plants on flat plain of a large bolson in silty, slightly saline, calcareous clay soil, along the margin between a long abandoned agricultural area made rich with diverse annual forbs by recent heavy rains and patches of undisturbed native desert scrub. Site is located just inside (ca. 50 m) the state line.
roadside bank in thorn scrub below low hillside with coarse igneous soil.
Hábito de Physalis angulataL.Foto: A. Soto.
on road bed gravels in highway right-of-way on low hillside slope of white chalky limestone.
Synonym: Physalis lanceifolia
Slo.: navadno volje jabolko - Habitat: Light submediterranean forest, in shade, elevation 330 m (1.100 feet), submediterranean phytogeographical region.
plants on coarse gravelly volcanic soil of large, wide, braided sheet-wash arroyo draining coastal plain between rhyolite hills, with Diphysa occidentalis, Caesalpinia palmeri, Acacia willardiana, Citharexylum flabellifolium, Melochia speciosa, Colubrina viridis, Randia thurberi.
plants on flat plain of a large bolson in silty, slightly saline, calcareous clay soil, along the margin between a long abandoned agricultural area made rich with diverse annual forbs by recent heavy rains and patches of undisturbed native desert scrub. Site is located just inside (ca. 50 m) the state line.
trailing mat-like plant on white sands of back dune flats behind Playa Las Tunas. Distinction between this sp. and P. crassifolia (which seems to be preferred) in the Cape Region is unclear. A prostrate/decumbent habit, sparse, fleshy, sub-glabrate, lance-ovate foliage and beach/sandy arroyo habitat appears sufficient to retain this species pending further study.
fruit from prior season
on road bed gravels in highway right-of-way on low hillside slope of white chalky limestone.
Synonym: Physalis lanceifolia
Slo.: navadno volje jabolko - Habitat: Light submediterranean forest, in shade, elevation 330 m (1.100 feet), submediterranean phytogeographical region.
growing at base of steep south facing roadcut in rhyolite ridge on northern lower flank of Cerro Tetrakawi.
trailing mat-like plant on white sands of back dune flats behind Playa Las Tunas. Distinction between this sp. and P. crassifolia (which seems to be preferred) in the Cape Region is unclear. A prostrate/decumbent habit, sparse, fleshy, sub-glabrate, lance-ovate foliage and beach/sandy arroyo habitat appears sufficient to retain this species pending further study.
fruit from prior season
Synonym: Physalis lanceifolia
Slo.: navadno volcje jabolko - Habitat: Mixed woods, southwest oriented, humid place, shaded, precipitations 2.600 mm/year, average temperature 9-121 deg C, elevation 365 m (1.200 feet), alpine phytogeographical region.
growing at base of steep south facing roadcut in rhyolite ridge on northern lower flank of Cerro Tetrakawi.