Elleipsisoma is a genus of parasites within the phylum Apicomplexia.
This parasite was described in 1912 by Franca. This genus may have been described earlier by Graham-Smith[1]
The type species is Elleipsisoma thomsoni
This parasite infects the European mole (Talpa europaea). It is most commonly found in the heart and lungs. It may occasionally be found in the kidneys, liver and spleen.
This parasite is found in the United Kingdom.
Parasitized red cells were larger than normal mature erythrocytes
Electron microscopic studies have shown the presence of rhoptries, micronemes, polar ring, microtubules and a conoid.[2]
Possible vectors include the mites Eulaelaps stabularis, Haemogamasus hirsutus and Haemogamasus nidi.[3]
Elleipsisoma is a genus of parasites within the phylum Apicomplexia.