Worker. - Length 2 3 / 4 lines. Head, thorax and legs brown-black; abdomen black. Head subglobose, shining, and with a few irregular carinae; antennae reddish-brown, palest at the apex. Thorax short, not longer than the head, longitudinally rugose-striate; the anterior margin arched, the lateral angles acute and subdentate; narrowed posteriorly; the metathorax with two long acute spines; the legs pale at the base of the femora; the tarsi pale rufo-testaceous. Abdomen heart-shaped, smooth, shining, and with scattered erect setae; the first node of the peduncle wedge-shaped, the second subglobose, both rugose. (Fig. 8, [[ worker ]]. Pl. XI.)
Hab. - Matabello, Eastern Archipelago.