Lorica or shell shape is somewhat variable in Favella - this one added an extra flare to its house. Specimen from the WarmAcid experiment in Sète in 2012.
Image by Charles Bachy of a specimen from the Rade de Villefranche
Specimen from the Scripps Canyon area in July 2009
Specimen from the Etang de Thau (Sète, France). Imaged using a 20x objective, lugol's-fixed sample.
From the Etang de Thau (Sète, France) in May 2012.
From the Etang de Thau (Sète, France) in May 2012.
The specimens were all found in samples from the mesocosm experiment WarmAcid. They appear to be variants of a single species, Favella ehrenbergii.
Fig1a : Favella ehrenbergii Line drawing of lorica morphology after Marshall, 1969;
Fig1b: Favella ehrenbergii Line drawing of lorica morphology after Kofoid & Campbell, 1929
Fig 4: Favella ehrenbergii Replacement (coxlielliform) lorica, showing spirals and ciliate cell.
Favella ehrenbergii specimen from the Scripps Canyon area (Southern California) in July 2009.
Favella Ehrenbergii (as Tintinnus ehrenbergii) based on specimens found near Bergen, Norway; text is on pp 203-204. Plate 8 legend states that the the drawings are of the same individual: the cell extended vibrating its cilia,the cell contracted within the lorica;'vc' denotes contractile vacuole and 'w' 'anus' or cytoproct. From Claparède, E., Lachmann, J. 1858-1860. Etudes sur les infusoires et les rhizopodes. Mémoires de l'instut Genevois, 5, 6 & 7.
Favella Ehrenbergii (as Tintinnus ehrenbergii) based on specimens found near Bergen, Norway; text is on pp 203-204. Plate 8 legend states that the drawings are of the same individual: the cell extended vibrating its cilia, the cell contracted within the lorica. 'vc' denotes contractile vacuole and 'w' 'anus' or cytoproct. From Claparde, E., Lachmann, J. 1858-1860. Etudes sur les infusoires et les rhizopodes. Mmoires de l'instut Genevois, 5, 6 & 7.
Forms of Favella ehrenbergii from the Etang de Thau near Montpellier, France in june 2012. The specimens were all found in samples from a mesocosm experiment (WarmAcid). They appear to be variants of Favella ehrenbergii.