Comprehensive Description
provided by North American Flora
Antiphylla pulvinata Small
Saxifraga pulvinata Small, Bull. N. Y. Bot. Gard. 2: 172. 1901.
Plants in depressed mats ; leaves densely imbricated, 4-ranked ; the blades obovate, cuneate or rhombic, 1.5-3,5 mm. long, keeled, ciliate ; flower-stalk 0.5-1 cm. long, leafless ; hypanthium prominently and sharply ribbed ; sepals oblong or ovate-oblong, ciliate all around ; petals rose-purple, oval-elliptic, 6 mm. long, each narrowed into a short clawlike base; filaments lanceolate or triangular; follicles 7 mm. long, the style-tips 2-3 mm. long.
Type locality : Lake Bennett, Yukon District.
Distribution : In dense tufts on the higher summits about I^ake Bennett.
- bibliographic citation
- John Kunkel SmaII, Per Axel Rydber, Nathaniel Lord Britton, Percy Wilson, Henry Hurd Rusby. 1905. ROSALES, PODOSTEMONACEAE, CRASSULACEAE, PENTHORACEAE and PARNASSIACEAE. North American flora. vol 22(2). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY