Pyramica parsauga Bolton 2000:157. Holotype worker: Costa Rica, Prov. Limon, Res. Biol. Hitoy-Cerere, 9 degrees 40'N, 83 degrees 02'W, 500m, 30.viii.1985, wet forest, ex sifted leaf litter, #970-s (J. Longino) [BMNH].
Natural History:
Members of the genus are all predaceous, with a static pressure mode of attack (Bolton 1999).
The one specimen of this species was from a wet forest habitat, from a Winkler sample of sifted leaf litter from the forest floor.
Costa Rica. Known from a single specimen (Prov. Limon: Res. Biol. Hitoy Cerere, 500m, 30 Aug 1985, J. Longino #0970-s. INBIOCRI002279048).
Taxonomic history
Combination in Strumigenys: Baroni Urbani & De Andrade, 2007 PDF: 125.