
Distribution Notes

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Distribution: Grande Comore – Anjouan. Endemic to the Malagasy Subregion. Recorded from Madagascar.
California Academy of Sciences
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AntWeb. Version 8.45.1. California Academy of Science, online at https://www.antweb.org. Accessed 15 December 2022.
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Taxonomic History

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Mystrium mysticum Roger, 1862a PDF: 247, pl. 1, fig. 15 (q.) MADAGASCAR. Malagasy. Primary type information: MADAGASCAR, Toliara, Parc National de Kirindy Mite, 16.3 km 127° SE Belo sur Mer, -20.79528°, 44.147°, 80 m, 6-10.xii.2001, BLF04770, coll. Fisher-Griswold Arthropod Team; CASENT0429914; CASC AntCat AntWiki HOL

Taxonomic history

Forel, 1891c PDF: 117 (w.m.); Wheeler & Wheeler, 1980 PDF: 528 (l.); Yoshimura & Fisher, 2014 PDF: 50 (w.q.m.) (Neotype designation).Senior synonym of Mystrium stadelmanni: Yoshimura & Fisher, 2014 PDF: 50.See also: Forel, 1899c PDF: 304; Emery, 1899e PDF: 265; Menozzi, 1929e PDF: 522; Wheeler & Wheeler, 1986c PDF: 85.
California Academy of Sciences
bibliographic citation
AntWeb. Version 8.45.1. California Academy of Science, online at https://www.antweb.org. Accessed 15 December 2022.
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Diagnostic Description

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M. mysticum For. in Grandidier 1891 [[ queen ]] (nec. [[ male ]], nec For. Ann. Soc. ent. Belg. 36, 1892 [[ worker ]]). M. mysticum Forel, ibid. 43. 1899 p. 304 [[ worker ]] [[ queen ]] [[ male ]].

Da una discussione epistolare col Prof. Forel e risultato che i numerosi esemplari [[ worker ]] [[ queen ]] e [[ male ]] raccolti dal sig. Mocquerys devono appartenere al vero M. mysticum di cui la sola [[ queen ]] fu descritta dal Roger, e ridescritta dal Forel sui tipi stessi di Roger, nella grande opera di Grandidier. Invece, le [[ worker ]] dell' Imerina e il [[ male ]] riferiti dallo stesso Forel al M. mysticum appartengono a specie differenti. Una nota sull'argomento e stata ultimamente pubblicata dal Forel in Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique. Egli chiama col nuovo nome di M. Rogeri la [[ worker ]] da lui erroneamente attribuita al M. mysticum , esprimendo pure il dubbio ch'essa possa essere specificamente identica a M. Stadelmanni For.

A parita di grandezza, la [[ worker ]] del M. mysticum e meno tozza del M. Rogeri , il torace meno ristretto nel mezzo, il peziolo largo nella sua parte posteriore. Nella [[ worker ]] min. gli angoli anteriori del capo, benche poco sporgenti, formano piccoli denti acuti. I peli della [[ worker ]] min. sono molto meno grossi e meno squamiformi che nel M. Rogeri ; le antenne sono piu lunghe e sottili, gli articoli 4 - 7 distintamente piu lunghi che grossi, mentre sono lunghi quanto sono grossi nel M. Rogeri [[ worker ]] min. Il polimorfismo delle [[ worker ]] e piu accentuato nel M. mysticum che nel M. Rogeri ; la [[ worker ]] massima ha i peli acuti, niente claviformi; condizioni intermedie si hanno nelle [[ worker ]] [[ worker ]] di media statura, ma a questo riguardo, evvi una variabilita molto notevole e i peli sono, ora piu grossi, ora piu sottili, anche in esemplari della medesima grandezza.

Varia pure un poco il peziolo, pero senza raggiungere mai la larghezza che ha nel M. Rogeri . Le mandibole sono fatte come nel M. Rogeri ; nell'unico esemplare di questa specie che ho d'innanzi, la superficie esterna delle mandibole e tutta opaca e finamente striata. In alcuni M. mysticum e parimente striata, ma meno sottilmente ed e un poco meno opaca; in altri, la striatura e scomparsa sulla parte apicale di quella superficie, che e lucida, con punti piligeri. Anche questa differenza non ha relazione definita con la statura. Il clipeo ha denti piu piccoli e piu numerosi che nel M. Rogeri . In alcune [[ worker ]] molto grandi, il postpeziolo ha, oltre la punteggiatura, alcune rughe longitudinali.

L., con le mandibole, 6 / 2 — 9 3 / 4 mm.; senza le mandibole 5 1 / 2 — 8 mm.

Nella [[ queen ]], il clipeo e le antenne sono come nella [[ worker ]]; i peli acuti in nessun modo claviformi; il peziolo e piu largo, il postpeziolo ha rughe arcuate. L., con le mandibole, 13 mm.

Il [[ male ]] differisce dalla forma descritta dal Forel, come [[ male ]] del M. mysticum , per la statura alquanto maggiore e la scultura dell'addome: il peziolo e scolpito di fossette meno profonde che quelle del torace, con tubercolo piligero poco distinto; sui due segmenti seguenti, queste fossette sono superficiali, col solo margine anteriore distinto, mentre posteriormente il loro fondo si continua con la superficie punteggiata e alquanto lucida del segmento. Una strozzatura ben distinta dietro il postpeziolo.

I genitali possono essere ritirati dentro l'addome. L. 7 — 8 mm.

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bibliographic citation
Emery, C., 1899, Formiche di Madagascar raccolte dal Sig. A. Mocquerys nei pressi della Baia di Antongil (1897-1898)., Bollettino della Societa Entomologica Italiana, pp. 263-290, vol. 31
Emery, C.
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Diagnostic Description

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[[ worker ]] (encore inedite). L. 6 a 7,3 mill. Differe de la [[ worker ]] par ses poils du corps, des pattes et des scapes claves en forme de cuiller, plus longs cependant et moins elargis que chez le M. Camillae ; Em. Segment intermediaire (postscutellum) plus long que le mesonotum et separe de lui par une profonde suture grossierement striee en long. Dos du thorax subdeprime, a sutures distinctes. Pronotum subborde. La face declive du metanotum forme avec la face basale un angle presque droit (un peu obtus). Dents des angles anterieurs de la tete beaucoup plus courtes que chez le M. Camillae . Le dos du thorax est grossierement rugueux et ride. Le metanotum n'est pas plus large que le segment intermediaire (beaucoup plus large chez le M. Camillae ). Du reste comme la [[ worker ]].


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bibliographic citation
Forel, A., 1892, Nouvelles espèces de formicides de Madagascar. (Récoltées par M. Sikora.), Annales de la Societe Entomologique de Belgique, pp. 516-535, vol. 36
Forel, A.
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Plazi (legacy text)

Diagnostic Description

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M. le prof. Emery m'envoie les [[ worker ]] major et minor, ainsi que la [[ queen ]] et le [[ male ]] d'un Mystrium qu'il considere comme le M. mysticum Roger . Ces insectes ont tous (les [[ worker ]] aussi) les poils pointus, de forme ordinaire, ou peu s'en faut. Ceci me fait decouvrir que j'ai commis une erreur dans mes nouvelles especes de Formicides de Madagascar (Annales de la Soc. ent. de Belgique, tome XXXVI, 1892, p. 520), en decrivant sous le nom de Mystrium mysticum , une [[ worker ]] qui est evidemment une espece nouvelle. Cette erreur qui a entraine les autres s'explique parce qu'alors les [[ queen ]] et [[ male ]] du seul mysticum etaient connus a Madagascar, ce qui m'a pousse a leur attribuer cette premiere [[ worker ]] trouvee dans l'ile, malgre sa petite taille et ses poils en cuillers. Mais la taille que Roger donne a son mysticum [[ queen ]] et le fait qu'il parle des poils sans leur attribuer de forme speciale semble bien prouver: 1° que la [[ queen ]] que j'ai decrite et que M. Emery m'envoie, est bien le mysticum ; 2° qu'elle n'est donc pas la [[ queen ]] de l'ouvriere que je lui avais attribuee 1. c; 3° que l'ouvriere a poils en cuiller doit donc avoir une autre [[ queen ]] encore inconnue, probablement plus petite, et que la difference de la forme des poils n'est pas, comme je l'avais cru, une difference de sexes, mais une difference specifique. Donc:

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bibliographic citation
Forel, A., 1899, Trois notices myrmicologiques., Annales de la Societe Entomologique de Belgique, pp. 303-310, vol. 43
Forel, A.
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Plazi (legacy text)

Diagnostic Description

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1 [[ worker ]], 1 [[ queen ]]. Madagascar: Fort Dauphin, 1899 (Sikora!).

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bibliographic citation
Forel, A., 1904, Note sur les fourmis du Musée Zoologique de l'Académie Impériale des Sciences à St. Pétersbourg., Yezhegodnik Zoologicheskogo Muzeya Imperatorskoi Akademii Nauk, pp. 368-388, vol. 8
Forel, A.
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Diagnostic Description

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[[ queen ]] Fusco-nigrum, opacum, pilosulum, antennatum flagello, articulationibus pedum, tibiis, tarsis, abdomineque apice et marginibus plus minus rufuscentibus. Ala antica fuscescens 8 mm. long. - Long. fere 13 Millim.

Der Koerper ist schwarzbraun, fast ohne Glanz. Mehr oder weniger roth sind die Enden des Fuehlerschafts, die Fuehlergeissel, besonders an der Spitze, die Gelenke der Beine, die Schienen und namentlich die Tarsen, die Raender und die Spitze des Hinterleibs; auch haben die Mandibeln (ind die Schenkel einen roethlichen Anflug. Der Koerper ist maessig mit kurzen, abstehenden Haerchen besetzt. Die Vorderseite des Kopfes ist leicht gewoelbt und unregelmaessig grob gerunzelt. Der Clypeus ist undeutlich laengs, - die Wangen bis gegen die Netzaugen schoen schief gestrichelt; ebenso ist auch die Partie um die Augen und die Unterseite des Kopfs. Die Mandibeln sind oben gerunzelt, vorn grob punktirt, aussen schief grob gestreift und auf der Innenseite unterhalb der Kante glatt und glaenzend, oberhalb derselben aber schief gestreift. Das Pronotum ist rueckwaerts, parallel mit dem Hinterrand, quer eingedrueckt und laengs gerunzelt. Das Mesonotum ist fein quer, das Schildchen fast noch feiner laengs gestreift. Das Metanotum ist grob und unregelmaessig gerunzelt. Der Hinterleib ist fast netzartig gerunzelt und zeigt bei einem Stuecke auch einige laengere Laengsrunzeln. Die Beine sind fein gekoernt und mit kaum abstehenden roethlichen Borstenhaaren ziemlich reichlich bekleidet. Die Fluegel sind leicht gebraeunt mit braunen Adern und Stigma.

Von dieser schoenen Art, deren Heimath Madagascar ist, befinden sich zwei weibliche Stuecke im K. Museum zu Paris. Dieses Genus reiht sich am besten an Amblyopone und Stigmatomma an.

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bibliographic citation
Roger, J., 1862, Einige neue exotische Ameisen-Gattungen und Arten., Berliner Entomologische Zeitschrift, pp. 233-254, vol. 6
Roger, J.
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Diagnostic Description

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[[ worker ]]. Fundnotizen: Gross-Comoro und Anjouan.

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bibliographic citation
Forel,A., 1907, Ameisen von Madagaskar, den Comoren und Ostafrika., Reise in Ostafrika in den Jahren 1903-1905, Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse 2. Systematische Arbeiten, pp. 75-92
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Worker. Description. Measurements: lectotype of Mystrium stadelmanni. HL 2.05, HW 1.93, SL 1.16, ML 2.09, HD 1.26, WL 1.99, PnW 0.94, PpW 0.84, PtW 0.80, PtL 0.53, CI 94.3, SI 59.9, MI 108.2, PpI 89.5, PtI 153.0. HL 1.44–2.27, HW 1.42–2.18, SL 0.86–1.35, ML 1.32–2.31, HD 0.98–1.39, WL 1.63–2.44, PnW 0.77–1.2, PpW 0.69–1.09, PtW 0.6–0.94, PtL 0.4–0.6, CI 96.0–102.0, SI 56–64, MI 91–108, PpI 86–95, PtI 146–168 (10 specimens measured). Posterolateral corner of head strongly expanding posteriorly. Posterior face of vertex forming slightly blunt angle with its dorsal face on median line of head, so that declivity of vertex on lateral part slightly steeper than on median part. Ventral half of vertex smooth and not sculptured. Eye small to moderately small. Anterior margin of clypeus convex and with short conical setae. Genal tooth of head undeveloped: anterolateral corner of head angulate. Masticatory margin of mandible widely visible in full-face view, difference in width of dorsal surface of mandible relatively large between mandibular shaft and distal portion. Second maxillary palpomere longer than third. First flagellomere (third antennal segment) as long as pedicel (second antennal segment). Shallow and fine longitudinal striae irregularly impressed on central part of pronotal dorsum, sometimes with shallow reticulation around them. On lateral surface of pronotum, shallow, fine longitudinal striae impressed, wide and shallow punctures usually arranged on central horizontal line. Mesonotum differentiated from propodeum in dorsal view, length as long as that of propodeum in large individuals, shorter than propodeum in small individuals. Metanotal groove shallowly impressed in lateral view, mesonotum as high as pronotum in large individuals, higher than pronotum in small individuals. Metanotum weakly developed in largest individuals. Metapleural gland bulla developed, so that propodeal declivity in lateral view weakly convex posteriorly on its ventral portion. Petiole in dorsal view moderately wide, and relatively wider than that of Mystrium rogeri. Body color brown to black. Queen. Description. Measurements: neotype. HL 2.44, HW 2.51, SL 1.49, ML 2.24, HD 1.54, WL 3.25, MnW 1.73, PtW 1.11, PtL 0.66, CI 102.7, SI 59.3, MI 89.2, MnI 69.1, PtI 168.2. HL 2.14–2.73, HW 2.08–2.84, SL 1.26–1.60, ML 1.85–2.56, HD 1.32–1.72, WL 2.60–3.48, MnW 1.27–1.92, PtW 0.89–1.33, PtL 0.55–0.77, CI 97.2–104.2, SI 56.3–60.7, MI 87.2–98.2, MnI 61.0–71.3, PtI 160.2–188.8 (10 specimens measured). Wings usually present and well developed; lacking in intercaste. Wing sclerites fully developed even if wings have dropped off in queen; developed to undeveloped in variable degrees in intercaste. Posterolateral corner of head strongly expanding posteriorly; expansion even stronger than that of workers. Posterior face of vertex forming slightly blunt angle with dorsal face on median line of head, so that declivity of vertex on lateral part slightly steeper than on median part. Ventral half of vertex smooth and not sculptured. Eye well developed. Both anterior and lateral ocelli clearly present and developed in most cases, lateral ones rarely smaller; ocelli varied from absent to developed in intercaste. Anterior margin of clypeus convex with small conical setae. Anterolateral portion of head angulate or with short spine. Masticatory margin of mandible widely visible in full-face view, and dorsal surface on distal portion distinctly wider that on mandibular shaft, difference in width much larger than that in Mystrium rogeri. Mandibular teeth (a row of dentition on dorsal side) often lacking on mid-portion of mandibular shaft. A spatulate seta present on basal side of each basal denticle on masticatory margin of mandible. First flagellar segment on antenna as long as pedicel. Setae on pronotum almost simple, narrowing distally with strongly sharpened apex. Propodeal declivity in lateral view almost straight and forming right to slight obtuse angle with dorsal margin, ventral portion with small convexity by metapleural gland. Petiole relatively long in dorsal view, about 0.6× length of abdominal segment III. Body color black. Male. Description. Measurements: HL 1.13–1.33, HW 1.52–1.81, SL 0.22–0.28, EL 0.62–0.68, WL 2.26–2.86, MnW 1.46–1.89, CI 129.5–136.0, SI 14.3–17.0, EI 49.0–54.8, MnI 96.3–104.4 (7 specimens measured). Eye relatively small, occupying about 0.5× length of head. Ocelli relatively distant from dorsal margin of head or just failing to reach dorsal margin in full-face view. Dorsal margin of head in full-face view rounded. Both anterior and lateral ocelli small. Distance between lateral ocellus and eye relatively long, about 3× longer than diameter of lateral ocellus. Posterior half of vertex clearly differentiated from dorsal half, its dorsal face almost as long as its posterior face. Palpal formula 4,3. First segment of maxillary palp flattened and distinctly wider than second segment. Second maxillary palpomere longer than third. Notauli clearly impressed on mesoscutum. Petiole in dorsal view thin, its length about 0.65× that of abdominal tergite III. Petiolar dorsum covered with rough, deep punctures. Abdominal tergum VIII roughly and deeply punctured. Abdominal sternum IX punctured on its distal portion. Basal ring short, not extending basally. Telomere extending slightly further distally than digitus. Basoventral expansion of aedeagus well developed basoventrally, distinctly longer than dorsal extension. Ventral margin of aedeagus strongly curved ventrally in lateral view. Aedeagus weakly narrowing distally, its distal portion widely rounded. On forewing, cu-a located at junction of Media (M) and Cubitus (Cu). Body color reddish brown to black.
Masashi Yoshimura, Brian L. Fisher
bibliographic citation
Yoshimura M, Fisher B (2014) A revision of the ant genus Mystrium in the Malagasy region with description of six new species and remarks on Amblyopone and Stigmatomma (Hymenoptera, Formicidae, Amblyoponinae) ZooKeys 394: 1–99
Masashi Yoshimura
Brian L. Fisher
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MADAGASCAR and COMOROS: as in Figure 49A.
Masashi Yoshimura, Brian L. Fisher
bibliographic citation
Yoshimura M, Fisher B (2014) A revision of the ant genus Mystrium in the Malagasy region with description of six new species and remarks on Amblyopone and Stigmatomma (Hymenoptera, Formicidae, Amblyoponinae) ZooKeys 394: 1–99
Masashi Yoshimura
Brian L. Fisher
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