Ferula marmarica is a perennial plant that reaches up to 60-80 cm high with a thick rootstock often covered with fibres of dead leaves. Stems are erect, glabrous, and narrowly striate. Leaves are pale green, 3-4-pinnatisect with entire or 3-fid, obtuse, mucronate ultimate segments; the upper leaf sheaths are boat-shaped, clasping, and turgid. Flowers are yellow and arranged in 1 large terminal umbel and 5-10 smaller lateral ones. The fruit is an ovate-elliptic schizocarp, with narrow margins and 3-4 vittae per furrow.
Mareotic Sector (Location: Mashruka), Libyan Desert, Nubian Desert, Gebel Oweina.
Egypt, Libya.
Stony ground
Height: 60-80 cm
Near endemic.