Description: The Kremmling beardtongue (also known as the Penland beard-tongue) is a herbaceous (non-woody) plant species in the plan-tain family (Plantaginaceae) (formerly in the figwort family). It is a compact, clumping plant with straight and pointed dark green, inrolled leaves. The plant grows 2 to 6 inches tall and up to 8 inches wide from a spreading and deep root system, which secures the plant in the highly erodible soils of its habitat. Its flowers are blue-violet and tubular, measuring 3/4 inch long. In June and July you can find the showy Kremmling beardtongue in bloom. For more info on Penstemon penlandii: Photo Credit: Ellen Mayo / USFWS. Date: 7 July 2005, 13:43. Source:
Kremmling beardtongue. Author:
USFWS Mountain-Prairie.