
Taxonomic History

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Meranoplus diversus r. unicolor Forel, 1902j PDF: 455 (w.) AUSTRALIA. Australasia. AntCat AntWiki HOL

Taxonomic history

Raised to species: Taylor, 1990d PDF: 34.See also: Schödl, 2007 PDF: 378.
California Academy of Sciences
bibliographic citation
AntWeb. Version 8.45.1. California Academy of Science, online at https://www.antweb.org. Accessed 15 December 2022.
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Diagnostic Description

provided by Plazi (legacy text)

(Figs. 4, 5, 54, 79, 91)

Meranoplus diversus Sm. r. unicolor Forel , 1902: 455 ( King Sound , Western Australia ; worker) - Taylor & Brown, 1985: 67 (catalogue), Taylor, 1987: 38 (listed), Taylor, 1990: 34 (raised to species), Bolton, 1995: 252 (catalogue), Shattuck, 1999: 143 (listed). Lectotype worker ( MHNG , here designated), ' Typus [printed on red label] M. diversus & # 9792; Sm r. unicolor For Kings Sound N. W. Austr Frogatt [handwritten] 8 r. M. unicolor Forel [handwritten] Coll. Forel'; 4 paralectotypes in ANIC , MHNG . According to Taylor (1990) one further syntype in Mus Victoria (not examined).

WORKERS (n = 22). TL 6.15 - 8.40, HL 1.66 - 2.15, HW 1.78 - 2.37, FC 1.27 - 1.73, CS 1.72 - 2.26, SL 0.88 - 1.1, SI 1 44 - 52, SI 2 46 - 54, PML 1.0 - 1.4, PW 1.38 - 1.85, PMI 118 - 138, PMD 1.28 - 1.80, PMI 2 89 - 100, ML 1.45 - 1.97, PSL 0.48 - 0.85, PTLL 0.46 - 0.63, PTLH 0.60 - 0.83, PTDW 0.6 - 0.85, PPLL 0.4 - 0.64, PPLH 0.55 - 0.83, PPI 64 - 77, PPDW 0.55 - 0.88, PT / PP 93 - 109.

Mandibles with three teeth. In full face view clypeal projection distinctly exceeding anterolateral frontal corners, with a median bicarinate flat elaboration, that may considerably surpass the anterior clypeal margin. Frontal carinae sinuately narrowed towards clypeus, distinctly narrower than head width (FI 134 - 148). Head weakly to distinctly wider than long (CI 104 - 118), preoccipital margin distinctly concave. Antennal scrobe in lateral view posteriorly surpassing middle of length of head, merging into lateral sides far before posterior corners; distinctly transversely carinulate at rear, occasionally with additional shagreen. Genae and ventrolateral sides of head carinate to rugose, preoccipital lobes reticulate. Eyes of moderate size (EL 0.30 - 0.36, REL 0.16 - 0.20, with 16 - 19 ommatidia in the longest row), in lateral view situated in anterior half of lateral sides of head, not reaching ventral scrobal margin. Dorsal surface of head with additional microreticulum between ridges of rugo-reticulation.

Promesonotal shield only very narrowly translucently margined. Mesonotum posteriorly markedly narrowing with the posterolateral projections reduced and bluntly rounded, occasionally as more or less well developed acute denticles. Propodeal declivity visible from above. Propodeal spines due to variable body size varying in length (0.48 - 0.85), situated above middle of length of declivity, acute and considerably diverging when seen from above.

Petiole in lateral view higher than long (PTI 70 - 86), box-shaped to roughly triangular with anterior and posterior faces meeting in an angle. Postpetiole nodiform with short to mediumsized antero-basal tooth.

First gastral tergite entirely and distinctly striate to punctate-striate, with lateral striation on corresponding ventrite as well. Surface covered with moderately dense regular pilosity consisting of shorter decumbent hairs and longer erect ones, pilosity on dorsal head shorter than that on mesosoma and gaster.

Concolorous brown to dark-brown.


South Australia : 6 km SEBox Creek , 24. ix. / 24. x. 1993 ( McArthur & Adams ) ; 19.5 km WNWAnta Hill , 16. - 19. ix. 1998 (coll. unknown) ; 20 km NEMacumba Station , 6. x. 1981 ( D. Davidson & S. Morton ) . Western Australia : Kununurra , 8. viii. 1986 ( B. B. Lowery ) ; Broome , 11. viii. 1986 ( B. B. Lowery ) ; 24 mi SE Broome , 17. iv. 1963 ( McInnes & Dowse ) ; King's Sound , ' Forel No 8 ' . Northern Territory : 25 km WTempe Downs , 20. v. 1997 ( J. & J. Schapel ) ; Larrimah , 16. vii. 1981 & 28. vi. 1985 ( B. B. Lowery ) ; Tanami Desert , 18. v. 1986 ( P. J. M. Greenslade ) ; Alligator Rivers area , Jabiru , 10. v. 1983 ( P. J. M. Greenslade ) ; 60 km EThree Ways , 24. vii. 1981 ( B. B. Lowery ) ; ManbullooSW Katherine , 25. x. 1977 ( P. J. M. Greenslade ) ; Elliot , Stuart H'way , 16. vii. 1981 ( B. B. Lowery ) ; 40 km NWave Hill , 14. ix. 1981 ( D. Davidson & S. Morton ) ; Davenport Ra. Rd. at Bonney Creek , 6. vii. 2003 ( R. R. Snelling ) ; Kidman Springs , 23 - 30. iv. 1997 ( A. Salvarani ) . Queensland : Camooweal , 25. vii. 1981 ( B. B. Lowery ) ; 19 km NEbagoola , 12. viii. 1983 ( P. S. Ward ) ; Moreton Teleg. Stn. , 11. viii. 1958 ( E. M. Exley ) ; Cooktown ( Staudinger ) ; 10 km EMt. Isa Gorge Ck. , 12. v. 1980 ( B. B. Lowery ) ; SWSandringham , 4. vi. 1980 ( P. J. M. Greenslade ) ; Alice River ( Mjoeberg ) ; Gubberamunda , 7. - 9. v. 2002 ( S. G. Wright ) ; Gumbardo , iv. 2001 ( T. Beutel ). (104 workers, 3 gynes in ANIC , LACM , MCZC , NHMW , QMBA , SAMA , UQIC ) .


M. unicolor is a variable taxon, in particular with regard to the clypeal projection and the petiolar shape. Nonetheless, the clypeal structure in addition to the distinct gastral striation should leave no doubt as to the identity of the taxon. Additional material is needed to show whether more than a single taxon is involved. Occuring from Kimberley over central Australia to the north-east coast of Queensland; missing in southern Australia.

not applicable
bibliographic citation
Schoedl,, 2007, Revision of Australian Meranoplus: the Meranoplus diversus group., Memoirs of the American Entomological Institute, pp. 370-424, vol. 80
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Plazi (legacy text)