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Siphocampylus sonchifolius (Sw.) McVaugh

Comprehensive Description

provided by North American Flora
Siphocampylus sonchifolius (Sw.) McVaugh, comb. nov
LobtUa sonchifoUa Sw. Fl. Ind. Occ. 1947. 1806.
Stems herbaceous or slightly woody at base, erect or nearly so, simple or few-branched, up to about 5 mm. in diameter at base, green, or purplish below (rarely nearly all purplish), few-76 cm. high, glabrous to sparsely pubescent; cauline leaves up to about 50, ascending, thin and usually membranous when dry, glabrous or sparsely pubescent beneath or above near base and margins; flowers few-20 (30) in the axils of the somewhat reduced upper leaves, the inflorescence axis few-20 cm. long; pedicels slender, strongly ascending, 10-20 (28) mm. long in fruit, shortbristly-pubescent, each with a pair of filiform bracteoles 1-3.5 mm. long at the middle or below; coroUa-tube straight or shghtly curved, cylindric or somewhat enlarged distally, fenestrate at base and cleft dorsally near base, the lobes acute, scarcely at all recurved, the two upper elliptic to oblong, the three lower elliptic to triangular; filaments distinct at base and there prominently hairy, entirely free from the corolla; two shorter anthers densely white-tufted at tips, the larger ones pubescent; hypanthium in anthesis turbinate, puberulcnt or nearly glabrous, acute or slightly rounded at base, 3-6 mm. broad when pressed and about as broad as high; capsule oblong or ellipsoid, one-third to one-half inferior, 3-4.5 mm. in diameter, 5.5-9 mm. long; calyxlobes linear or subulate, often red, entire or denticulate, pubescent or nearly glabrous, 0.8-2 mm. wide at base, 3-7.5 mm. long; seeds subglobose, light-brown, about 0.6 mm. in diameter, nearly smooth, obscurely pitted.
Type locaut: "Provenit in graminosis depressis juxta lluenta Hispaniolae," Swariz herb. (Stockholm !) .
Corolla red, without yellow tips; leaves prominently incised-
serrate. Divisions of the principal leaves mostly rounded and mu-
cronate at tip, 3-8 mm. wide at base; corolla-tube
partially cleft dorsally at apex, the Clamcnt-tube somewhat exserted; lobes of lower lip of corolla about 5.5
mm. long. 86. S. sonchifolius var. sonchifolius.
Divisions of the principal leaves mostly narrowed and
acute at tips, 1-3 mm. wide at base; corolla-tube not
cleft dorsally except at base; loljes of the lower lip 7-17
mm. long. 8a. 5. sonchifolius var. laciniatus.
Corolla red, with yellow lobes; leaves finely toothed to somewhat incised. 81;. 5. sonchifolius var. Tuerckheimii.
8a. Siphocampylus sonchifolius var. laciniatus (Lam.) McVaugh, comb. nov.
Lobelia laciniala Ijim. Encyc. 3: 584. 1791.
Rapuniium laciniatum Presl. Prodr. Mon. Lob. 27. 1836.
Siphocampylus I.amarckii A. DC. in DC. Prodr. 7: 397. 1839. (liascd on lobelia laciniala Lam.)
Siphocampylus laciniatus Urban, Synib. Ant. 1; 451. 1900. Not Siphocampylus laciniala G. Don,
1834. Siphocampylus pinnaliseclus Glcason, Bull. Torrey Club 50: 56. 1923. (Nash 6* Taylor 1701. NY!)
Leaf-blades 1-5 an. wide (including teeth), 4-15 cm. long, usually about 2.5-3 times as long as wide, narrowly to broadly elliptic, acuminate at tip, attenuate at base into a short margined petiole I cm. long or less, the margins irregularly serrate or incised, the serrations very variable in size and shape, the divisions of the principal leaves mostly narrowed and acute at tips, 1-3 mm. wide at base, the teeth ranging from short marginal ones 1-2 mm. long to linear divisions 2 mm. wide by 25 mm. long, the blades then truly pinnatiscct ; flower 2.5-4 cm. long, including hypanthium; corolla "red," "scarlet," or "crimson," puberulcnt without or nearly glabrous, glabrous within, the tube (17) 19-21 mm. long, the two upper lobes 3-4 mm. wide at Ijasc, 8-10 mm. long, the lower lotjcs 2-3.5 mm. wide, 7-10 (17) mm. long; filament-tube 19-22.5 mm. long, the distal quarter glabrous, the rest hairy; anilier-tube 3.5-4 (5) mm. long, the three larger anthers with numerous ascending hairs near tip and appearing tufted.
TvPK WKAtlTV: "St.-DominKuc." M. de I'/ilang (Paris, phfilo.l).
Dihtkibution: Northwestern Ilisponiola, chiefly in northern Iluiti, ul cicvutions up to 1000 m. 8b. Siphocampylus sonchifolius var. sonchifolius McVaugh, var. nov.
Lobelia sonchifolia Sw. loc. cit., as to type. Rapuntium sonchifolium PresI, Prodr. Mon. Lob. 27. 1836. Tupa sonchifolia Griseb. FL Brit. W. Ind. 388. I86L Dortmannia sonchifolia Kuntze, Res-. Gen. 973. 1891.
Divisions of principal leaves mostly rounded and miicronate at tip, 3-8 mm. wide at base; flower alx)ut 2.5 cm. long, including hjTJanthium; corolla cleft dorsally about half way, its two upper lobes not over 2 mm. wide, 7 mm. long, the lobes of the lower lip about 2 mm. wide, 5.5 mm. long; filament-tube 17 mm. long, glabrous, protruding from the fissure in the corolla; anther-tube 3-3.5 mm. long, the larger anthers nearly glabrous.
Distribution; Hispaniola (southern Haiti).
8c. Siphocampylus sonchifolius var. Tuerckheimii (Urban) McVaugh, comb. nov.
Siphocampylus Tuerckheimii Urban, Symb. Ant. 7: 416. 1912.
Siphocampylos linearifolius Leonard, Jour. Wash. Acad. 14: 417. 1924. {Abbott 1903. US!)
Leaf-blades 0.4-2.5 cm. broad, 5.5-13 cm. long, 5-7 (12) times as long as wide, elliptic to lanceolate or nearly linear, acuminate at tip, cuneate at base, the margins finely serrate with narrowly triangular teeth (these 5-7 per cm., with short slender spiny tips), or sometimes doubly serrate or deeply incised; petiole almost none; flower 28-30 mm. long, including hypanthium; corolla red, the lobes yellow, its outer surface puberulent, the tube 18-21 mm. long, the two upper lobes 2.5-3.5 mm. wide, 7.5-9 mm. long, the three lower lobes 1.5-2 mm. wide, 6-9 mm. long; filament-tube 19-23 mm. long, the basal third white-hairy; anther-tube 3.8-4 mm. long, the larger anthers sparsely hairy on backs.
Type locality: "Sto. Domingo prope Barahona ad Paradis 100 m. alt.," von Tiirckheim 27S3 (isotype.NYl).
Distribution: Provincia de Barahona. Republica Dominicana, Hispaniola, at elevations up
bibliographic citation
Rogers McVaugh. 1943. CAMPANULALES; CAMPANULACEAE; LOBELIOIDEAE. North American flora. vol 32A(1). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY
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North American Flora