Image of <i>Lonchodraco giganteus</i> (Bowerbank 1846)
Unresolved name

Lonchodraco giganteus (Bowerbank 1846)


provided by Zookeys
Lonchodraco giganteus was briefly described by Bowerbank (1846), and then in more detail by Owen (1851a). The lectotype, NHMUK PV 39412, includes the anterior parts of the rostrum and mandible preserved, and, contra Bowerbank (1846) and subsequent authors (Wellnhofer 1978; Martill 2011), does not include the anterior portion of the nasoantorbital fenestra because what appears to be the anterior margin of the fenestra is not present on both sides of the specimen and most likely represents breakage. The lectotype of Lonchodraco giganteus is readily distinguishable from pterosaurs from other Cretaceous deposits in Britain. Owen (in Dixon 1850) described it as deep–jawed and cone–beaked. The tips of the jaws are dorsoventrally flattened, and there is no upward curvature of the palate. The alveolar margins of the upper and lower jaw are divergent even in their anterior portions. The premaxilla is tall and triangular in lateral view, indicating the presence of a crest. The crest is not thin as seen in Anhanguera or thick as in Coloborhynchus (Fastnacht 2001; Rodrigues and Kellner 2008). The mandibular symphysis also has a distinctive crest from that in anhanguerids because it does not start at the tip of the mandible. The crest is blade–like, short, and located medially in the relatively wide symphysis. Unfortunately, incomplete preparation of the specimen precludes more detailed observations of its oral region, including the palatal ridge. The mandibular groove appears to be deep but cannot be accurately measured. The teeth are conical and elongated, smaller than the ones in anhanguerids; similarly, the alveoli are small and oval to round. Lonchodraco giganteus has a shorter mandibular crest and a larger tooth density than Lonchodraco machaerorhynchus and a tall rostrum as opposed to the elongated premaxillae and maxillae in Lonchodraco(?) MARK123 Lonchodraco microdon and ‘Ornithocheirus’ MARK123 Ornithocheirus polyodon.
Taissa Rodrigues, Alexander Wilhelm Armin Kellner
bibliographic citation
Rodrigues T, Kellner A (2013) Taxonomic review of the Ornithocheirus complex (Pterosauria) from the Cretaceous of England ZooKeys 308: 1–112
Taissa Rodrigues
Alexander Wilhelm Armin Kellner
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