Berzelia is a genus consisting of 12 species of upright, wiry-stemmed, evergreen shrubs with a dense covering of small, fine, needle-like leaves. The flowers which appear in spring and summer, are minute but are packed in spherical clusters, of which there are several per head of bloom. The flowers are white to cream and, because the stamens extend beyond the tiny petals, the flowerheads appear to be studded with protrusions.
In cultivation, they are best grown in light well-drained soil with adequate moisture, positioning in full sun. Light trimming will retain the compact form after flowering. Most species are easily propagated from seed or small half-hardened tip cuttings.
Berzelia abrotanoides
Berzelia arachnoidea
Berzelia bruniaceae
Berzelia burchellii
Berzelia commutata
Berzelia comosa
Berzelia cordifolia
Berzelia dregeana
Berzelia ecklonii
Berzelia galpinii
Berzelia incurva
Berzelia intermedia
Berzelia lanuginosa
Berzelia rubra
Berzelia squarrosa
Berzelia is a genus consisting of 12 species of upright, wiry-stemmed, evergreen shrubs with a dense covering of small, fine, needle-like leaves. The flowers which appear in spring and summer, are minute but are packed in spherical clusters, of which there are several per head of bloom. The flowers are white to cream and, because the stamens extend beyond the tiny petals, the flowerheads appear to be studded with protrusions.
In cultivation, they are best grown in light well-drained soil with adequate moisture, positioning in full sun. Light trimming will retain the compact form after flowering. Most species are easily propagated from seed or small half-hardened tip cuttings.
Berzelia es un género de plantas perteneciente a la familia Bruniaceae. Comprende 23 especies descritas y de estas, solo 12 aceptadas.[1]
El género fue descrito por Adolphe Theodore Brongniart y publicado en Annales des Sciences Naturelles (Paris) 8: 370. 1826.[2] La especie tipo es: Berzelia lanuginosa Brongn.
A continuación se brinda un listado de las especies del género Berzelia aceptadas hasta octubre de 2013, ordenadas alfabéticamente. Para cada una se indica el nombre binomial seguido del autor, abreviado según las convenciones y usos.
Berzelia es un género de plantas perteneciente a la familia Bruniaceae. Comprende 23 especies descritas y de estas, solo 12 aceptadas.
Berzelia é um género botânico pertencente à família Bruniaceae[1].
Berzelia é um género botânico pertencente à família Bruniaceae.
«Berzelia — World Flora Online». Consultado em 19 de agosto de 2020