Cyphoderia (sigh-fo-dear-ee-a) is a shelled amoebae. This one has thin branching pseudopodia. The amoeba is protected by a loosely fitting lorica which has a single aperture through which the pseudopodia emerge. This form is thought to provide protection from the damaging effects of surface tension of water - something which many organisms living in the spaces between intertidal sand particles are likely to encounter as the tide goes out. Individual genera and species are mostly distinguished by the texture of the surface of the lorica. Not so common in marine habitats, more common in soils. Phase contrast.
Cyphoderia (sigh-fo-dear-ee-a) is a shelled amoebae. This one has thin branching pseudopodia. The amoeba is protected by a loosely fitting lorica which has a single aperture through which the pseudopodia emerge. The lorica of has thin scales attached to the external surface. These are evident towards the left of the picture. Phase contrast.
Cyphoderia (sigh-fo-dear-ee-a) is a shelled amoebae. This one has thin branching pseudopodia. The amoeba is protected by a loosely fitting lorica which has a single aperture through which the pseudopodia emerge. This is an empty shell. The shape of the lorica, and more importantly the texture of its surface and its composition are distinctive. Phase contrast.
Cyphoderia (sigh-fo-dear-ee-a) is a shelled amoebae. This one has thin branching pseudopodia. The amoeba is protected by a loosely fitting lorica which has a single aperture through which the pseudopodia emerge. This form is thought to provide protection from the damaging effects of surface tension of water - something which many organisms living in the spaces between intertidal sand particles are likely to encounter as the tide goes out. Individual genera and species are mostly distinguished by the texture of the surface of the lorica. Not so common in marine habitats, more common in soils. Phase contrast.
Flask shaped lorica with curved neck is composed of siliceous scales arranged on a chitinous membrane. Light brownish color. Cell body does not fill lorica completely. The circular pseudostome has a delicately scalloped edge. The s[pecies is probably ampulla. From freshwater pond sediment near Boise, Idaho. Composite brightfield image.