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Português do Brasil
names in breadcrumbs
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Português do Brasil
names in breadcrumbs
Heather Family
Cellular Organisms
Green Plants
Seed Plants
Heather Family
Dimorphanthera eymae Sleum.
Scientific Names
Preferred Names
Dimorphanthera eymae Sleum.
Species recognized by
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
Reference taxon from Synonymic Checklists of the Vascular Plants of the World in Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life
Dimorphanthera eymae
Species recognized by
wikipedia VI
Dimorphanthera eymae
Species recognized by
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
Dimorphanthera eymae
Species recognized by
GBIF classification
Dimorphanthera eymae
Species recognized by
wikidata_hierarchy tar gz
Dimorphanthera eymae
Recognized by
BHL data coverage
Dimorphanthera eymae Sleum.
Species recognized by
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.4
Dimorphanthera eymae Sleumer
Species recognized by
Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
GBIF data coverage
Common Names
There are no common names associated with this taxon.
Curated hierarchies for Dimorphanthera eymae Sleum.
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
Cellular Organisms
Dimorphanthera eymae Sleum.
(this page)
Dimorphanthera albida P. F. Stevens
Dimorphanthera albiflora Schltr.
Dimorphanthera alpina J. J. Smith
Dimorphanthera alpivaga Sleum.
Dimorphanthera amblyornidis (Becc.) F. Muell.
Dimorphanthera amoena Sleum.
Dimorphanthera amplifolia (F. Muell.) P. F. Stevens
Dimorphanthera anchorifera J. J. Smith
Dimorphanthera angiliensis P. F. Stevens
Dimorphanthera anomala P. F. Stevens
Dimorphanthera antennifera P. F. Stevens
Dimorphanthera apoana (Merr.) Schltr.
Dimorphanthera beccariana J. J. Smith
Dimorphanthera brachyantha Sleum.
Dimorphanthera bracteata P. F. Stevens
Dimorphanthera brassii Sleum.
Dimorphanthera brevipes Schltr.
Dimorphanthera calodon Sleum.
Dimorphanthera clemensiae Sleum.
Dimorphanthera collinsii Sleum.
Dimorphanthera continua (P. F. Stevens) P. F. Stevens
Dimorphanthera cornuta J. J. Smith
Dimorphanthera crassifolia Sleum.
Dimorphanthera cratericola P. F. Stevens
Dimorphanthera declinata Sleum.
Dimorphanthera dekockii J. J. Smith
Dimorphanthera denticulifera Sleum.
Dimorphanthera doctersii J. J. Smith
Dimorphanthera dryophila Sleum.
Dimorphanthera elegantissima K. Schum.
Dimorphanthera fissiflora (Steum.) P. F. Stevens
Dimorphanthera forbesii J. J. Smith
Dimorphanthera glauca P. F. Stevens
Dimorphanthera gracilis Sleum.
Dimorphanthera hirsutiflora Sleum.
Dimorphanthera ingens (Sleum.) P. F. Stevens
Dimorphanthera inopinata P. F. Stevens
Dimorphanthera intermedia J. J. Smith
Dimorphanthera kalkmanii Sleum.
Dimorphanthera kempteriana Schltr.
Dimorphanthera keysseri (Schltr. ex Diels) P. F Stevens
Dimorphanthera lancifolia Sleum.
Dimorphanthera latifolia Schltr.
Dimorphanthera leucostoma Sleum.
Dimorphanthera longifolia Kanehira & Hatusima
Dimorphanthera longistyla P. F. Stevens
Dimorphanthera macbainii (F. Muell.) P. F Stevens
Dimorphanthera macleaniifolia Wernham
Dimorphanthera magnifica Sleum.
Dimorphanthera megacalyx Sleum.
Dimorphanthera meliphagidum F. Muell.
Dimorphanthera microphylla Sleum.
Dimorphanthera militaris J. J. Smith
Dimorphanthera myzomelae J. J. Smith
Dimorphanthera napuensis P. F. Stevens
Dimorphanthera nigropunctata Sleum.
Dimorphanthera obtusifolia Sleum.
Dimorphanthera ovatifolia Sleum.
Dimorphanthera papillata Stevens ex P. van Royen
Dimorphanthera parviflora J. J. Smith
Dimorphanthera parvifolia J. J. Smith
Dimorphanthera peekelii Sleum.
Dimorphanthera prainiana J. J. Smith
Dimorphanthera pulchra J. J. Smith
Dimorphanthera racemosa Schltr.
Dimorphanthera robbinsii Sleum.
Dimorphanthera seramica G. C. G. Argentina & M. Warwick
Dimorphanthera tedentii P. F. Stevens
Dimorphanthera thibaudifolia Sleum.
Dimorphanthera torricellensis Schltr.
Dimorphanthera tridens J. J. Smith
Dimorphanthera umbellata Wernham
Dimorphanthera vaccinioides Sleum.
Dimorphanthera velutina Schltr.
Dimorphanthera vestita Sleum.
Dimorphanthera viridiflora P. F. Stevens
Dimorphanthera vonroemeri J. J. Smith
Dimorphanthera wickendeniana Argent
Dimorphanthera wisselensis P. F. Stevens
Dimorphanthera wollastonii Wernham
Dimorphanthera womersleyi Sleum.
Dimorphanthera wrightiana J. J. Smith
Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
Ericaceae Juss.
Vaccinioideae Arn.
Dimorphanthera (Drude) F. Muell.
Dimorphanthera eymae Sleumer
(this page)
Dimorphanthera albida P. F. Stevens
Dimorphanthera albiflora Schltr.
Dimorphanthera alpina J. J. Sm.
Dimorphanthera alpivaga Sleumer
Dimorphanthera amblyornidis (Becc.) F. Muell.
Dimorphanthera amoena Sleumer
Dimorphanthera amplifolia (F. Muell.) P. F. Stevens
Dimorphanthera anchorifera J. J. Sm.
Dimorphanthera angiliensis P. F. Stevens
Dimorphanthera anomala P. F. Stevens
Dimorphanthera antennifera P. F. Stevens
Dimorphanthera apoana (Merr.) Schltr.
Dimorphanthera beccariana J. J. Sm.
Dimorphanthera brachyantha Sleumer
Dimorphanthera bracteata P. F. Stevens
Dimorphanthera brassii Sleumer
Dimorphanthera calodon Sleumer
Dimorphanthera collinsii Sleumer
Dimorphanthera continua (P. F. Stevens) P. F. Stevens
Dimorphanthera cornuta J. J. Sm.
Dimorphanthera crassifolia Sleumer
Dimorphanthera cratericola P. F. Stevens
Dimorphanthera dekockii J. J. Sm.
Dimorphanthera denticulifera Sleumer
Dimorphanthera doctersii J. J. Sm.
Dimorphanthera dryophila Sleumer
Dimorphanthera elegantissima K. Schum.
Dimorphanthera fissiflora (Sleumer) P. F. Stevens
Dimorphanthera forbesii J. J. Sm.
Dimorphanthera glauca P. F. Stevens
Dimorphanthera gracilis Sleumer
Dimorphanthera hirsutiflora Sleumer
Dimorphanthera ingens (Sleumer) P. F. Stevens
Dimorphanthera inopinata P. F. Stevens
Dimorphanthera intermedia J. J. Sm.
Dimorphanthera kalkmanii Sleumer
Dimorphanthera kempteriana Schltr.
Dimorphanthera keysseri (Schltr. ex Diels) P. F. Stevens
Dimorphanthera lancifolia Sleumer
Dimorphanthera latifolia Schltr.
Dimorphanthera leucostoma Sleumer
Dimorphanthera longifolia Kaneh. & Hatus.
Dimorphanthera longistyla P. F. Stevens
Dimorphanthera macbainii (F. Muell.) P. F. Stevens
Dimorphanthera macleaniifolia Wernham
Dimorphanthera magnifica Sleumer
Dimorphanthera megacalyx Sleumer
Dimorphanthera meliphagidum F. Muell.
Dimorphanthera microphylla Sleumer
Dimorphanthera militaris J. J. Sm.
Dimorphanthera myzomelae J. J. Sm.
Dimorphanthera napuensis P. F. Stevens
Dimorphanthera nigropunctata Sleumer
Dimorphanthera obtusifolia Sleumer
Dimorphanthera ovatifolia Sleumer
Dimorphanthera papillata Stevens ex Royen
Dimorphanthera parviflora J. J. Sm.
Dimorphanthera parvifolia J. J. Sm.
Dimorphanthera peekelii Sleumer
Dimorphanthera prainiana J. J. Sm.
Dimorphanthera pulchra J. J. Sm.
Dimorphanthera racemosa Schltr.
Dimorphanthera robbinsii Sleumer
Dimorphanthera seramica Argent & Warwick
Dimorphanthera tedentii P. F. Stevens
Dimorphanthera thibaudifolia Sleumer
Dimorphanthera torricellensis Schltr.
Dimorphanthera umbellata Wernham
Dimorphanthera vaccinioides Sleumer
Dimorphanthera velutina Schltr.
Dimorphanthera vestita Sleumer
Dimorphanthera viridiflora P. F. Stevens
Dimorphanthera vonroemeri J. J. Sm.
Dimorphanthera wickendeniana Argent
Dimorphanthera wisselensis P. F. Stevens
Dimorphanthera wollastonii Wernham
Dimorphanthera womersleyi Sleumer
Dimorphanthera wrightiana J. J. Sm.
Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.3
Dimorphanthera eymae Sleum.
(this page)
Dimorphanthera albida P. F. Stevens
Dimorphanthera albiflora Schltr.
Dimorphanthera alpina J. J. Smith
Dimorphanthera alpivaga Sleum.
Dimorphanthera amblyornidis (Becc.) F. Muell.
Dimorphanthera amoena Sleum.
Dimorphanthera amplifolia (F. Muell.) P. F. Stevens
Dimorphanthera anchorifera J. J. Smith
Dimorphanthera angiliensis P. F. Stevens
Dimorphanthera anomala P. F. Stevens
Dimorphanthera antennifera P. F. Stevens
Dimorphanthera apoana (Merr.) Schltr.
Dimorphanthera beccariana J. J. Smith
Dimorphanthera brachyantha Sleum.
Dimorphanthera bracteata P. F. Stevens
Dimorphanthera brassii Sleum.
Dimorphanthera brevipes Schltr.
Dimorphanthera calodon Sleum.
Dimorphanthera collinsii Sleum.
Dimorphanthera continua (P. F. Stevens) P. F. Stevens
Dimorphanthera cornuta J. J. Smith
Dimorphanthera crassifolia Sleum.
Dimorphanthera cratericola P. F. Stevens
Dimorphanthera dekockii J. J. Smith
Dimorphanthera denticulifera Sleum.
Dimorphanthera doctersii J. J. Smith
Dimorphanthera dryophila Sleum.
Dimorphanthera elegantissima K. Schum.
Dimorphanthera fissiflora (Steum.) P. F. Stevens
Dimorphanthera forbesii J. J. Smith
Dimorphanthera glauca P. F. Stevens
Dimorphanthera gracilis Sleum.
Dimorphanthera hirsutiflora Sleum.
Dimorphanthera ingens (Sleum.) P. F. Stevens
Dimorphanthera inopinata P. F. Stevens
Dimorphanthera intermedia J. J. Smith
Dimorphanthera kalkmanii Sleum.
Dimorphanthera kempteriana Schltr.
Dimorphanthera keysseri (Schltr. ex Diels) P. F Stevens
Dimorphanthera lancifolia Sleum.
Dimorphanthera latifolia Schltr.
Dimorphanthera leucostoma Sleum.
Dimorphanthera longifolia Kanehira & Hatusima
Dimorphanthera longistyla P. F. Stevens
Dimorphanthera macbainii (F. Muell.) P. F Stevens
Dimorphanthera macleaniifolia Wernham
Dimorphanthera magnifica Sleum.
Dimorphanthera megacalyx Sleum.
Dimorphanthera meliphagidum F. Muell.
Dimorphanthera microphylla Sleum.
Dimorphanthera militaris J. J. Smith
Dimorphanthera myzomelae J. J. Smith
Dimorphanthera napuensis P. F. Stevens
Dimorphanthera nigropunctata Sleum.
Dimorphanthera obtusifolia Sleum.
Dimorphanthera ovatifolia Sleum.
Dimorphanthera papillata Stevens ex P. van Royen
Dimorphanthera parviflora J. J. Smith
Dimorphanthera parvifolia J. J. Smith
Dimorphanthera peekelii Sleum.
Dimorphanthera prainiana J. J. Smith
Dimorphanthera pulchra J. J. Smith
Dimorphanthera racemosa Schltr.
Dimorphanthera robbinsii Sleum.
Dimorphanthera seramica G. C. G. Argentina & M. Warwick
Dimorphanthera tedentii P. F. Stevens
Dimorphanthera thibaudifolia Sleum.
Dimorphanthera torricellensis Schltr.
Dimorphanthera umbellata Wernham
Dimorphanthera vaccinioides Sleum.
Dimorphanthera velutina Schltr.
Dimorphanthera vestita Sleum.
Dimorphanthera viridiflora P. F. Stevens
Dimorphanthera vonroemeri J. J. Smith
Dimorphanthera wickendeniana Argent
Dimorphanthera wisselensis P. F. Stevens
Dimorphanthera wollastonii Wernham
Dimorphanthera womersleyi Sleum.
Dimorphanthera wrightiana J. J. Smith
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
Cellular Organisms
Dimorphanthera eymae Sleum.
(this page)
Dimorphanthera albida P. F. Stevens
Dimorphanthera albiflora Schltr.
Dimorphanthera alpina J. J. Smith
Dimorphanthera alpivaga Sleum.
Dimorphanthera amblyornidis (Becc.) F. Muell.
Dimorphanthera amoena Sleum.
Dimorphanthera amplifolia (F. Muell.) P. F. Stevens
Dimorphanthera anchorifera J. J. Smith
Dimorphanthera angiliensis P. F. Stevens
Dimorphanthera anomala P. F. Stevens
Dimorphanthera antennifera P. F. Stevens
Dimorphanthera apoana (Merr.) Schltr.
Dimorphanthera beccariana J. J. Smith
Dimorphanthera brachyantha Sleum.
Dimorphanthera bracteata P. F. Stevens
Dimorphanthera brassii Sleum.
Dimorphanthera brevipes Schltr.
Dimorphanthera calodon Sleum.
Dimorphanthera clemensiae Sleum.
Dimorphanthera collinsii Sleum.
Dimorphanthera continua (P. F. Stevens) P. F. Stevens
Dimorphanthera cornuta J. J. Smith
Dimorphanthera crassifolia Sleum.
Dimorphanthera cratericola P. F. Stevens
Dimorphanthera declinata Sleum.
Dimorphanthera dekockii J. J. Smith
Dimorphanthera denticulifera Sleum.
Dimorphanthera doctersii J. J. Smith
Dimorphanthera dryophila Sleum.
Dimorphanthera elegantissima K. Schum.
Dimorphanthera fissiflora (Steum.) P. F. Stevens
Dimorphanthera forbesii J. J. Smith
Dimorphanthera glauca P. F. Stevens
Dimorphanthera gracilis Sleum.
Dimorphanthera hirsutiflora Sleum.
Dimorphanthera ingens (Sleum.) P. F. Stevens
Dimorphanthera inopinata P. F. Stevens
Dimorphanthera intermedia J. J. Smith
Dimorphanthera kalkmanii Sleum.
Dimorphanthera kempteriana Schltr.
Dimorphanthera keysseri (Schltr. ex Diels) P. F Stevens
Dimorphanthera lancifolia Sleum.
Dimorphanthera latifolia Schltr.
Dimorphanthera leucostoma Sleum.
Dimorphanthera longifolia Kanehira & Hatusima
Dimorphanthera longistyla P. F. Stevens
Dimorphanthera macbainii (F. Muell.) P. F Stevens
Dimorphanthera macleaniifolia Wernham
Dimorphanthera magnifica Sleum.
Dimorphanthera megacalyx Sleum.
Dimorphanthera meliphagidum F. Muell.
Dimorphanthera microphylla Sleum.
Dimorphanthera militaris J. J. Smith
Dimorphanthera myzomelae J. J. Smith
Dimorphanthera napuensis P. F. Stevens
Dimorphanthera nigropunctata Sleum.
Dimorphanthera obtusifolia Sleum.
Dimorphanthera ovatifolia Sleum.
Dimorphanthera papillata Stevens ex P. van Royen
Dimorphanthera parviflora J. J. Smith
Dimorphanthera parvifolia J. J. Smith
Dimorphanthera peekelii Sleum.
Dimorphanthera prainiana J. J. Smith
Dimorphanthera pulchra J. J. Smith
Dimorphanthera racemosa Schltr.
Dimorphanthera robbinsii Sleum.
Dimorphanthera seramica G. C. G. Argentina & M. Warwick
Dimorphanthera tedentii P. F. Stevens
Dimorphanthera thibaudifolia Sleum.
Dimorphanthera torricellensis Schltr.
Dimorphanthera tridens J. J. Smith
Dimorphanthera umbellata Wernham
Dimorphanthera vaccinioides Sleum.
Dimorphanthera velutina Schltr.
Dimorphanthera vestita Sleum.
Dimorphanthera viridiflora P. F. Stevens
Dimorphanthera vonroemeri J. J. Smith
Dimorphanthera wickendeniana Argent
Dimorphanthera wisselensis P. F. Stevens
Dimorphanthera wollastonii Wernham
Dimorphanthera womersleyi Sleum.
Dimorphanthera wrightiana J. J. Smith
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.4
Dimorphanthera eymae Sleum.
(this page)
Dimorphanthera albida P. F. Stevens
Dimorphanthera albiflora Schltr.
Dimorphanthera alpina J. J. Smith
Dimorphanthera alpivaga Sleum.
Dimorphanthera amblyornidis (Becc.) F. Muell.
Dimorphanthera amoena Sleum.
Dimorphanthera amplifolia (F. Muell.) P. F. Stevens
Dimorphanthera anchorifera J. J. Smith
Dimorphanthera angiliensis P. F. Stevens
Dimorphanthera anomala P. F. Stevens
Dimorphanthera antennifera P. F. Stevens
Dimorphanthera apoana (Merr.) Schltr.
Dimorphanthera beccariana J. J. Smith
Dimorphanthera brachyantha Sleum.
Dimorphanthera bracteata P. F. Stevens
Dimorphanthera brassii Sleum.
Dimorphanthera brevipes Schltr.
Dimorphanthera calodon Sleum.
Dimorphanthera collinsii Sleum.
Dimorphanthera continua (P. F. Stevens) P. F. Stevens
Dimorphanthera cornuta J. J. Smith
Dimorphanthera crassifolia Sleum.
Dimorphanthera cratericola P. F. Stevens
Dimorphanthera dekockii J. J. Smith
Dimorphanthera denticulifera Sleum.
Dimorphanthera doctersii J. J. Smith
Dimorphanthera dryophila Sleum.
Dimorphanthera elegantissima K. Schum.
Dimorphanthera fissiflora (Steum.) P. F. Stevens
Dimorphanthera forbesii J. J. Smith
Dimorphanthera glauca P. F. Stevens
Dimorphanthera gracilis Sleum.
Dimorphanthera hirsutiflora Sleum.
Dimorphanthera ingens (Sleum.) P. F. Stevens
Dimorphanthera inopinata P. F. Stevens
Dimorphanthera intermedia J. J. Smith
Dimorphanthera kalkmanii Sleum.
Dimorphanthera kempteriana Schltr.
Dimorphanthera keysseri (Schltr. ex Diels) P. F Stevens
Dimorphanthera lancifolia Sleum.
Dimorphanthera latifolia Schltr.
Dimorphanthera leucostoma Sleum.
Dimorphanthera longifolia Kanehira & Hatusima
Dimorphanthera longistyla P. F. Stevens
Dimorphanthera macbainii (F. Muell.) P. F Stevens
Dimorphanthera macleaniifolia Wernham
Dimorphanthera magnifica Sleum.
Dimorphanthera megacalyx Sleum.
Dimorphanthera meliphagidum F. Muell.
Dimorphanthera microphylla Sleum.
Dimorphanthera militaris J. J. Smith
Dimorphanthera myzomelae J. J. Smith
Dimorphanthera napuensis P. F. Stevens
Dimorphanthera nigropunctata Sleum.
Dimorphanthera obtusifolia Sleum.
Dimorphanthera ovatifolia Sleum.
Dimorphanthera papillata Stevens ex P. van Royen
Dimorphanthera parviflora J. J. Smith
Dimorphanthera parvifolia J. J. Smith
Dimorphanthera peekelii Sleum.
Dimorphanthera prainiana J. J. Smith
Dimorphanthera pulchra J. J. Smith
Dimorphanthera racemosa Schltr.
Dimorphanthera robbinsii Sleum.
Dimorphanthera seramica G. C. G. Argentina & M. Warwick
Dimorphanthera tedentii P. F. Stevens
Dimorphanthera thibaudifolia Sleum.
Dimorphanthera torricellensis Schltr.
Dimorphanthera umbellata Wernham
Dimorphanthera vaccinioides Sleum.
Dimorphanthera velutina Schltr.
Dimorphanthera vestita Sleum.
Dimorphanthera viridiflora P. F. Stevens
Dimorphanthera vonroemeri J. J. Smith
Dimorphanthera wickendeniana Argent
Dimorphanthera wisselensis P. F. Stevens
Dimorphanthera wollastonii Wernham
Dimorphanthera womersleyi Sleum.
Dimorphanthera wrightiana J. J. Smith
GBIF classification
Dimorphanthera (F. Muell. ex Drude) F. Muell.
Dimorphanthera eymae Sleumer
(this page)
Dimorphanthera abtusifolia Sleumer
Dimorphanthera albida P. F. Stevens
Dimorphanthera albiflora Schltr.
Dimorphanthera alpina J. J. Sm.
Dimorphanthera alpivaga Sleumer
Dimorphanthera amblyornidis F. Muell.
Dimorphanthera amoena Sleumer
Dimorphanthera amplifolia (F. Muell.) P. F. Stevens
Dimorphanthera anchorifera J. J. Sm.
Dimorphanthera angiliensis P. F. Stevens
Dimorphanthera anomala P. F. Stevens
Dimorphanthera antennifera P. F. Stevens
Dimorphanthera apoana (Merr.) Schltr.
Dimorphanthera aromata P. F. Stevens
Dimorphanthera beccariana J. J. Sm.
Dimorphanthera brachyantha Sleumer
Dimorphanthera bracteata P. F. Stevens
Dimorphanthera brassii Sleumer
Dimorphanthera brevipes Schltr.
Dimorphanthera calodon Sleumer
Dimorphanthera clemensiae Sleumer
Dimorphanthera collinsii Sleumer
Dimorphanthera continua (P. F. Stevens) P. F. Stevens
Dimorphanthera cornuta J. J. Sm.
Dimorphanthera crassifolia Sleumer
Dimorphanthera cratericola P. F. Stevens
Dimorphanthera declinata Sleumer
Dimorphanthera dekockii J. J. Sm.
Dimorphanthera denticulifera Sleumer
Dimorphanthera doctersii J. J. Sm.
Dimorphanthera dryophila Sleumer
Dimorphanthera elegantissima K. Schum.
Dimorphanthera fissiflora (Sleumer) P. F. Stevens
Dimorphanthera forbesii J. J. Sm.
Dimorphanthera glauca P. F. Stevens
Dimorphanthera gracilis Sleumer
Dimorphanthera hirsutiflora Sleumer
Dimorphanthera ingens (Sleumer) P. F. Stevens
Dimorphanthera inopinata P. F. Stevens
Dimorphanthera intermedia J. J. Sm.
Dimorphanthera kalkmanii Sleumer
Dimorphanthera kempteriana Schltr.
Dimorphanthera keysseri (Schltr. ex Diels) P. F. Stevens
Dimorphanthera lancifolia Sleumer
Dimorphanthera latifolia Schltr.
Dimorphanthera leucostoma Sleumer
Dimorphanthera longifolia Kaneh. & Hatus.
Dimorphanthera longistyla P. F. Stevens
Dimorphanthera macbainii (F. Muell.) P. F. Stevens
Dimorphanthera macleaniifolia Wernham
Dimorphanthera magnifica Sleumer
Dimorphanthera megacalyx Sleumer
Dimorphanthera meliphagidum F. Muell.
Dimorphanthera microphylla Sleumer
Dimorphanthera miliraris J. J. Sm.
Dimorphanthera militaris J. J. Smith
Dimorphanthera myzomelae J. J. Sm.
Dimorphanthera napuensis P. F. Stevens
Dimorphanthera nigropunctata Sleumer
Dimorphanthera obtusifolia Sleumer
Dimorphanthera ovatifolia Sleumer
Dimorphanthera papillata P. F. Stevens ex P. Royen
Dimorphanthera parviflora J. J. Sm.
Dimorphanthera parvifolia J. J. Sm.
Dimorphanthera peekelii Sleumer
Dimorphanthera prainiana J. J. Sm.
Dimorphanthera pulchra J. J. Sm.
Dimorphanthera racemosa Schltr.
Dimorphanthera robbinsii Sleumer
Dimorphanthera seramica Argent & M. Warwick
Dimorphanthera tedentii P. F. Stevens
Dimorphanthera thibaudifolia Sleumer
Dimorphanthera torricellensis Schltr.
Dimorphanthera tridens J. J. Sm.
Dimorphanthera ubellata Wernham
Dimorphanthera umbellata Wernham
Dimorphanthera vaccinioides Sleumer
Dimorphanthera velutina Schltr.
Dimorphanthera vestita Sleumer
Dimorphanthera viridiflora P. F. Stevens
Dimorphanthera vonroemeri J. J. Sm.
Dimorphanthera wickendeniana Argent
Dimorphanthera wisselensis P. F. Stevens
Dimorphanthera woliastonii Wernham
Dimorphanthera wollastonii Wernham
Dimorphanthera womersleyi Sleumer
Dimorphanthera wrightiana J. J. Sm.
wikidata_hierarchy tar gz
Embryophyta siphonogama
Dimorphanthera eymae
(this page)
Dimorphanthera alba
Dimorphanthera albida
Dimorphanthera albiflora
Dimorphanthera alpina
Dimorphanthera alpivaga
Dimorphanthera amblyornidis
Dimorphanthera amoena
Dimorphanthera amplifolia
Dimorphanthera anchorifera
Dimorphanthera angiliensis
Dimorphanthera anomala
Dimorphanthera antennifera
Dimorphanthera apoana
Dimorphanthera arfakensis
Dimorphanthera beccariana
Dimorphanthera brachyantha
Dimorphanthera bracteata
Dimorphanthera brassii
Dimorphanthera breviflos
Dimorphanthera brevipes
Dimorphanthera calodon
Dimorphanthera chlorocarpa
Dimorphanthera clemensiae
Dimorphanthera collinsii
Dimorphanthera continua
Dimorphanthera cornuta
Dimorphanthera crassifolia
Dimorphanthera cratericola
Dimorphanthera declinata
Dimorphanthera dekockii
Dimorphanthera denticulifera
Dimorphanthera dielsiana
Dimorphanthera doctersii
Dimorphanthera dryophila
Dimorphanthera elegantissima
Dimorphanthera fissiflora
Dimorphanthera forbesii
Dimorphanthera glauca
Dimorphanthera gracilis
Dimorphanthera hirsutiflora
Dimorphanthera ingens
Dimorphanthera inopinata
Dimorphanthera intermedia
Dimorphanthera kalkmanii
Dimorphanthera kaniensis
Dimorphanthera kempteriana
Dimorphanthera keysseri
Dimorphanthera lancifolia
Dimorphanthera latifolia
Dimorphanthera leucostoma
Dimorphanthera longifolia
Dimorphanthera longistyla
Dimorphanthera macbainii
Dimorphanthera macleaniifolia
Dimorphanthera magnifica
Dimorphanthera megacalyx
Dimorphanthera meliphagidum
Dimorphanthera microphylla
Dimorphanthera miliraris
Dimorphanthera militaris
Dimorphanthera mindanaensis
Dimorphanthera moluccana
Dimorphanthera moorhousiana
Dimorphanthera myzomelae
Dimorphanthera napuensis
Dimorphanthera nigropunctata
Dimorphanthera obovata
Dimorphanthera obtusifolia
Dimorphanthera ovatifolia
Dimorphanthera papillata
Dimorphanthera parviflora
Dimorphanthera parvifolia
Dimorphanthera peekelii
Dimorphanthera prainiana
Dimorphanthera profusa
Dimorphanthera pulchra
Dimorphanthera racemosa
Dimorphanthera robbinsii
Dimorphanthera seramica
Dimorphanthera steinii
Dimorphanthera tedentii
Dimorphanthera thibaudifolia
Dimorphanthera torricellensis
Dimorphanthera tridens
Dimorphanthera umbellata
Dimorphanthera vaccinioides
Dimorphanthera velutina
Dimorphanthera vestita
Dimorphanthera viridiflora
Dimorphanthera vonroemeri
Dimorphanthera wickendeniana
Dimorphanthera wisselensis
Dimorphanthera wollastonii
Dimorphanthera womersleyi
Dimorphanthera wrightiana