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Description. Based on holotype, adult male. Carapace outline transversely oval, very high (CH/FW 1.90); front narrow (FW/CW 0.22), defl exed; epibranchial tooth small, pointed, advanced in position, almost touching exorbital tooth; anterolateral margin evenly curved outward, lined by small granules, continuous with posterolateral margin, latter margin with faint or absent striae; postfrontal crest faint to absent, epigastric crests faint, positioned forward on front almost touching frontal margin, postorbital crests faint; deep mid-groove between epigastric crests forked posteriorly; cardiac, urogastric grooves faint, semicircular grooves deep; cervical grooves faint, long, not meeting postorbital crest. Suborbital region of carapace smooth, subhepatic region smooth, pterygostomial region smooth except for setae on lower margin, small field of granules at junction between longitudinal, vertical sutures; vertical sulcus on carapace sidewall curved, granular, running downward from base of epibranchial tooth to epimeral sulcus.
Epistomial tooth triangular, defl exed, edges smooth. Mandibular palp bilobed. Exopod of third maxilliped reaching to lower half of merus, exopod with short flagellum, ischium with deep vertical groove, curving distally toward medial margin. Sternal sulcus s1/s2 short, very faint; sternal sulcus s2/s3 completely crossing sternum; sternal sulcus s3/s4 with broad U-shaped groove, deep at edges, faint in middle; anterior sterno- abdominal cavity lacking setae. Sternal sulcus s4/s5 meeting abdomen at abdominal sulcus at a7/a6; sternal sulcus s6/s7 meeting a6 one half of segment length from a6/ a5. Episternal sulci s4/e4, s5/e5, s6/e6, s7/e7 absent, smooth.
Dactylus of both chelipeds relatively slender, approximately one-third height of palm, edges smooth except for 2 distinct teeth, one positioned basally, one half way along; upper margin of dactylus smooth; lower margin of propodus slightly indented. Fixed finger of propodus of major (right) cheliped slender with 3 large molars in proximal region (first 2 fused basally, third single) followed by series of small teeth. First carpal tooth on inner margin of carpus of cheliped large, pointed; second carpal tooth smaller, pointed, followed by a large granule. Medial, lateral margins of inferior face of merus of cheliped distinctly toothed, inferior face with pointed, granulated distal meral tooth; superior margin of merus of cheliped roughened by granules and short striae; outer face of merus smooth; granules on medial margin of merus, ischium of cheliped smooth, inferior margin of ischium rounded, smooth. Walking legs (p2-p5) elongated (ratio of merus length of p5 to CW 0.3), slender, inner margins of p2 to p5 propodi smooth. Male abdomen triangular, tapered distally, widest at a3, narrowest at a7 (telson); telson outline forming straightsided triangle with broad base, rounded apex.
Terminal article of GO1 short (ratio of length of terminal article to subterminal segment 0.25), slim, tapered, directed slightly outwards, straight, smooth, apical opening narrow; subterminal segment with junction between terminal article, subterminal segment not clearly visible on ventral side. Terminal article, subterminal segment separated on dorsal side by broad, trapezoid dorsal membrane; superior margin of dorsal membrane formed by diagonal basal margin of terminal article, inferior margin of membrane formed by diagonal J-shaped distal edge of subterminal segment; lateral margin of dorsal membrane broad, medial margin of membrane narrow, forming medial junction between subterminal segment, terminal article. Subterminal segments of GO1, GO2 subequal, but terminal article of GO2 much longer than terminal article of GO1. Terminal article of GO2 flagellum-like, about 2/3 length of subterminal segment, reaching anterior margin of sterno-abdominal cavity; tip of flagellum curving inward distally; distal parts of flagella of left, right GO2s crossing medially.
bibliographic citation
A new species of Foza Reed et Cumberlidge, 2006, from northern Madagascar (Decapoda, Brachyura, Potamoidea, Potamonautidae), with a redescription of F. goudoti (H. Milne Edwards, 1853) comb. n., and comments on Skelosophusa prolixa Ng et Takeda, 1994.
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Distribution. Foza ambohitra is found in the Analamerana Mountains (12°44´00˝S, 49°36´00˝E), as well as the Ankavanana River (14°52´00˝S, 50°15´20˝E) and the Bobakindro River (12°42´00˝S, 49°28´00˝E) in Antsiranana Province in northeastern Madagascar.
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