumbonatus Myatlyuk 1953
Eponides tethycus Dorreen 1948
Eponides tokachiensis Yoshida 1963
Eponides turgidus Phleger & Parker 1951
Eponides veslensis Rouvillois 1960
Eponides vialovi Venglinsky 1953
Eponides waltonensis Applin & Jordan 1945
Eponides yoshidai Takayanagi 1960
Eponides zaratei Frizzell 1943
98 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
Cellular Organisms
SAR (Stramenopiles, Alveolates, Rhizaria)
Globothalamea Pawlowski, Holzmann & Tyszka 2013
Rotaliida Delage & Hérouard 1896
Discorboidea Ehrenberg 1838
Eponididae Hofker 1951
Eponidinae Hofker 1951
Eponides Montfort 1808
Eponides ellisorae Garrett 1939
(this page)
Eponides abatissae (Selli 1946)
Eponides acutus Rouvillois 1960
Eponides africana de Klasz & Rérat 1962
Eponides alabamensis Cushman & Mcglamery 1938
Eponides arubaensis Mc Culloch 1981
Eponides asanoi Yoshida 1958
Eponides bandyi Trujillo 1960
Eponides batialis Boltovskoy & Guissani de Kahn 1981
Eponides beaberleae Mclean 1953
Eponides biconvexa Marie 1941
Eponides birdi Trujillo 1960
Eponides blancoensis Bandy 1950
Eponides bolivarensis Nuttall 1935
Eponides bosoensis Higuchi 1967
Eponides budensis (Hantken 1875)
Eponides carolinensis Cushman 1935
Eponides choctawensis Cushman & Mcglamery 1938
Eponides cocoaensis Cushman 1928
Eponides concameratus (Montagu 1808)
Eponides conspectus Vasilenko 1961
Eponides convexoseptatus Myatlyuk 1953
Eponides crebbsi Hedberg 1937
Eponides cribrorepandus (Asano & Uchio 1951)
Eponides cubensis Palmer & Bermúdez 1936
Eponides diversus Belford 1960
Eponides dorfi Toulmin 1941
Eponides dorsoplana Brotzen 1940
Eponides dorsopustulatus Dorreen 1948
Eponides ecuadorana Cushman & Stevenson 1948
Eponides frankei Brotzen 1940
Eponides gabrioli Mcgugan 1964
Eponides gaviotaensis Wilson 1954
Eponides gemmata van Soest 1942
Eponides globuliformis Mcgill & Loranger 1961
Eponides goudkoffi Trujillo 1960
Eponides granulatus Lautenschlager In Myatlyuk 1953
Eponides greatvalleyensis Trujillo 1960
Eponides gulistanensis Aliyulla 1960
Eponides gunteri Cole 1942
Eponides helenentalensis Oberhauser 1960
Eponides inceratus (Cushman 1922)
Eponides incognitus Kipriyanova 1960
Eponides ingramensis Cushman & Goudkoff 1944
Eponides inornata Hussey 1949
Eponides italicus Hagn 1956
Eponides jaumei Bermúdez 1949
Eponides kirki Bermúdez 1949
Eponides kleinpelli Cushman & Frizzell 1940
Eponides konstantinovi Rodionova 1963
Eponides labricrassus Belford 1966
Eponides leinzi Petri 1962
Eponides libertyensis Applin 1964
Eponides limbatus Tolmachoff 1934
Eponides lommerzheimi Hagn & Kuhn 1989
Eponides lornensis Finlay 1939
Eponides lowei Garrett 1941
Eponides mammalonicus Smith 1948
Eponides marcida Emiliani 1954
Eponides mariei Said & Kenawy 1956
Eponides marielensis Cushman & Bermúdez 1937
Eponides mentaweiensis Le Roy 1941
Eponides minutissimus Cushman & Todd 1948
Eponides morani Tappan 1957
Eponides nagasakiensis Asano & Murata 1958
Eponides nathani Hagn 1956
Eponides omnivagus Łuczkowska 1960
Eponides ornatissimus Galloway & Heminway 1941
Eponides pampalasoi Reyment 1966
Eponides patelliformis Stadnichenko 1927
Eponides perspicax Camacho 1954
Eponides petricosa Bermúdez 1949
Eponides plummerae Cushman 1948
Eponides praeumbonatus Myatlyuk 1953
Eponides probatus Krasheninnikov 1958
Eponides proprius Podobina 1975
Eponides pseudogranulatus Plotnikova 1967
Eponides punctatus Le Roy 1941
Eponides repandus (Fichtel & Moll 1798)
Eponides rosaformis Cushman & Kleinpell 1934
Eponides rotaliformis Mcgill & Loranger 1961
Eponides saginaris Bykova 1953
Eponides saridaschensis Geodakchan 1958
Eponides scheibei Petters & Sarmiento 1956
Eponides shiraii Yoshida 1980
Eponides shoshonensis Fox 1954
Eponides sigali Said & Kenawy 1956
Eponides simplex (White 1928)
Eponides stellatus Kraeva 1960
Eponides stilibius Loeblich & Tappan 1946
Eponides subornatus (Cushman 1921)
Eponides subumbonatus Myatlyuk 1953
Eponides tethycus Dorreen 1948
Eponides tokachiensis Yoshida 1963
Eponides turgidus Phleger & Parker 1951
Eponides veslensis Rouvillois 1960
Eponides vialovi Venglinsky 1953
Eponides vicksburgensis Cushman & Ellisor 1931
Eponides waltonensis Applin & Jordan 1945
Eponides yoshidai Takayanagi 1960
Eponides zaratei Frizzell 1943
103 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.4
Eponides ellisorae Garrett 1939
(this page)
Eponides abatissae (Selli 1946)
Eponides abuillotensis Bermúdez 1949
Eponides acutus Rouvillois 1960
Eponides africana de Klasz & Rérat 1962
Eponides araneus Ayzenshtat In Myatlyuk 1953
Eponides arubaensis McCulloch 1981
Eponides asanoi Yoshida 1958
Eponides bandyi Trujillo 1960
Eponides batialis Boltovskoy & Guissani de Kahn 1981
Eponides beaberleae Mclean 1953
Eponides biconvexa Marie 1941
Eponides birdi Trujillo 1960
Eponides blancoensis Bandy 1950
Eponides bolivarensis Nuttall 1935
Eponides bosoensis Higuchi 1967
Eponides budensis (Hantken 1875)
Eponides carolinensis Cushman 1935
Eponides choctawensis Cushman & Mcglamery 1938
Eponides cocoaensis Cushman 1928
Eponides concameratus (Montagu 1808)
Eponides conspectus Vasilenko 1961
Eponides convexoseptatus Myatlyuk 1953
Eponides crebbsi Hedberg 1937
Eponides cribrorepandus (Asano & Uchio 1951)
Eponides cubensis Palmer & Bermúdez 1936
Eponides diversus Belford 1960
Eponides dorfi Toulmin 1941
Eponides dorsoplana Brotzen 1940
Eponides dorsopustulatus Dorreen 1948
Eponides ecuadorana Cushman & Stevenson 1948
Eponides frankei Brotzen 1940
Eponides gabrioli Mcgugan 1964
Eponides gaviotaensis Wilson 1954
Eponides gemmata van Soest 1942
Eponides globuliformis Mcgill & Loranger 1961
Eponides goudkoffi Trujillo 1960
Eponides granulatus Lautenschlager In Myatlyuk 1953
Eponides greatvalleyensis Trujillo 1960
Eponides gulistanensis Aliyulla 1960
Eponides gunteri Cole 1942
Eponides helenentalensis Oberhauser 1960
Eponides inceratus (Cushman 1922)
Eponides incognitus Kipriyanova 1960
Eponides ingramensis Cushman & Goudkoff 1944
Eponides inornata Hussey 1949
Eponides italicus Hagn 1956
Eponides jaumei Bermúdez 1949
Eponides kirki Bermúdez 1949
Eponides kleinpelli Cushman & Frizzell 1940
Eponides konstantinovi Rodionova 1963
Eponides labricrassus Belford 1966
Eponides leinzi Petri 1962
Eponides libertyensis Applin 1964
Eponides limbatus Tolmachoff 1934
Eponides lommerzheimi Hagn & Kuhn 1989
Eponides lornensis Finlay 1939
Eponides lowei Garrett 1941
Eponides mammalonicus Smith 1948
Eponides marcida Emiliani 1954
Eponides mariei Said & Kenawy 1956
Eponides marielensis Cushman & Bermúdez 1937
Eponides mentaweiensis Le Roy 1941
Eponides minutissimus Cushman & Todd 1948
Eponides morani Tappan 1957
Eponides nagasakiensis Asano & Murata 1958
Eponides nathani Hagn 1956
Eponides omnivagus Łuczkowska 1960
Eponides ornatissimus Galloway & Heminway 1941
Eponides pampalasoi Reyment 1966
Eponides patelliformis Stadnichenko 1927
Eponides perspicax Camacho 1954
Eponides petricosa Bermúdez 1949
Eponides plummerae Cushman 1948
Eponides praeumbonatus Myatlyuk 1953
Eponides probatus Krasheninnikov 1958
Eponides proprius Podobina 1975
Eponides pseudogranulatus Plotnikova 1967
Eponides pulvinus Galloway & Heminway 1941
Eponides punctatus Le Roy 1941
Eponides repandus (Fichtel & Moll 1798)
Eponides rotaliformis Mcgill & Loranger 1961
Eponides saginaris Bykova 1953
Eponides saridaschensis Geodakchan 1958
Eponides scheibei Petters & Sarmiento 1956
Eponides shiraii Yoshida 1980
Eponides shoshonensis Fox 1954
Eponides sigali Said & Kenawy 1956
Eponides simplex (White 1928)
Eponides stellatus Kraeva 1960
Eponides stilibius Loeblich & Tappan 1946
Eponides subornatus (Cushman 1921)
Eponides subumbonatus Myatlyuk 1953
Eponides tethycus Dorreen 1948
Eponides tokachiensis Yoshida 1963
Eponides turgidus Phleger & Parker 1951
Eponides veslensis Rouvillois 1960
Eponides vialovi Venglinsky 1953
Eponides waltonensis Applin & Jordan 1945
Eponides yoshidai Takayanagi 1960
Eponides zaratei Frizzell 1943
98 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
World Register of Marine Species
Eponides ellisorae Garrett 1939
(this page)
Eponides abuillotensis Bermúdez 1949
Eponides acria Loeblich & Tappan 1946
Eponides acutus Rouvillois 1960
Eponides advena (Cushman 1923)
Eponides africana de Klasz & Rérat 1962
Eponides alabaminaeformis Subbotina 1960
Eponides allianceae van Voorthuysen 1969
Eponides anconensis Hofker 1956
Eponides antarcticus McCulloch 1977
Eponides antillariformis McCulloch 1981
Eponides araneus Ayzenshtat In Myatlyuk 1953
Eponides archaelotus Plotnikova 1962
Eponides arubaensis McCulloch 1981
Eponides asanoi Yoshida 1958
Eponides babsae Brenner 1962
Eponides batialis Boltovskoy & Guissani de Kahn 1981
Eponides beaberleae McLean 1953
Eponides belorussiensis Akimets 1961
Eponides binominatus Subbotina 1960
Eponides birdi Trujillo 1960
Eponides blancoensis Bandy 1950
Eponides bodjonegoroensis Boomgaart 1949
Eponides bolivarensis Nuttall 1935
Eponides bosoensis Higuchi 1967
Eponides boueanus (d'Orbigny 1846)
Eponides bronnimanni Cushman & Renz 1946
Eponides carolinensis Cushman 1935
Eponides chalilovi Dzhafarov & Agalarova 1949
Eponides choctawensis Cushman & Mcglamery 1938
Eponides cocoaensis Cushman 1928
Eponides concameratus (Montagu 1808)
Eponides conicus Boomgaart 1949
Eponides conspectus Vasilenko 1961
Eponides convexoseptatus Myatlyuk 1953
Eponides cribrorepandus (Asano & Uchio 1951)
Eponides cubensis Palmer & Bermúdez 1936
Eponides dalbiezi Hofker 1959
Eponides darrelli McCulloch 1981
Eponides differens McCulloch 1977
Eponides diversus Belford 1960
Eponides dorfi Toulmin 1941
Eponides dorsopustulatus Dorreen 1948
Eponides dubinskii Tkachuk 1968
Eponides duprei Cushman & Schenck 1928
Eponides dutemplei var. eggeri Serova 1955
Eponides dwighti McCulloch 1981
Eponides ecuadorana Cushman & Stevenson 1948
Eponides elevatus (Plummer 1927)
Eponides formosulus Todd & Low 1970
Eponides frankei Brotzen 1940
Eponides frizzelli Kleinpell 1938
Eponides gabrioli McGugan 1964
Eponides gaviotaensis Wilson 1954
Eponides grimsdalei Sansores & Flores-Covarrubias 1972
Eponides gulistanensis Aliyulla 1960
Eponides hemisphaericus (Reuss 1862)
Eponides inceratus (Cushman 1922)
Eponides incognitus Kipriyanova 1960
Eponides karatschayaensis Aliyulla 1960
Eponides karatschayaensis var. minor Aliyulla 1960
Eponides karsteni (Reuss 1855)
Eponides konstantinovi Rodionova 1963
Eponides kuluvensis Serova 1978
Eponides lommerzheimi Hagn & Kuhn 1989
Eponides lornensis Finlay 1939
Eponides lotus (Schwager 1883)
Eponides mariannensis (Cushman 1923)
Eponides memorabilis Fregatova 1994
Eponides mexicanus (Cushman 1925)
Eponides moskvini (Keller 1946)
Eponides motuensis Stoneley 1962
Eponides niigataensis Husezima & Maruhasi 1944
Eponides ocalana Cushman 1933
Eponides orientalis Asano 1937
Eponides parvus Plotnikova 1962
Eponides praejacksonensis Lypnyk 1961
Eponides praemegastomus subsp. paxiraphos Militsina 1961
Eponides praetruempyi Maslakova 1961
Eponides pseudoaffinis Bandy & Arnal 1957
Eponides pseudogranulatus Plotnikova 1967
Eponides raja Balakhmatova 1952
Eponides repandus (Fichtel & Moll 1798)
Eponides robaszynskii Moorkens 1982
Eponides saridaschensis Geodakchan 1958
Eponides simplex (White 1928)
Eponides singularis Konenkova 1974
Eponides stellatus Kraeva 1960
Eponides subcandidulus (Grzybowski 1896)
Eponides subexcavatus M. V. Kacharava 1959
Eponides sulcata Hu 1976
Eponides tethycus Dorreen 1948
Eponides transcaucasensis Aliyulla 1960
Eponides truempyi var. magnocamerata Maslakova 1955
Eponides tumidulus subsp. horvathi Green 1960
Eponides turgidus Phleger & Parker 1951
Eponides turonicus Lypnyk 1961
Eponides undosus Voloshina 1976
Eponides varvus Shchedrina 1984
Eponides venustus Saperson 1968
Eponides vialovi Venglinsky 1953
111 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.