Description: English: Saxifrage flowers observed at the island Spitsbergen - Svalbard. August 2012. Date: 8 August 2012, 16:38:01. Source: Own work. Author: Bjoertvedt.
Description: English: Saxifrage flowers observed at the island Spitsbergen - Svalbard. August 2012. Date: 5 August 2012, 16:05:10. Source: Own work. Author: Bjoertvedt.
Description: Italiano: Fiori alle isole SvalbardEnglish: Flowers at the Svalbard (Saxifraga flagellaris subsp. platysepala). Date: 25 August 2012, 11:41:53. Source: Own work. Author: Superchilum.
Description: English: Saxifrage flowers observed at the island Spitsbergen - Svalbard. August 2012. Date: 8 August 2012, 16:38:26. Source: Own work. Author: Bjoertvedt.
Description: English: Saxifrage flowers observed at the island Spitsbergen - Svalbard. August 2012. Date: 8 August 2012, 16:38:13. Source: Own work. Author: Bjoertvedt.
Description: English: Saxifrage flowers observed at the island Spitsbergen - Svalbard. August 2012. Date: 8 August 2012, 17:19:22. Source: Own work. Author: Bjoertvedt.
Description: English: Saxifrage flowers observed at the island Spitsbergen - Svalbard. August 2012. Date: 8 August 2012, 17:26:46. Source: Own work. Author: Bjoertvedt.