
Taxonomic History

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Extant: 1 valid subspecies

Messor barbarus st. mediorubra Santschi, 1910a PDF: 44 (w.q.m.) TUNISIA. Palearctic. AntCat AntWiki HOL

Taxonomic history

[First available use of Stenamma barbarum capitatum mediorubrum Forel, 1905; unavailable (infrasubspecific) name.].[Misspelled as mediorufa by Santschi, 1908 PDF: 518, Finzi, 1940 PDF: 159, and others.].As unavailable (infrasubspecific) name: Emery, 1908f PDF: 450; Santschi, 1908 PDF: 518; Emery, 1912f PDF: 98; Emery, 1921c PDF: 71; Emery, 1922d PDF: 94; Viehmeyer, 1923 PDF: 87; Emery, 1924a PDF: 8.Subspecies of Messor barbarus: Karavaiev, 1912a PDF: 9; Santschi, 1917e PDF: 92.Subspecies of Messor instabilis: Santschi, 1923f PDF: 325; Finzi, 1940 PDF: 159; Cagniant, 1964 PDF: 87; Cagniant, 1966b PDF: 279.Subspecies of Messor minor: Santschi, 1927d PDF: 237.Status as species: Cagniant, 1968a PDF: 143; Cagniant, 1970a PDF: 415; Bernard, 1971: 7; Collingwood, 1985 PDF: 251; Bolton, 1995b: 255; Collingwood & Agosti, 1996 PDF: 318; Cagniant & Espadaler, 1998 PDF: 426; Cagniant, 2006 PDF: 197; Collingwood et al., 2011 PDF: 426; Borowiec, 2014 PDF: 108 (see note in bibliography).Senior synonym of Messor sublaeviceps: Cagniant & Espadaler, 1998 PDF: 426.
California Academy of Sciences
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AntWeb. Version 8.45.1. California Academy of Science, online at https://www.antweb.org. Accessed 15 December 2022.
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