provided by INBio
Found in lowland forest areas.
- author
- John Burger
- editor
- Manuel A. Zumbado
- editor
- Cristian Granados
- editor
- Elvia Zumbado
provided by INBio
Distribucion en Costa Rica:
Distribucion General: Mexico (Jalisco) to Venezuela.
- author
- John Burger
- editor
- Manuel A. Zumbado
- editor
- Cristian Granados
- editor
- Elvia Zumbado
Trophic Strategy
provided by INBio
Females have been observed feeding on reptiles (snakes and caymans).
- author
- John Burger
- editor
- Manuel A. Zumbado
- editor
- Cristian Granados
- editor
- Elvia Zumbado
Life Cycle
provided by INBio
Immature stages unknown.
- author
- John Burger
- editor
- Manuel A. Zumbado
- editor
- Cristian Granados
- editor
- Elvia Zumbado
Diagnostic Description
provided by INBio
Hind tibiae with apical spurs; antennal flagellum with 8 distinct flagellomeres; ocelli present; eyes densely pilose; cell m3 of the wing always open; cell r5 open or closed and petiolate; wings evenly tinted; legs not bicolored; abdomen largely black pilose; beard and pleura dark brown to black haired; large species usually over 18 mm in wing length; wings uniformly deep yellowish brown tinted; abdomen dark brown to black with tufts of white hairs at the sides of tergites 2, 5 and 6.
- author
- John Burger
- editor
- Manuel A. Zumbado
- editor
- Cristian Granados
- editor
- Elvia Zumbado
Diagnostic Description
provided by INBio
Localidad del tipo: Venezuela: Guarino.
Depositario del tipo: Berlin: Museum fur Naturkunde der Humboldt Universitat zu Berlin.
Recolector del tipo:
- author
- John Burger
- editor
- Manuel A. Zumbado
- editor
- Cristian Granados
- editor
- Elvia Zumbado
Conservation Status
provided by INBio
This is one of the most commonly collected species of Fidena in Costa Rica.
- author
- John Burger
- editor
- Manuel A. Zumbado
- editor
- Cristian Granados
- editor
- Elvia Zumbado