[[worker]] major. Length, (without mandibles) 11 mm.; length of mandibles 2.0 mm.
Black; mandibles dark red-brown, apical two or three joints of funiculus dark red, the rest of antennae, the legs, mesonotum, epinotum, and petiole red. The mesonotum has a dark patch on each side and the postpetiole has a dark band round its base, projecting on the upper surface into a conical patch extending nearly halfway across the node.
Antennae without hairs, legs with abundant fine exserted hairs; the whole of body with similar grey pilosity, which is longer on the clypeus and mandib]es. Gaster, second node, and legs with a fine grey pubescence.
Mandibles as long as head, with four large teeth besides the apical tooth, and smaller teeth between. External border feebly concave. Head slightly broader than long, narrower at occipital border, which is straight, not so broad in front proportionately as in pilosula ; clypeus widely emarginate. Second joint of funiculus nearly twice as long as the first, the remaining joints decreasing gradually till the apical. The scapes do not quite reach the occipital border. Shoulders of pronotum evenly rounded; meso-epinotal suture distinct; epinotum presenting an even curve, barely showing a base and a declivity. First node from above nearly circular, the anterior border flattened. In profile it is cubic, with a very short peduncle bearing a sharp tooth beneath; it is slightly higher in front, where it descends vertically to the peduncle; second node nearly twice as wide as fast, shorter and broader than in pilosula . Ocelli distinct.
Mandibles shining, with a few small punctures on the outer border, and large ones along the line of the teeth. Entire head coarsely longitudinally rugose, the rugae becoming broken near the occiput. Pronotum with semicircular rugae, the central ones becoming longitudinal. Mesonotum less coarsely and more irregularly longitudinally rugose; epinotum coarsely transversly rugose; first node with coarse irregular rugae, second and gaster without rugae. In addition, there is a fine reticulate ground-sculpture on the whole body.
[[worker]] minor. Length (without mandibles) 9.5 mm.; length of mandibles 1.5 mm.
More slender than [[worker]] major. Similarly coloured, but not so blight; the mesonotum is nearly black, and the epinotum darker than in the [[worker]] major,and the black band on postpetiole covers nearly half the node. Scapes almost reach the occipital border. Ocelli distinct. Pilosity and pubescence similar to that of the [[worker]] major; sculpture similar, but finer.
2 [[worker]] [[worker]], Townsville, Queensland, July 1902 (F. P. Dodd).
Group pilosula - Coloured somewhat like the race mediorubra, For. , but the scapes are shorter and the mandibles dark, not yellow as in mediorubra . The sculpture is coarser than in pilosula .