ChungKun Shih, Xiaoguang Yang, Conrad C. Labandeira, Dong Ren
Figure 1.Photographs and line drawings of holotype Sinopolycentropus rasnitsyni gen. etsp. n. (specimen no. CNU-MEC- NN2010044 p/c) A Digital image of part, no.CNU-MEC-NN2010044p B Line drawing of part, no.CNU-MEC-NN2010044p C Digital image of counterpart, no.CNU-MEC-NN2010044c D Line drawing of forewing venation, no.CNU-MEC-NN2010044p E Line drawing of abdomen and terminalia, no.CNU-MEC-NN2010044c. Scale bars: 1.0 mm or 0.5 mm as shown in figures..
ChungKun Shih, Xiaoguang Yang, Conrad C. Labandeira, Dong Ren
Figure 2.A Head, proboscis, and associated mouthparts B Mouthpart detail enlarged from template in A, showing base of proboscis (Pr), the tips of both labial palps (LP) at white arrows, labrum (La), and compound eye region (CE) C Right antenna D Proboscis tip, observed through the wing membrane E Camera lucida drawing of head, proboscis and associated mouthparts in A using a variety of light sources and angles. Scale bars: stippled, 0.1 mm; striped, 1.0 mm.