The paper 'Vascular Flora of the Glass Mountain Region, Mono County, Californai' by Michael Honer (Aliso, Vol.20, No. 2, July 25 2003)has been of considerable value and inspiration for many of my images of Long Valley plants.
The paper 'Vascular Flora of the Glass Mountain Region, Mono County, Californai' by Michael Honer (Aliso, Vol.20, No. 2, July 25 2003)has been of considerable value and inspiration for many of my images of Long Valley plants.
The paper 'Vascular Flora of the Glass Mountain Region, Mono County, Californai' by Michael Honer (Aliso, Vol.20, No. 2, July 25 2003)has been of considerable value and inspiration for many of my images of Long Valley plants.
The paper 'Vascular Flora of the Glass Mountain Region, Mono County, Californai' by Michael Honer (Aliso, Vol.20, No. 2, July 25 2003)has been of considerable value and inspiration for many of my images of Long Valley plants.
The paper 'Vascular Flora of the Glass Mountain Region, Mono County, Californai' by Michael Honer (Aliso, Vol.20, No. 2, July 25 2003)has been of considerable value and inspiration for many of my images of Long Valley plants.
The paper 'Vascular Flora of the Glass Mountain Region, Mono County, Californai' by Michael Honer (Aliso, Vol.20, No. 2, July 25 2003)has been of considerable value and inspiration for many of my images of Long Valley plants.
abundant in grazed meadows
abundant in grazed meadows; leaf detail
Inflorescence: generally crowded, spike-like; involucre 58.5 mm, 57 mm diam; phyllary base pale, leathery, margin translucent, tip green, recurved.
receptacle flat to weakly convex, epaleate
Fruit: 2.55.5 mm, 4-angled, glabrous to densely tomentose; pappus 69 mm, tan to brown.