Brief Summary
provided by IABIN
Diagnosis A stout-bodied frog with complete frontoparietals (no fontanelles exposed); toes nearly fully webbed but deeply incised (appearing less than half-webbed), full compliment of teeth (prevomerine odontophores prominent; premaxillary and maxillary teeth large, well-ankylosed to jaws), omosternum long but dilated into a broad manubriurn, sternum not notched, dorsum brown without a pattern of spots or bars, venter reticulated with brown.
- author
- Esteban O. Lavilla
- editor
- Diego Arrieta
provided by IABIN
Known only from the type locality in the Wellington Island, Chile.
- author
- Esteban O. Lavilla
- editor
- Diego Arrieta
Molecular Biology
provided by IABIN
Stramonii folium et semen, alcalóides (hiociamina, atropina,escopolamina)(9)
Diagnostic Description
provided by IABIN
Description of Holotype Snout short, round in dorsal view and in lateral profile, not greatly overhanging lower jaw; nostrils directed dorsolaterally, weakly protuberant; canthus rostralis rounded, concave; loreal region weakly concave, sloping abruptly to lip; lips not flared; eyes large, interorbital space flat, narrow relative to upper eyelid width; interorbital distance less than intemarial distance; supratympanic fold thick, extending from posterior corner of eye to insertion of forearm; tympanic annulus, cavum tympanicum, and plectrum absent; choanae round, moderate-sized, not concealed by palatal shelf of maxillary arch; prevomerine odontophores prominent, oval in outline, each as large as a choana, situated between and partially posterior to choanae, nearly in contact, each bearing 3-4 teeth; tongue round, not notched posteriorly, posterior one-half not adherent to floor of mouth; no vocal slits. Skin of dorsum, top of head, and upper flanks bearing numerous large warts; side of head, lower flanks, and limbs lacking such warts although shanks bear ill-defined warts; skin of venter smooth; weak areolations below and lateral to vent; no dorsolateral, paravertebral, or vertebral folds; forearms robust but not markedly so; no ulnar tubercles; palmar tubercle weakly bifid, larger than oval thenar tubercle; no supernumerary palmar tubercles; subarticular tubercles low, flat, rounded or slightly broader than long; digit tips without pads, weakly bulbous; no lateral fringes on fingers; thumb thicker than second finger, equal in length; nuptial asperities fine, covering medio-dorsal surface of second finger from near its tip proximally to base of finger, on thumb extending ventrally onto outer edge of thenar tubercle. No tubercles on heel or tarsus; inner edge of tarsus bearing flap-like fold beginning at babe of terminal phalanx of toe I and extending proximally on tarsus for three-fourths its length; two metatarsal tubercles, both low, flat; inner elongate (length twice width), a little smaller than round outer; no supernumerary plantar tubercles; outer metatarsals not united; subarticular tubercles smaller than those of fingers, low, non-conical, round or slightly longer than wide; digit tips not bulbous; outer edge of toe V bearing free flap from base of terminal segment to base of toe; toes webbed, fringe not extending onto terminal segment of any toe; webs deeply incised so that toes appear less than one-half webbed. Color in preservative: Brown above and on limbs; some gray infusion on side of head and flanks; venter white with brown flecks; flanks marbled gray and brown. Measurement (in mm): snout-vent length 32.9; shank 14.0: head width 10.8; head length 10.6; upper eyelid width 3.2; interorbital distance 2.1; eye length 3.7; eye-nostril distance 2.5. Variation The only another specimen known is a an immature female (paratype), 25.7 mm snout-vent length. The oviducts are weakly convoluted and the ovaries contain many minute nonpigmented eggs. The skin of the dorsum, head, and flanks is shagreened rather than covered with large warts.
- author
- Esteban O. Lavilla
- editor
- Diego Arrieta