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Dorstenia stellaris Al. Santos & Romaniuc


provided by Phytokeys (archived)
Camephytes 30–70 cm tall; stems aerial, erect, hirsute to tomentose; internodes 1–2.5 cm long.; latex white and abundant. Stipules 1–2 mm long., subulate, narrowly triangular, ciliate, persistent to deciduous, hairs white. Leaves distichous to whorled; blade 8–12 × 3.5–5 cm, membranaceous, apex long acuminate, base cordate, adaxial side scabrous, hairs sparse, white, abaxial side puberulous to hirsute, hairs gathered on the veins; margins entire to denticulate; petiole 2.5–5 cm long., hirsute; brochidodromous venation; 5–6 pairs of secondary veins; tertiary veins scalariform. Coenanthium elliptic, 1–2 cm diam., pateliform, stellate, 3–5 angulate, puberulous; margin with sessile bracts, 0.5–1 mm long., mostly on the angle apex, puberulous, fringes 0.5–0.7 mm alt., greenish to vinaceous; peduncle 1.5–2.5 cm long., puberulous. Staminate flowers distributed through the whole coenanthium; stamens 2; perianth 2 lobed. Pistilate flowers distributed through the whole coenanthium: perianth short lobed, whit apex minutely 2–3 lobed, puberulous; stigma 0.5–1 mm long., slender, white. Drupes elliptical, endocarp smooth to verrucosus; stigmas persistent. Seeds with a flat testa. Morphological comparison between Dorstenia species related to Dorstenia stellaris. Taxa stellate coenanthium angulate coenanthium rounded coenanthium subulate stipule base cordate leaves base
acute leaves Dorstenia stellaris x x x Dorstenia bowmaniana x x x Dorstenia carautae x x x Dorstenia milaneziana x x x Dorstenia setosa x x x
Alessandra dos Santos, Sergio Romaniuc Neto
bibliographic citation
Santos A, Neto S (2012) A new species of Dorstenia (Moraceae) from southeastern Brazil PhytoKeys 12: 47–51
Alessandra dos Santos
Sergio Romaniuc Neto
partner site
Phytokeys (archived)


provided by Phytokeys (archived)
As Dorstenia stellaris is a newly described and very restricted taxon occurring in a non-conserved area, it warrants special attention with regard to its conservation status. This species has only been found within its type locality in small populations. We believe, indeed, that this species is endangered and following IUCN (2011) criteria we recommend its classification within the endangered status of conservation (EN).
Alessandra dos Santos, Sergio Romaniuc Neto
bibliographic citation
Santos A, Neto S (2012) A new species of Dorstenia (Moraceae) from southeastern Brazil PhytoKeys 12: 47–51
Alessandra dos Santos
Sergio Romaniuc Neto
partner site
Phytokeys (archived)