A shoot of Physalis arenicola with young fruit. This species is native to the southeastern US, and this individual was collected in Florida. It is unusually hairy, though this species is quite variable in that respect.
Christmas, Florida, United States
A shoot of Physalis arenicola with young fruit and an open flower. This species is native to the southeastern US, and this individual was collected in Florida. It is unusually hairy, though this species is quite variable in that respect.
Leaves of Physalis mollis var. mollis demonstrating the extremely hairy leaf undersides (left) that are a key feature of this species. This species is native to the US, and this individual was probably collected in Texas or Arkansas.
Jason Sharp;Fort De Soto, Pinellas County, Florida
Physalis angustifolia with mature, orange fruit. This is a coastal species from the southeastern US. This individual was collected in Florida.
Jason Sharp;Fort De Soto, Pinellas County, Florida
Jason Sharp;Fort De Soto, Pinellas County, Florida
Found in farm field in Altar Valley, Arizona, Oct 25, 2009
Found in farm field in Altar Valley, Arizona
Found in a farm field in the Altar Valley in Arizona, October 25, 2009
The Settlement, Christmas Island
The Settlement, Christmas Island
Native to South Africa, but widely planted in the tropics due to the edible "tomatillos" in the pods. Photo from Ecuador, where it is known as Uvilla.
Physalis peruviana, Cape gooseberry (Plant, Solanaceae), Naturalisedinside of fruit capsuleroadsideWoodhillAuckland RegionDepartment of Conservation pine-pasture-bush fragment study 2001/2002
Faimes, Liege, Belgium