Fig1a : Favella ehrenbergii Line drawing of lorica morphology after Marshall, 1969;
Fig1b: Favella ehrenbergii Line drawing of lorica morphology after Kofoid & Campbell, 1929
Fig 4: Favella ehrenbergii Replacement (coxlielliform) lorica, showing spirals and ciliate cell.
Lorica or shell shape is somewhat variable in Favella - this one added an extra flare to its house. Specimen from the WarmAcid experiment in Sète in 2012.
Image by Charles Bachy of a specimen from the Rade de Villefranche
Specimen from the Scripps Canyon area in July 2009
Specimen from the Etang de Thau (Sète, France). Imaged using a 20x objective, lugol's-fixed sample.
From the Etang de Thau (Sète, France) in May 2012.
From the Etang de Thau (Sète, France) in May 2012.
The specimens were all found in samples from the mesocosm experiment WarmAcid. They appear to be variants of a single species, Favella ehrenbergii.
The type species of the genus Ptychocylis is P. urnula described originally by Claparède & Lachmann as Tintinnus urnula in 1858. Lorica dimensions given as averaging 140 µm in length and 100 µm in diameter.
From the Amundsen Sea
Bouin's-fixed specimen from the Amundsen Sea, Antarctica- sample provide by Eun Jin Yang
Specimen from the Amundsen Sea, bouin's-fixed. Compiled image made from 15 images (20x objective) using Helicon Focus.
Bouin's-fixed specimen from tha Amundsen Sea, Antarctica. Sample provided by Eun Jin Yang.
Cymatocylis affinis/convallaria. Specimen was not well-preserved but the lorica characteristics are apparent.
Dimensions of the most common Ptychocylis species based on the text of the original species descriptions. The length (black arrow) is the middle of the range given in Brandt 1896, Brandt 1906-1907. The grey arrow is the lorica oral diameter based on the total length (not given in the text of the discriptions). Brandt, rather than Claparède & Laachmann, is used for P. urnula because they did not state exactly what 'diameter' was.
The defiant diatom is probably Biddulphia (according to Anne Thessen) and the tintinnid is Ptychocylis obtusa/urnula. From a sample taken in the Canada Basin in August 2013 by Eun Jin Yang.
Cymatocylis calyciformis from the Amundsen Sea. Bouin's-fixed specimen imaged using a 20x objective from a sample courtesy of Eun Jin Yang.
Bouin's-fixed specimen from the Amundsen sea, Antartica. Sample provided by Eun Jin Yang