All Biocode files are based on field identifications to the best of the researcher’s ability at the time.
Species: Rorippa micrantha (Roth) Jonsell Date: 2007-08-12 Location: Urema floodplain North of Lion House, Gorongosa National Park. Habitat: Alluvial black soil in riverbed.
Silkeborg Langsø, Jylland, Danmark
Species: Rorippa micrantha (Roth) Jonsell Date: 2007-08-12 Location: Urema floodplain North of Lion House, Gorongosa National Park. Habitat: Alluvial black soil in riverbed.
Silkeborg Langsø, Jylland, Danmark
Species: Rorippa micrantha (Roth) Jonsell Date: 2007-08-12 Location: Urema floodplain North of Lion House, Gorongosa National Park. Habitat: Alluvial black soil in riverbed.
Silkeborg Langsø, Jylland, Danmark
Species: Rorippa micrantha (Roth) Jonsell Date: 2007-08-12 Location: Urema floodplain North of Lion House, Gorongosa National Park. Habitat: Alluvial black soil in riverbed.
Silkeborg Langsø, Jylland, Danmark
Species: Rorippa micrantha (Roth) Jonsell Date: 2007-11-09 Location: Along road no11, Gorongosa National Park. Habitat: In black alluvial soil in dry overflow riverbed.
Silkeborg Langsø, Jylland, Danmark
Silkeborg Langsø, Jylland, Danmark
Silkeborg Langsø, Jylland, Danmark
Silkeborg Langsø, Jylland, Danmark
Paderup Mose v Randers, Danmark
Paderup Mose v Randers, Danmark
Dybvad, Vendsyssel, Danmark
Dybvad, Vendsyssel, Danmark
Dybvad, Vendsyssel, Danmark
Dybvad, Vendsyssel, Danmark
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