ephemeral annuals in largely overgrazed playa grassland on silty clay flats of the extensive Mimbres playa, with Atriplex acanthocarpa, Pleuraphis mutica, Sporobolis airoides, Gutierrezia, Tidestromia and Prosopis glandulosa
ephemeral annuals in largely overgrazed playa grassland on silty clay flats of the extensive Mimbres playa, with Atriplex acanthocarpa, Pleuraphis mutica, Sporobolis airoides, Gutierrezia, Tidestromia and Prosopis glandulosa
ephemeral annuals in largely overgrazed playa grassland on silty clay flats of the extensive Mimbres playa, with Atriplex acanthocarpa, Pleuraphis mutica, Sporobolis airoides, Gutierrezia, Tidestromia and Prosopis glandulosa. Note the conspicuous translucent blister-like oil glands on phyllaries.
ephemeral annuals in largely overgrazed playa grassland on silty clay flats of the extensive Mimbres playa, with Atriplex acanthocarpa, Pleuraphis mutica, Sporobolis airoides, Gutierrezia, Tidestromia and Prosopis glandulosa.
ephemeral annuals in largely overgrazed playa grassland on silty clay flats of the extensive Mimbres playa, with Atriplex acanthocarpa, Pleuraphis mutica, Sporobolis airoides, Gutierrezia, Tidestromia and Prosopis glandulosa.
ephemeral annuals in largely overgrazed playa grassland on silty clay flats of the extensive Mimbres playa, with Atriplex acanthocarpa, Pleuraphis mutica, Sporobolis airoides, Gutierrezia, Tidestromia and Prosopis glandulosa.
ephemeral annuals in largely overgrazed playa grassland on silty clay flats of the extensive Mimbres playa, with Atriplex acanthocarpa, Pleuraphis mutica, Sporobolis airoides, Gutierrezia, Tidestromia and Prosopis glandulosa.
ephemeral annuals in largely overgrazed playa grassland on silty clay flats of the extensive Mimbres playa, with Atriplex acanthocarpa, Pleuraphis mutica, Sporobolis airoides, Gutierrezia, Tidestromia and Prosopis glandulosa.
plants on large flat bolson plain (llano) in silty, slightly gyp/saline, calcareous clay soil, once cultivated but long abandoned agricultural area rich with diverse annual forbs from recent heavy rains and patches of undisturbed native desert scrub.
annuals on alkaline silty clay soils of the Mimbres Basin playa