plants on flat plains of a large bolson (Los Llanos), in silty, slightly saline, gyp-calcareous clay soil, along the margin between a long abandoned agricultural area and undisturbed native scrub.
plants on flat plains of a large bolson (Los Llanos), in silty, slightly saline, gyp-calcareous clay soil, along the margin between a long abandoned agricultural area and undisturbed native scrub.
plants on flat plains of a large bolson (Los Llanos), in silty, slightly saline, gyp-calcareous clay soil, along the margin between a long abandoned agricultural area and undisturbed native scrub.
plants on flat plains of a large bolson (Los Llanos), in silty, slightly saline, gyp-calcareous clay soil, along the margin between a long abandoned agricultural area and undisturbed native scrub.
plants on flat plains of a large bolson (Los Llanos), in silty, slightly saline, gyp-calcareous clay soil, along the margin between a long abandoned agricultural area and undisturbed native scrub.
plants on flat plains of a large bolson (Los Llanos), in silty, slightly saline, gyp-calcareous clay soil, along the margin between a long abandoned agricultural area and undisturbed native scrub.
lax, decumbent perennial in calcareous soil of road right-of-way crossing gently sloping overgrazed grassland of the Playas bolson
lax, decumbent perennial in calcareous soil of road right-of-way crossing gently sloping overgrazed grassland of the Playas bolson
lax, decumbent perennial in calcareous soil of road right-of-way crossing gently sloping overgrazed grassland of the Playas bolson
plants on flat plain of a large bolson in silty, slightly saline, calcareous clay soil, along the margin between a long abandoned agricultural area with numerous diverse annuals resulting from recent heavy rains and patches of undisturbed native desert scrub. Site is located just inside (ca. 50 m) the state line.
plants on flat plain of a large bolson in silty, slightly gyp/saline, calcareous clay soil, along the margin between a long abandoned agricultural area with numerous diverse annuals resulting from recent heavy rains and patches of undisturbed native desert scrub. Site is located just inside (ca. 50 m) the state line.
plants on flat plain of a large bolson in silty, slightly gyp/saline, calcareous clay soil, along the margin between a long abandoned agricultural area with numerous diverse annuals resulting from recent heavy rains and patches of undisturbed native desert scrub. Site is located just inside (ca. 50 m) the state line.
plants on flat plain of a large bolson in silty, slightly gyp/saline, calcareous clay soil, along the margin between a long abandoned agricultural area with numerous diverse annuals resulting from recent heavy rains and patches of undisturbed native desert scrub. Site is located just inside (ca. 50 m) the state line.
plants on flat plain of a large bolson in silty, slightly gyp/saline, calcareous clay soil, along the margin between a long abandoned agricultural area with numerous diverse annuals resulting from recent heavy rains and patches of undisturbed native desert scrub. Site is located just inside (ca. 50 m) the state line.
plants on flat plain of a large bolson in silty, slightly gyp/saline, calcareous clay soil, along the margin between a long abandoned agricultural area with numerous diverse annuals resulting from recent heavy rains and patches of undisturbed native desert scrub. Site is located just inside (ca. 50 m) the state line.
plants on flat plain of a large bolson in silty, slightly gyp/saline, calcareous clay soil, along the margin between a long abandoned agricultural area with numerous diverse annuals resulting from recent heavy rains and patches of undisturbed native desert scrub. Site is located just inside (ca. 50 m)the state line.