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Werauhia comata (Mez & Wercklé) J. R. Grant

Comprehensive Description

provided by North American Flora
Thecophyllum comatum Mez & Werckl^; Mez, Bull Herb. Boiss. II. 4: 871. 1904.
Stemless, the flowering plant 3 dm. tall; leaves up to 12 in a fasciculate rosette, about 25 cm. long, chartaceous when dry; sheaths large, ovate-elliptic, castaneous, densely lepidote; blades linear, acuminate, pungent, slightly recurved at the ape.x, 15 mm. wide, concolorous, very minutely punctulate-lepidote ; scape erect, stout, half as long as the leaves; scape-bracts erect, densely imbricate, foliaceous; inflorescence abbreviated, subcor>Tnbose, cyathiform, 70 mm. long, S5 mm. in diameter, terminating in a coma of sterile bracts; primary bracts ample, broadly triangular, somewhat foliaceous, exceeding the 2 flowers borne in each axil, minutely and obscurely punctulate-lepidote, green when dry, slightly decurved at the apex; floral bracts broadly elliptic, obtuse, 20 mm. long, IS ram. wide, exceeding the flowers, membranaceous, slightly carinate; flowers sessile; sepals broadly elliptic, obtuse, about 12 mm. long, 9 mm. broad, thick, coriaceous, obscurely punctulate-lepidote, free; petals unknown; capsule stout, acorn-shaped, obtuse, 18 mm. long.
Type uxtauity: Vicinity of Turrialba, Costa Rica, altitude 900 meters. Distribution: Known only from the type collection.
bibliographic citation
Lyman Bradford Smith. 1938. (XYRIDALES); BROMELIACEAE. North American flora. vol 19(2). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY
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North American Flora

Werauhia comata

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Werauhia comata is a plant species in the genus Werauhia. This species is native to Costa Rica.


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Werauhia comata: Brief Summary

provided by wikipedia EN

Werauhia comata is a plant species in the genus Werauhia. This species is native to Costa Rica.

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wikipedia EN