provided by INOTAXA archive
Hab.MEXICO, San Andres Tuxtla (Sallé), Teapa in Tabasco (H. H. Smith); BRITISH HONDURAS, R. Hondo (Blancaneaux); GUATEMALA, El Reposo (Champion), Panzos (Conradt); NICARAGUA, Chontales (Belt, Janson).
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- cc-by-3.0
- copyright
- Biologia Centrali-Americana
Latin Diagnosis
provided by INOTAXA archive
Sanguineo-rufus, nitidus; prothorace æquali, subconico, parce obsoleteque punctato; elytris subquadratis, pone scutellum vix impressis, punctorum seriebus tantum ad basin conspicuis.
Long., ♂, 7 millim.
Sharp in: David Sharp & G. C. Champion, Apr. 1889. Biol. Centr.-Amer.,Coleoptera, vol. 4, pt. 3: 8.
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- cc-by-3.0
- copyright
- Biologia Centrali-Americana
Physical description
provided by INOTAXA archive
Head rather broadly but vaguely sulcate behind the eyes. Thorax with the usual curved or angulate transverse sulcus very obsolete. Scutellum very broad. Elytra less shining than the thorax, the punctures of the series very fine except at the base; the depression behind the scutellum slight, and not extending so far outwards as the scutellum itself. In the male the thorax, head, rostrum, and front legs are longer than in the female, and the rostrum bears near the extremity beneath two projecting acute tubercles; the antennæ are longer in the male, but the club is elongate in each of the sexes, and scarcely shorter in the female.
Our figure is taken from a female found at Chontales.
- license
- cc-by-3.0
- copyright
- Biologia Centrali-Americana