Native to South Africa, but widely planted in the tropics due to the edible "tomatillos" in the pods. Photo from Ecuador, where it is known as Uvilla.
Physalis peruviana, Cape gooseberry (Plant, Solanaceae), Naturalisedinside of fruit capsuleroadsideWoodhillAuckland RegionDepartment of Conservation pine-pasture-bush fragment study 2001/2002
Faimes, Liege, Belgium
Physalis peruviana, Cape gooseberry (Plant, Solanaceae), Naturalisedstem leaves underside flowerroadsideWoodhillAuckland RegionDepartment of Conservation pine-pasture-bush fragment study 2001/2002
Physalis peruviana, Cape gooseberry (Plant, Solanaceae), Naturalisedflower, close-up, 10x botanical hand lensroadsideWoodhillAuckland RegionDepartment of Conservation pine-pasture-bush fragment study 2001/2002
Physalis peruviana, Cape gooseberry (Plant, Solanaceae), Naturalisedfruit capsuleroadsideWoodhillAuckland RegionDepartment of Conservation pine-pasture-bush fragment study 2001/2002
Physalis peruviana, Cape gooseberry (Plant, Solanaceae), Naturalisedstem leaves close up of swollen nodesroadsideWoodhillAuckland RegionDepartment of Conservation pine-pasture-bush fragment study 2001/2002
close up image of Physalis subglabrata TALL GROUND CHERRY at the James Woodworth Prairie Preserve - showing a single open-bell-shaped flower; this position is the natural way this flower hangs (the small whitish dot on a petal at right near a burgundy-colored rib is a hole, caused by a hungry insect or a failure to develop at that spot)
close up image of Physalis subglabrata TALL GROUND CHERRY at the James Woodworth Prairie Preserve - a single open-bell-shaped flower, tilted to capture its image; clearly visible are the five anthers (whitish) and the stigma (yellowish)This species is featured in the soon-to-be-published book, Elusive Splendor: Wildflowers of the Tall Grass Prairie. Contact frank@black-sweater-art.com for more information.
field image of Physalis subglabrata TALL GROUND CHERRY at the James Woodworth Prairie Preserve - a single specimen showing branching pattern of stems and leaves
close up image of Physalis subglabrata TALL GROUND CHERRY at the James Woodworth Prairie Preserve - a single leaf detailing ribs and lightly-toothed edges
close up image of Physalis subglabrata TALL GROUND CHERRY at the James Woodworth Prairie Preserve - a single stem with leaves and flower buds; detailing a single flower bud prior to opening
field image of Physalis subglabrata TALL GROUND CHERRY at the James Woodworth Prairie Preserve - showing a single flower bud as it begins to open
Villa Elisa, Buenos Aires Province, Argentina