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Siphocampylus albiguttur McVaugh

Comprehensive Description

provided by North American Flora
Siphocampylus albiguttur McVaugh, sp. nov.* Stems herbaceous, 40-70 cm. high, up to 0.4 cm. in diameter at base, purple, smooth and glabrous; leaves cauline, 10-25, spreading, stiff and somewhat leathery when dry, smooth and glabrous, green, the lower surface very light green, the margins serrate with 6-8 sharp purple teeth per cm., the teeth terminating the principal veins often larger than the others and incurved, the blades ovate, rounded or rarely subcordate at base or the extreme base attenuate, acute or somewhat acuminate at tip, 2-4 cm. wide, 4-8 cm. long, on slender purplish petioles 1-3.5 cm. long; flowers 6-8 in the axils of the little-reduced upper leaves, the "inflorescence" sometimes as much as 20 cm. long; pedicels spreading-ascending, stiff, nearly I mm. in diameter, 30-60 mm. long in fruit, usually with a few stiff hairs, each bibraclcolale, the bracteoles minute, filiform, at base of pedicel or sometimes just below the middle; flower about 4 cm. long, including hypanthium; corolla glabrous within, pubescent without with stiff straight hairs, the lube darkpink (according to Allen) except for the distal 1-2 mm., which is white, the lobes white, the tube straight, 24-27 mm. long, fenestrate at base, cylindrical at base, the basal 7-8 mm. about 3 mm. wide when pressed, the distal portion somewhat expanded, about 5-7 mm. wide when pressed, the lobes oblong or narrowly triangular, long-attenuate to the tips, spreading or somewhat recurved, the two upper lobes 2-2.5 mm. wide, 7-9 mm. long, the three lower lobes similar, slightly shorter; filament-tube 30-32 mm. long, glabrous, the filaments distinet and adnate to the narrow basal portion of the corolla for about a third of their length; anthertube 4.5-5 mm. long, the two shorter anthers white-tufted at tips, the others glabrous or with a few hairs on the back; hypanthium in anthesis obconic, acute at base, pubescent with stiff hairs, about as broad as high when pressed, in fruit becoming narrowly campanulate; capsule ellipsoid, about half inferior, about 8.5 mm. long by 3.5 mm. in diameter; calyx lobes oblong, entire, narrowed to the tip but blunt at very tip, 1,3-1.7 mm. wide, 4.5-5.5 mm. long, ciliate; seeds oval, dark brown, slightl)flattened, shallowly but evidently pitted, about 0.5 mm. long.
TvPK uk:ai.iTV: Hill.s north of ICl Vallede AnUiii, Prov. C<hI<-, Punaiiia, at an elevation of 8(H) ni., P. II. AlUn ZZM. Sept. 8, 1940 (DS!).
Olstbibution: Known only from the type locality.
StpnoCAMPVi.i;B canbscrns (Pre-il) A. DC. in DC. Pro<lr. 7: 402. 1839. lx>bclia ranescem Prcsl, Prodr. Mim. Ixjb. 38. 1836. Tvpit ixjcamty: Mexico. Prcsl's type 8|>ccinicn has not been seen by the writer, and the original description is not suflficicnlly <liaKnostic. Professor I'. Iv. Wimmcr of Vienna lias recently K'vcn his opinion (in til.) that I.uhelia cantuens I'rcsl is iilcniicul with Tupa loUaritana l'lancli.& t>crsl. ilxihelia laxi/lora var. slriila |riuiich.& (krst.) McVaiigli).
* 8iphoc>mpylut*lbiguttur,sp. n»v.; Iicrbaitluhru, caulis (nirpiircis, (olii.Hovulis, biisiroliindalia; fU/ri a axilUirilm.s; cfirollu cxicrnc hirtcllu, tiibo hasi fcncstruli, inlcrnc ruscu, sniHrrnc allio; corotinc lutris albis. SiPHOCAMPYi,us COMOSUS (Cav.) G. Don, Gen. Hist. 3: 702. 1834; Lobelia coniosa Cav. Ic. 6: 9. pi. 512. f. 2. 1800. Type i,ocahty: "Habitat hand procul a Queretaro in Nova-Hispania," N^e. The species illustrated by Cavanilles is a South American one and was doubtless wrongly attributed to Mexico.
SiPHOCAMPYLUS GLANDULOSUS Lemairc, Herb. G6n. Amat. II. 3: pi. 56. 1843. This species is identical with Siphocampylus rugosus Lemaire, the name having been changed because of the earlier 5. rugosus (PresI) A. DC.
SiPHOCAMPYi^us RUGOSUS Lemaire, Hortic. Univ. 3: 311. 1842. Type localitv'; Described from a cultivated plant said to have been introduced from Mexico. The plate published by Lemaire (see Hortic. Univ. 3: 369-372. 1842) indicates that the species is probably to be referred to Siphocampylus reliculalus (Willd.) Klotzsch & Karst.; Vatke, a native of Venezuela.
bibliographic citation
Rogers McVaugh. 1943. CAMPANULALES; CAMPANULACEAE; LOBELIOIDEAE. North American flora. vol 32A(1). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY
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North American Flora