Image of Acropyga gelasis
Unresolved name


Brief Summary

provided by Catalog of Hymenoptera in America North of Mexico
This subfamily is the predominant group of ants in North America, most common in the north and in the mountains with their numbers decreasing rapidly toward the southern part of the United States. They are recognized by the single segmented pedicel, lack of a constriction between the first and second gastric segments, and the round acidopore, usually with a circle of hairs.
bibliographic citation
Catalog of Hymenoptera in America North of Mexico. 1979. Prepared cooperatively by specialists on the various groups of Hymenoptera under the direction of Karl V. Krombein and Paul D. Hurd, Jr., Smithsonian Institution, and David R. Smith and B. D. Burks, Systematic Entomology Laboratory, Insect Identification and Beneficial Insect Introduction Institute. Science and Education Administration, United States Department of Agriculture.