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Callipallene panamensis Child 1979

Comprehensive Description

provided by Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
Callipallene panamensis

MATERIAL EXAMINED.—Panama Pacific: Canal Zone, NMNH Sta. 183–1 (1 with eggs, holotype, USNM 169369; 1 , paratype, USNM 169370); 183–2 (1 ovig., paratype, USNM 169371), 161–3 (1y, 1 larvae, paratypes, USNM 169372), 255 (7 with eggs and larvae, 1 ovig., paratypes, USNM 171223).

DESCRIPTION.—Trunk completely segmented. Lateral process molt sutures well delineated, lightly pigmented. Lateral processes glabrous, separated by slightly less than their diameters, length of each subequal to trunk diameter. Neck slightly longer than its diameter. Ocular tubercle broad and short, without tubercle at apex. Eyes very large, slightly pigmented. Abdomen a short truncated cone little longer than ocular tubercle.

Proboscis short, with ventrodistal bulges.

Chelifore scape short, armed with few distal setae. Chelae (of female paratype—those of male holotype damaged) as long or longer than scape, fingers little longer than palm, which is distally ringed with setae. Immovable finger straight, armed with 7 sharp triangular teeth. Movable finger slightly curved, armed with 11 or 12 low blunt triangular teeth smaller than those on immovable finger.

Oviger of typical shape with large distal apophysis on fifth segment. Compound spines of terminal 4 segments dimorphic; proximal spines of usual oval shape with fringe of tiny denticulations, distal spine on each segment having large denticulations distally and a proximal fringe of tiny denticulations. Denticulate spines arranged in the formula 7:7:7:7.

Legs moderately long, armed with few setae proximally and increasing numbers of short setae toward distal ends. Femur the longest segment. Femoral cement glands not found. Tarsus extremely short, without ventral spine. Propodus slender, curved, heel armed with 3 strong spines (4 in ) and sole with 10 to 12 shorter curved spines. Main claw strongly curved, over half propodal length. Auxiliary claws little shorter than main claw, armed with 2 or 3 spine-like teeth on inner margin at base. Spines as long or longer than claw diameter.

MEASUREMENTS OF HOLOTYPE (mm).—Trunk length (chelifore insertion to tip of 4th lateral processes), 1.28; trunk width (across 2nd lateral processes), 0.67; proboscis length, 0.33; ocular tubercle length, 0.1; abdomen length, 0.12; fourth leg, coxa 1, 0.22; coxa 2, 0.63; coxa 3, 0.31; femur, 1.09; tibia 1, 0.89; tibia 2, 1.01; tarsus, 0.08; propodus, 0.42; claw, 0.26.

DISTRIBUTION.—The type-locality is Culebra Island at Fort Amador, Pacific side of the Canal Zone. The other localities are all nearby in the Canal Zone and the depths are all low intertidal.

ETYMOLOGY.—The new species is named for the country of origin.
bibliographic citation
Child, C. Allan. 1979. "Shallow-water Pycnogonida of the Isthmus of Panamá and the coasts of Middle America." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-86. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.00810282.293

Comprehensive Description

provided by Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
Callipallene panamensis Child

Callipallene panamensis Child, 1979:42–44, fig. 14.

MATERIAL EXAMINED.—Sagami Bay: Off Kisami, 22 May 1970 (1); 1 Nov 1970 (1); 16 May 1971 (2 with eggs, 2). Off Shimoda, 8 Aug 1973 (1).
bibliographic citation
Nakamura, K. and Child, C. Allan. 1983. "Shallow-Water Pycnogonida of the Izu Peninsula, Japan." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-71. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.00810282.386

Comprehensive Description

provided by Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
Callipallene panamensis Child

Callipallene panamensis Child, 1979:42–44, fig. 14.—Nakamura and Child, 1983:59.

MATERIAL EXAMINED.—HONSHU: Sagami Bay, off Shimoda, 37–39 m, 9 Sep 1987 (l).

DISTRIBUTION.—This species exhibits one of the peculiarities in the distribution of many pycnogonid species: widely disparate records on either side of the Pacific with no captures known between these records. The species was described from the Pacific side of Panama and was subsequently taken in Sagami Bay, Japan. It is known from the littoral to 30 meters and the above record extends this maximum depth to 39 meters.

DISTRIBUTION.—This species was known from Sagami Bay and the Korean coast in the Yellow Sea in 100 to 160 meters. The above records extend its distribution to the south on the coast of Honshu and extend the known depth of capture to 416 meters.

MATERIAL EXAMINED.—HOKKAIDO: Off Daikokushima, Akkeshi Bay, 5 m, 25 Mar 1986 (2 larvae). HONSHU: Kii Strait, 33°28.6X 135°28.9′E, 353–354 m, KT84-12, sta 15, (1); 33°35.9′N 135°09.9′E, 322–346 m, KT84–12, Sta 27, 2 Sep 1984 (1).
bibliographic citation
Nakamura, K. and Child, C. Allan. 1991. "Pycnogonida of Waters Adjacent to Japan." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-74. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.00810282.512


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Bamber, Roger, R.N.


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van der Land, J. (ed). (2008). UNESCO-IOC Register of Marine Organisms (URMO).

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