Figure 50.Anoplodactylus pygmaeus, male; A: Mouth opening; scale 20 µm; B: Left chelifore with developed chela; scale 20 µm; C: Ventral view of right palp, reduced to a small tubercle; scale 40 µm; D: Ocular tubercle with lateral sense organ; scale 40 µm; E: 6-articled oviger; scale 100 µm; F: Distal articles of left oviger; scale 20 µm.
Figure 51.Anoplodactylus pygmaeus, male; A: Right lateral process 3 with protuberance and spine; scale 20 µm; B: Left 3rd leg; scale 200 µm; C: Ventral view of coxa 2 with genital opening, distal is down (left 4th leg); scale 20 µm; D: Dorsal view of femur with cement gland, distal is down (right 4th leg); scale 20 µm; E: Tarsus, propodus with cutting lamina, and claws (left 3rd leg); scale 100 µm; F: Cutting lamina on propodus; scale 100 µm; insert: Detail of cutting lamina; scale 20 µm; G: Hairs and slit organs on dorsal side of trunk; scale 10 µm.