Description of Geamphorella
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One species: Geamphorella lucida Bonnet, 1959. Shell transparent, ovoid, circular in cross section, tinted clear yellow or greyish white, with a chitinoid collar, slightly widened at the circular aperture, covered with amorphous silica elements. Length 55 µm, breadth 25 µm, length of the neck 5 µm, diameter 7 µm. Habitat: humic calcareous soils, rare.
provided by wikipedia 한국어 위키백과
병벌레과(Nebelidae)는 유각변형충목에 속하는 아메바류 과의 하나이다.[1][2] 뿔병벌레(Nebela caudata) 등을 포함하고 있다.[2]
하위 속
- Alocodera
- Apodera
- Argynnia
- Certesella
병벌레속 (Nebela)
- Physochila
- Porosia
- Schoenbornia
↑ Adl SM, Simpson AGB, Lane CE, Lukeš J, Bass D, Bowser SS, Brown MW, Burki F, Dunthorn M, Hampl V, Heiss A, Hoppenrath M, Lara E, le Gall L, Lynn DH, McManus H, Mitchell EAD, Mozley-Stanridge SE, Parfrey LW, Pawlowski J, Rueckert S, Shadwick L, Schoch CL, Smirnov A, Spiegel FW (2012). “The Revised Classification of Eukaryotes”. 《Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology》 59: 429–514.
↑ 가 나 정완호, 최진복, 이현주 (1999). 《한국의 동물(Animals of Korea)》. 생명공학연구소.