

provided by ReptileDB
Continent: Africa Near-East
Distribution: Algeria, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Central African Republic ?, N Democratic Republic of the Congo (Zaire), Chad, Egypt (?), Eritrea, Ethiopia, Ghana, Guinea Bissau (?), Guinea (?), Ivory Coast, Benin, Kenya, Liberia (?), Libya, Mali, Western Sahara, Mauritania ?, Morocco, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, Sierra Leone (?), Somalia, Sudan, Tanzania, Togo, Uganda, Yemen, Zimbabwe haje: S Morocco east to Egypt, south to C Tanzania (Shinyaga and Kilosa) and west through the Sahel to Senegal; Central African Republic.
Type locality: Lower Egypt. viridis:
Type locality: Westafrika [Naja haje var. viridis PETERS 1873]
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Kobra egiptat ( Breton )

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Ur c'hobra egiptat.

Ar c'hobra egiptat (Naja haje) a zo ur spesad naered binimus hag a vev en Afrika an Hanternoz hag er Reter-Kreiz.

En Afrika an Hanternoz, en Egipt dreist-holl, ec'h implijer an anv Aspic evit ober anv eus an Naja haje, prim evel ul luc'hedenn ha marvus e vinim.

Hervez ar vojenn, Kleopatra he dije en em bersekutet o lezel un hevelep loen da zantañ anezhi. A-hervez he dije lakaet anezhañ da gregiñ en he bronn, met hervez mammennoù zo ez eo gwirheñveloc'h e vije bet flemmet en he brec'h.

Liammoù diavaez

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Kobra egiptat: Brief Summary ( Breton )

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lang="br" dir="ltr">Ur c'hobra egiptat.

Ar c'hobra egiptat (Naja haje) a zo ur spesad naered binimus hag a vev en Afrika an Hanternoz hag er Reter-Kreiz.

En Afrika an Hanternoz, en Egipt dreist-holl, ec'h implijer an anv Aspic evit ober anv eus an Naja haje, prim evel ul luc'hedenn ha marvus e vinim.

Hervez ar vojenn, Kleopatra he dije en em bersekutet o lezel un hevelep loen da zantañ anezhi. A-hervez he dije lakaet anezhañ da gregiñ en he bronn, met hervez mammennoù zo ez eo gwirheñveloc'h e vije bet flemmet en he brec'h.

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Ægyptisk kobra ( Danish )

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Ægyptisk kobra (Naja hajé) er en giftig slange, der hører til slægten Naja, der er en del af familien giftsnoge. Det er en af de største Naja-arter i Afrika.[2]


  1. ^ "Naje haje haje". ITIS Standard Report Page. ITIS.gov. Hentet 13. januar 2012.
  2. ^ O'shea, Mark; Halliday, Tim (2001). Krybdyr og padder - Politikens visuelle håndbøger - Politikens håndbøger. 1 (1 udgave). s. 165. |access-date= kræver at |url= også er angivet (hjælp)

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Ægyptisk kobra: Brief Summary ( Danish )

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Ægyptisk kobra (Naja hajé) er en giftig slange, der hører til slægten Naja, der er en del af familien giftsnoge. Det er en af de største Naja-arter i Afrika.

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Uräusschlange (Art) ( German )

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Verbreitungsgebiet der Uräusschlange
Zwei Jahre alte schwarze Form einer Uräusschlange aus Marokko

Die Uräusschlange (Naja haje) gehört zur Familie der Giftnattern und wird auch Ägyptische Kobra genannt. Der Legende nach nahm sich die ägyptische Königin Kleopatra das Leben, indem sie sich von einer Uräusschlange beißen ließ.


Uräusschlangen erreichen in der Regel Längen von 1,5 bis 2 Meter, können durchaus aber auch 2,4 Meter erreichen. Der Kopf ist groß und nach vorne hin spitz zulaufend. Die Grundfarbe variiert zwischen gelbbraun, braun und schwarz. Uräusschlangen sind zumeist einfarbig, seltener auch gefleckt oder mit abwechselnd graubraunen und schwarzbraunen Querbändern. Der Bauch ist immer einfarbig gelbbraun, grau oder graublau.

Verbreitung und Lebensweise

Die Uräusschlange ist über den nördlichen und zentralafrikanischen Kontinent bis zur arabischen Halbinsel und nach Palästina hin verbreitet. Vorzugsweise lebt sie in Halbwüsten, Wüsten, Steppen, an und in Feldern, an Straßen und in menschlichen Siedlungen. Uräusschlangen sind Bodenbewohner und verkriechen sich tagsüber unter Felsen, im Gestrüpp, in hohlen Baumstämmen, Erdlöchern oder unter Hütten und Blech.

Die Tiere sind relativ ortstreu. Sie sind schnell und wenig aggressiv. Bei Bedrohung stellen sie sich bis zu einer Höhe von 60 Zentimetern auf und breiten den Nackenschild zur typischen Drohhaltung der Echten Kobras aus. Das Gift ist ein sehr wirksames Nervengift. Als Beute dienen kleine Säugetiere, Vögel, Eier, Reptilien und Amphibien.

Zur Paarung umschlingt das Männchen das Weibchen und führt den mit Widerhaken versehenen Hemipenis in die Kloake des Weibchens ein und legt dort ein Samenpaket ab, welches die weiblichen Eizellen befruchtet. Wie die meisten Giftnattern (Elapidae) legt auch die Uräusschlange Eier. Die Gelegegröße reicht von 8 bis 20 Stück. Diese Eier werden in einen hohlen Baumstamm, in einem Erdloch oder unter einem Felsen abgelegt. Beim Schlupf messen die Jungtiere 24 bis 34 cm.


Derzeit werden keine Unterarten von Naja haje geführt. Die früheren Subspezies anchietae, annulifera und arabica erhielten Artstatus. Naja haje legionis aus Marokko wird nicht mehr als Unterart anerkannt.


  • L. Trutnau: Giftschlangen. Verlag Eugen Ulmer, Stuttgart 1998, ISBN 3-8001-7371-9.
  • Ulrich Gruber: Die Schlangen Europas und rund ums Mittelmeer. Kosmos-Verlag GmbH, Stuttgart 1989, ISBN 3-440-05753-4.


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Uräusschlange (Art): Brief Summary ( German )

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 src= Verbreitungsgebiet der Uräusschlange  src= Zwei Jahre alte schwarze Form einer Uräusschlange aus Marokko

Die Uräusschlange (Naja haje) gehört zur Familie der Giftnattern und wird auch Ägyptische Kobra genannt. Der Legende nach nahm sich die ägyptische Königin Kleopatra das Leben, indem sie sich von einer Uräusschlange beißen ließ.

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Egipsczi òkùlôrnik ( Kashubian )

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Egipsczi òkùlôrnik

Egipsczi òkùlôrnik (Naja haje) – to je òrt gadzënë z rodzëznë Elapidae. Jegò jôd je baro niebezpieczny dlô lëdzy. Òn żëje w Africe np. na sawannie

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Kobrayê Misirê ( Kurdish )

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Kobrayê Misrê (Naja haje), cureyekî marên mertal e ku li Afrîka û Erebistanê tên dîtin.


Kobrayê Misrê ew marê mertalê mezintir li Afrîkayê ku dirêjiya wî di navbera 1-2 m.


Canewernasê Swêdî Carolus Linnaeus, ew zaneyarê ku Naja haje danas kiribû di sala 1758 an. Navdêra cinsê vî marî (naja), ew latînkirina bêjeya Sansikritî ye (नाग), ku wateya wê "Kobra" ye. Navdêra cureyê vî marî (haje), ji bêjeya (حية) ango hayya ji zimanê erebî hatiye ku wateya wê marê biçûk an maregîsk e.[2]


  1. "Naje haje haje". ITIS Standard Report Page. ITIS.gov. Retrieved 13 January 2012.
  2. Wuster, Wolfgang (2009). "In praise of subgenera: taxonomic status of cobras of the genus Naja Laurenti (Serpentes: Elapidae)" (PDF). Zootaxa. 2236 (1): 26–36. Retrieved 14 January 2012. Unknown parameter |coauthors= ignored (|author= suggested) (help)

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Kobrayê Misirê: Brief Summary ( Kurdish )

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Kobrayê Misrê (Naja haje), cureyekî marên mertal e ku li Afrîka û Erebistanê tên dîtin.

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Mhakure ( Shona )

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Mhakure kana mbazarucho (Egyptian Cobra) inyoka inowanikwa mudunhu reAfrica ine huturu hwakaipa kunyanya.

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Egyptian cobra

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The Egyptian cobra (Naja haje), also known as Ouraeus (derived from the Ancient Greek word: οὐραῖος - Greek pronunciation: [οὐραῖος] (listen)), is one of the most venomous snakes in North Africa, which has caused many snakebite incidents to humans. It averages roughly 1.4 metres (4.6 ft), with the longest recorded specimen measuring 2.59 metres (8.5 ft).[4]

Etymology and taxonomy

Naja haje was first described by Swedish zoologist Carl Linnaeus in 1758. The generic name naja is a Latinisation of the Sanskrit word nāgá (नाग) meaning "cobra". The specific epithet haje is derived from the Arabic word ḥayya (حية) which literally means "snake".[5] The snouted cobra (Naja annulifera) and Anchieta's cobra (Naja anchietae) were formerly regarded as subspecies of Naja haje, but have since been shown to be distinct species.[6][7] The Arabian populations were long recognised as a separate subspecies, Naja haje arabica, and the black populations from Morocco sometimes as Naja haje legionis. A recent study[8] found that the Arabian cobra constitutes a separate species, Naja arabica, whereas the subspecies legionis was synonymised with N. haje. The same study also identified the West African savanna populations as a separate species and described it as Naja senegalensis.

The cladogram below illustrates the taxonomy and relationships among species of Naja following Van Wallach et al. (2009), with subgenus Uraeus resolved following Trape et al. (2009):[9][8]

Egyptian cobra (Pre-Shedding Period)
Naja (Naja)

Naja (Naja) naja

Naja (Naja) kaouthia

Naja (Naja) atra

Naja (Naja) mandalayensis

Naja (Naja) siamensis

Naja (Naja) sputatrix


Naja (Afronaja) pallida

Naja (Afronaja) nubiae

Naja (Afronaja) katiensis

Naja (Afronaja) nigricollis

Naja (Afronaja) ashei

Naja (Afronaja) mossambica

Naja (Afronaja) nigricincta


Naja (Boulengerina) multifasciata

Naja (Boulengerina) christyi

Naja (Boulengerina) annulata

Naja (Boulengerina) melanoleuca


Naja (Uraeus) nivea

Naja (Uraeus) senegalensis

Naja (Uraeus) haje

Naja (Uraeus) arabica

Naja (Uraeus) annulifera

Naja (Uraeus) anchietae


Egyptian cobra (Upper part)

The Egyptian cobra is a large species. The head is large and depressed and slightly distinct from the neck. The neck of this species has long cervical ribs capable of expanding to form a hood, like all other cobras. The snout of the Egyptian cobra is moderately broad and rounded. The eye is quite big with a round pupil. The body of the Egyptian cobra is cylindrical and stout, with a long tail. The length of the Egyptian cobra is largely dependent on subspecies, geographical locale, and population. The most recognizable characteristics of this species are its head and hood.

The colour is highly variable, but most specimens are some shade of brown, and often a "tear-drop" mark below the eye. Some are more copper-red or grey-brown in colour. Specimens from northwestern Africa (Morocco) are almost entirely black. The ventral side is mostly a creamy white, yellow brown, grayish, blue grey, dark brown or black in colouration, often with dark spots.[10]


Naja haje has the following scalation. The dorsal scales at midbody number 19-20. The ventral scales number 191-220. The anal plate is single. The subcaudal scales are paired and number 53-65. There is 1 preocular, 3 (or 2) postoculars, and 2 or 3 suboculars. The upper labials number 7 (rarely 6 or 8), and are separated from the eye by the suboculars. The lower labials number 8. The temporal scales are arranged 1+2 or 1+3, varying.[10]

Geographic range

Egyptian Cobra
Egyptian cobra (Head)

The Egyptian cobra ranges across most of North Africa north of the Sahara, across the savannas of West Africa to the south of the Sahara, south to the Congo Basin and east to Kenya and Tanzania. Older literature records from Southern Africa and the Arabian Peninsula refer to other species (see taxonomy section).

In zoos

The Egyptian cobra can also be found in captivity at zoos, both in and outside the snake’s natural range. The Giza Zoo,[11] San Diego Zoo,[12] and the Virginia Aquarium include the Egyptian cobra in their reptile collections.

Bronx Zoo escape

On March 26, 2011, the Bronx Zoo informed the public that their reptile house was closed after a venomous adolescent female banded Egyptian cobra was discovered missing from its off-exhibit enclosure on March 25.[13] Zoo officials were confident the missing cobra would be found in the building and not outside, since the Egyptian cobra is known to be uncomfortable in open areas.[14] The snake's metabolism would also have been impacted by the cold weather outdoors at that time in the Bronx. The cobra was found in a dark corner of the zoo's reptile house on March 31, 2011, in good health.[15] After a contest, she was named "Mia" for "missing in action."


Egyptian cobra (Habitat)

Naja haje occurs in a wide variety of habitats like, steppes, dry to moist savannas, arid semi-desert regions with some water and vegetation. This species is frequently found near water. The Egyptian cobra is also found in agricultural fields and scrub vegetation. It also occurs in the presence of humans, where it often enters houses. It is attracted to villages by rodent pests (rats) and domestic chickens. There are also notes of the Egyptian cobra swimming in the Mediterranean Sea, and is often found in water.[10][4]

Behaviour and ecology

The Egyptian cobra is a terrestrial and crepuscular or nocturnal species. It can, however, be seen basking in the sun at times in the early morning. This species shows a preference for a permanent home base in abandoned animal burrows, termite mounds or rock outcrops. It is an active forager, sometimes entering human habitations, especially when hunting domestic fowl. Like other cobra species, it generally attempts to escape when approached, at least for a few metres, but if threatened it assumes the typical upright posture with the hood expanded, and strikes. This species prefers to eat toads, but it will prey on small mammals, birds, eggs, lizards and other snakes.[4][16]


Egyptian Cobra
Egyptian cobra (Mouth)

The venom of the Egyptian cobra consists mainly of neurotoxins and cytotoxins.[17] The average venom yield is 175 to 300 mg in a single bite, and the murine subcutaneous LD50 value is 1.15 mg/kg.[18] However, Mohamed et al. (1973) recorded LD50 (mice) values of 0.12 mg/kg and 0.25 mg/kg via intraperitoneal injections of specimens from Egypt.[19] Irwin et al. (1970) studied the venom toxicity of a number of elapids, including Naja haje from different geographical locations. Venom potency ranged from 0.08 mg/kg to 1.7 mg/kg via intravenous injections on mice.

The study also found that Egyptian cobra specimens from northern Africa, particularly those from Egypt, Tunisia, Algeria and Libya, to have significantly more potent venom than N. haje specimens found in the species' more southern and western geographical range, including Sudan and those from West Africa (Senegal, Nigeria, and Mali).[20]

The venom affects the nervous system, stopping the nerve signals from being transmitted to the muscles and at later stages stopping those transmitted to the heart and lungs as well, causing death due to complete respiratory failure. Envenomation causes local pain, severe swelling, bruising, blistering, necrosis and variable non-specific effects which may include headache, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, dizziness, collapse or convulsions along with possible moderate to severe flaccid paralysis.

Unlike some other African cobras (for example, the red spitting cobra), this species does not spit venom.[21]

Cultural Significance

In Ancient Egyptian culture and history

Jean-André Rixens: The Death of Cleopatra (1874)

The Egyptian cobra was represented in Egyptian mythology by the cobra-headed goddess Meretseger. A stylised Egyptian cobra—in the form of the uraeus representing the goddess Wadjet—was the symbol of sovereignty for the Pharaohs who incorporated it into their diadem. This iconography was continued through the end of the ancient Egyptian civilization (30 BC).

Most ancient sources attribute the deaths of the Egyptian queen Cleopatra and her two handmaidens to the bite of an Egyptian cobra after the fall of Egypt to Octavian. The snake was reportedly smuggled into her chambers in a basket of figs. Plutarch wrote that Cleopatra had experimented on condemned prisoners with various poisons and snake venoms, finding aspis venom to be the most painless of all fatal toxins.[22] In Ptolemaic Egypt, the term "aspis" (an ancient Greek word referring to a wide variety of venomous snakes) was most likely an Egyptian cobra. This aspect of her apparent suicide has been questioned in recent years, as the relatively large size of the snake would have made it difficult to conceal, and because Egyptian cobra venom is slow-acting and does not always cause death.[23]

As a pet

The Egyptian cobra garnered increased attention in Canada in the fall of 2006 when a pet cobra became loose and forced the evacuation of a house in Toronto[24] for more than three hours when it was believed to have sought refuge in the home's walls. The owner was fined $17,000 and jailed for a year.[25]

In magic acts

In July 2018, Aref Ghafouri was bitten by an Egyptian cobra while preparing for a show in Turkey. He was evacuated to Egypt for treatment with the antivenom and made a full recovery.[26]


  1. ^ Wilms, T.; Wagner, P.; Spawls, S.; Beraduccii, J.; Malonza, P.K. (2021). "Naja haje". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. 2021: e.T184071A1748178. doi:10.2305/IUCN.UK.2021-2.RLTS.T184071A1748178.en. Retrieved 26 May 2022.
  2. ^ "Naje haje haje". ITIS Standard Report Page. ITIS.gov. Retrieved 13 January 2012.
  3. ^ "Naja haje ". The Reptile Database. www.reptile-database.org.
  4. ^ a b c "Naja haje – General Details, Taxonomy and Biology, Venom, Clinical Effects, Treatment, First Aid, Antivenoms". WCH Clinical Toxinology Resource. University of Adelaide. Retrieved 14 January 2012.
  5. ^ Wuster, Wolfgang; Wallach, Van; Broadley, Donald G. (2009). "In praise of subgenera: taxonomic status of cobras of the genus Naja Laurenti (Serpentes: Elapidae)" (PDF). Zootaxa. 2236 (1): 26–36. doi:10.11646/zootaxa.2236.1.2. S2CID 14702999. Retrieved 14 January 2012.
  6. ^ Broadley, D.G. (1995). "The snouted cobra, Naja annulifera, a valid species in southern Africa". Journal of the Herpetological Association of Africa. 44 (2): 26–32. doi:10.1080/04416651.1995.9650389.
  7. ^ Broadley, D.G. and Wüster, W. (2004). "A review of the southern African 'non-spitting' cobras (Serpentes: Elapidae: Naja)". African Journal of Herpetology. 53 (2): 101–122. doi:10.1080/21564574.2004.9635504. S2CID 84853318.{{cite journal}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  8. ^ a b Trape, Jean-François; Chirio, Laurent; Broadley, Donald G.; Wüster, Wolfgang (2009). "Phylogeography and systematic revision of the Egyptian cobra (Serpentes: Elapidae: Naja haje) species complex, with the description of a new species from West Africa". Zootaxa. 2236 (1): 1–25. doi:10.11646/zootaxa.2236.1.1. ISSN 1175-5334.
  9. ^ Wallach, Van; Wüster, Wolfgang; Broadley, Donald G. [in French] (2009). "In praise of subgenera: taxonomic status of cobras of the genus Naja Laurenti (Serpentes: Elapidae)" (PDF). Zootaxa. 2236: 26–36. doi:10.11646/zootaxa.2236.1.2. S2CID 14702999. Retrieved 11 January 2014.
  10. ^ a b c Mastenbroek, Richard. "Captive Care of the Egyptian Cobra (Naja haje)" (PDF). Devenomized. www.devenomized.com. Archived from the original (PDF) on 29 October 2013. Retrieved 13 January 2012.
  11. ^ "Egyptian cobra". Gizazoo-eg.com. Retrieved 14 January 2012.
  12. ^ "Reptiles: Cobra Quick Facts". sandiegozoo.org. Retrieved 14 January 2012.
  13. ^ Gootman, Elissa; Kilgannon, Corey (31 March 2011). "Bronx Zoo Cobra Found Alive". The New York Times.
  14. ^ Kevin Dolak (27 March 2011). "Bronx Zoo Reptile House Closed After Poisonous Snake Goes Missing". ABC News. Retrieved 29 March 2011.
  15. ^ staff and wire (31 March 2011). "Missing Bronx Zoo cobra found, officials confirm". MSNBC. Archived from the original on 31 March 2011. Retrieved 31 March 2011.
  16. ^ Filippi, E. and Petretto, M (2013). "Naja haje (Egyptian Cobra) Diet/Ophiophagy". Herpetological Review. 44: 155–156.{{cite journal}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  17. ^ Joubert, FJ; Taljaard N (October 1978). "Naja haje haje (Egyptian cobra) venom. Some properties and the complete primary structure of three toxins (CM-2, CM-11 and CM-12)". European Journal of Biochemistry. 90 (2): 359–367. doi:10.1111/j.1432-1033.1978.tb12612.x. PMID 710433.
  18. ^ Fry, Dr. Bryan Grieg. "Sub-cutaneous LD-50s". Australian Venom Research Unit. University of Queensland. Archived from the original on 13 April 2012. Retrieved 14 January 2012.
  19. ^ Mohamed, A; Darwish, M; Hani-Ayobe, M (January 1973). "Immunological studies on Egyptian cobra antivenin". Toxicon. 11 (1): 31–34. doi:10.1016/0041-0101(73)90148-7. PMID 4199120. Retrieved 24 December 2021.
  20. ^ Irwin, R; Oliver, K; Mohamed, A; Haast, W (May 1970). "Toxicity of Elapidae venoms and an observation in relation to geographical location". Toxicon. 8 (1): 51–54. doi:10.1016/0041-0101(70)90173-x. PMID 5453491. Retrieved 24 December 2021.
  21. ^ Bogert, C.M. (1943). "Dentitional phenomena in cobras and other elapids with notes on adaptive modifications of fangs". Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History. 81: 285–360. hdl:2246/882.
  22. ^ Plutarch Parallel Lives, "Life of Antony"
  23. ^ Girling, Richard (November 28, 2004) Cleopatra and the asp. The Times
  24. ^ "CBC: Escaped venomous cobra in Toronto wanted dead or alive". Cbc.ca. 2006-10-19. Archived from the original on May 13, 2010. Retrieved 2013-08-11.
  25. ^ "CBC: Owner of deadly pet cobra jailed, fined $17,000". Cbc.ca. 2007-03-08. Archived from the original on May 13, 2010. Retrieved 2013-08-11.
  26. ^ Walsh, Declan (19 July 2018). "A Cobra Strikes. A Magician Is Stricken. Middle Eastern Foes Unite". The New York Times. Retrieved 2018-07-21.
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Egyptian cobra: Brief Summary

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The Egyptian cobra (Naja haje), also known as Ouraeus (derived from the Ancient Greek word: οὐραῖος - Greek pronunciation: [οὐραῖος] (listen)), is one of the most venomous snakes in North Africa, which has caused many snakebite incidents to humans. It averages roughly 1.4 metres (4.6 ft), with the longest recorded specimen measuring 2.59 metres (8.5 ft).

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Egiptia kobro ( Esperanto )

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La Egipta kobroKleopatra kobro (Naja haje) estas specio de serpento el la familio Elapedoj. Ĝi vivas en Nordafriko.


Detalo de la kapo de egipta kobro.

Tiu kobro povas esti ĝis 2,5 metrojn longa. Estas bruna al griza, foje kun nigraj bendoj. La kobroj de nordokcidenta Afriko povas esti tute nigraj. La kapo estas granda, kun elstaraj okuloj kaj nepinta muzelo. Kiel ĉe aliaj kobroj, la egipta kobro havas kapuĉon el malfaldebla haŭtaĵo ĉirkaŭ la kolo.

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Egiptia kobro: Brief Summary ( Esperanto )

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La Egipta kobro aŭ Kleopatra kobro (Naja haje) estas specio de serpento el la familio Elapedoj. Ĝi vivas en Nordafriko.

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Naja haje ( Spanish; Castilian )

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La cobra egipcia (Naja haje), también conocido como "أورايوس" en árabe egipcio pronunciado: Ouraeus (derivado de la palabra griega antigua: οὐραῖος) o áspid de Cleopatra es una especie de saurópsido escamado de la familia Elapidae. Habita en África del Norte.


Esta cobra puede medir hasta 2,5 metros de longitud. Es de color marrón o gris, a veces con bandas negras. Las cobras del noroeste de África pueden ser totalmente negras. La cabeza es grande, con unos prominentes ojos y un hocico achatado. Como otras cobras, la cobra egipcia posee una capucha de piel desplegable alrededor del cuello.

Biología y comportamiento

Cobra egipcia (parte superior).

La cobra egipcia vive en desiertos y otros terrenos áridos, pero a veces se adentra en zonas urbanas. Suele evitar bosques y terrenos muy áridos. Es de hábitos nocturnos, pero también se calienta al sol por la mañana. Se alimenta de serpientes, mamíferos pequeños, sapos, aves y huevos, persiguiendo activamente a sus presas e inoculándoles veneno de rápida acción. Al estar amenazada, extiende su capucha de piel para intimidar, pero también puede abalanzarse hacia su agresor para propinar una mordedura venenosa, emitiendo antes un siseo. El veneno puede ser mortal para el ser humano si no es tratado rápidamente. Esta serpiente es muy territorial, atacando a cualquier amenaza para su territorio.

Las hembras suelen poner entre 8 y 20 huevos en cada puesta, normalmente en nidos de termitas. los huevos eclosionan en un período de incubación de 60 días.

Relación con el hombre

Detalle de la cabeza de una cobra egipcia.
Máscara funeraria de Tutankamón, con la cobra y el buitre protectores.

La cobra egipcia tenía gran importancia en el Antiguo Egipto, donde era utilizada como símbolo del faraón, representando también a la diosa Uadyet. Mientras las demás serpientes representaban a la serpiente Apofis, la cobra representaba el Sol. Se cree que Cleopatra uso una cobra egipcia para suicidarse. Actualmente es posible mantenerla en cautividad.


  • Uetz, P. & Jirí Hošek (ed.). «Naja haje». Reptile Database (en inglés). Reptarium.

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Naja haje: Brief Summary ( Spanish; Castilian )

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La cobra egipcia (Naja haje), también conocido como "أورايوس" en árabe egipcio pronunciado: Ouraeus (derivado de la palabra griega antigua: οὐραῖος) o áspid de Cleopatra es una especie de saurópsido escamado de la familia Elapidae. Habita en África del Norte.

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Egiptuse kobra ( Estonian )

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Egiptuse kobra ehk haja (Naja haje) on mürgine madu mürknastiklaste sugukonnast kobra perekonnast.[2]


Egiptuse kobral on roomajate andmebaasi alusel järgmised alamliigid:


Egiptuse kobra elab Aafrika põhja- ja keskosas, Kirde-Aafrikas[2] ning Araabia poolsaarel.

Naja haje haje levila riigiti: Sahara-tagune Aafrika, Alžeeria, Benin, Burkina Faso, Kamerun, Kongo Demokraatlik Vabariik, Elevandiluurannik, Djibouti, Egiptus, Eritrea, Etioopia, Gambia, Ghana, Keenia, Liibüa, Mali, Maroko, Niger, Nigeeria, Senegal, Sudaan, Tansaania, Togo, Tuneesia, Uganda, Mauritaania, Lääne-Sahara, Somaalia.[3]


Ta kasvab kuni kahe meetri pikkuseks. Ta on päevase eluviisiga; toitub pisiimetajatest, lindudest, kahepaiksetest.[2]


Egiptuse kobra nn ärritunud poosis

Ärritudes tõstab kobra keha eesosa üles ja sirutab kaela ümber oleva lõdva naha laiali nagu kapuutsi. Mõni kobra suudab pritsida mürki kuni kahe meetri kaugusele ründaja silmadesse. Mürk tekitab suurt valu ja võib põhjustada ka pimedaksjäämist.


Egiptuse kobra hammustusi registreeritakse harva ja need võivad olla, erinevatel põhjustel, surmlõppega. Kuid hammustuse mõju, mille käigus madu ka sülge eritab, organismidele saab püüda tagasi pöörata vastumürgi manustamisega.[4]


  1. Naja haje roomajate andmebaas veebiversioon (vaadatud 24.09.2013) (inglise keeles)
  2. 2,0 2,1 2,2 Loomade elu 5:301.
  3. http://www.toxinology.com/fusebox.cfm?fuseaction=main.snakes.display&id=SN0181 Clinical Toxinology Resources] veebiversioon (vaadatud 24.09.2013)
  4. SNAKEBITE MANAGEMENT OVERVIEW DOCUMENT, Toxinology Dept., Women’s & Children’s Hospital, North Adelaide SA 5006 AUSTRALIA, STATE TOXINOLOGY SERVICES, www.toxinology.com record number SN0181, Naja haje haje (pdf) veebiversioon (vaadatud 24.09.2013) (inglise keeles)
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Egiptuse kobra: Brief Summary ( Estonian )

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Egiptuse kobra ehk haja (Naja haje) on mürgine madu mürknastiklaste sugukonnast kobra perekonnast.

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Naja haje ( Basque )

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Naja haje: Brief Summary ( Basque )

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Naja haje Naja generoko animalia da. Narrastien barruko Elapidae familian sailkatuta dago.

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Cobra égyptien ( French )

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Naja haje

Naja haje, le Cobra égyptien, également connu sous le nom de "أورايوس" en arabe égyptien prononcé: Ouraeus (dérivé du mot grec ancien : οὐραῖος), une espèce de serpents de la famille des Elapidae[1].


Répartition du cobra égyptien dans le monde

Cette espèce se rencontre au Maroc, en Algérie, en Libye, en Tunisie,en Égypte, au Sénégal, au Mali, au Burkina, en Côte d'Ivoire, au Ghana, au Togo, au Bénin, au Nigeria, au Niger, au Tchad, au Cameroun, en Centrafrique, au Soudan, en Éthiopie, en Érythrée, en Somalie, au Kenya, en Ouganda, en Tanzanie, au Congo-Kinshasa, au Zimbabwe et au Yémen[1].

Sa présence est incertaine en Mauritanie, en Guinée-Bissau, en Guinée, au Liberia et en Sierra Leone.


Ce serpent ovipare et venimeux[1] mesure de 1,40 à 2,50 m[réf. nécessaire].


Cobra égyptien (Habitat)

La reine Cléopâtre se serait suicidée en se laissant mordre par un cobra égyptien. La légende veut d'ailleurs qu'elle se soit fait mordre au sein, mais certaines sources rapportent que le serpent l'a attaquée au bras.

Publications originales

  • Linnaeus, 1758 : Systema naturae per regna tria naturae, secundum classes, ordines, genera, species, cum characteribus, differentiis, synonymis, locis, ed. 10 (texte intégral).
  • Valverde, 1989 : Notas sobre vertebrados VII. Una nueva cobra del NW de Africa, Naja haje legionis, ssp. nov. (Elapidae, Serpentes). Acta IX Real Sociedad española de Historia natural, vol. 2, p. 214-230.

Notes et références

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Cobra égyptien: Brief Summary ( French )

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Naja haje

Naja haje, le Cobra égyptien, également connu sous le nom de "أورايوس" en arabe égyptien prononcé: Ouraeus (dérivé du mot grec ancien : οὐραῖος), une espèce de serpents de la famille des Elapidae.

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Kobra Mesir ( Indonesian )

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Kobra Mesir atau aspis Mesir (Bhs Ingg: Egyptian Cobra atau Egyptian Asp) adalah jenis ular sendok yang tersebar di wilayah Afrika bagian utara dan timur laut.

Deskripsi fisik

Kobra Mesir adalah kobra terbesar di benua Afrika. Kepalanya dapat dibedakan dari leher. Seperti halnya jenis ular sendok lain, ular ini memiliki tulang rusuk panjang yang mampu berkembang untuk membentuk tudung. Moncong berukuran lebar dan membulat, mata besar dengan pupil bundar. Tubuh kobra Mesir berbentuk silindris dan gemuk dengan ekor panjang. Panjang kobra Mesir sebagian besar tergantung pada subspesies, lokasi geografis, dan populasi. Panjang total rata-rata (termasuk ekor) adalah antara 1 dan 2 meter (3,3 dan 6,6 kaki), dengan panjang total maksimum hanya sampai 3 meter (9,8 kaki). Karakteristik yang paling dikenal dari spesies ini adalah kepala dan tudungnya. Warnanya sangat bervariasi, tetapi sebagian besar spesimen memiliki warna cokelat tua, sering dengan bintik-bintik yang lebih terang atau lebih gelap, dan sering kali ada tanda "air mata" di bawah mata. Beberapa lebih berwarna tembaga-merah atau abu-abu kecoklatan. Spesimen dari Afrika barat laut (Maroko, Sahara barat) hampir seluruhnya berwarna hitam. Sisi perut sebagian besar berwarna putih krem, kuning kecokelatan, keabu-abuan, biru abu-abu, coklat gelap atau kehitaman, ditambah dengan bintik-bintik pekat.[2]

Kebiasaan dan habitat

Kobra Mesir adalah spesies yang beraktivitas sepenuhnya di atas tanah (terestrial) dan aktif pada malam hari. Namun, ular ini sering terlihat berjemur di bawah sinar matahari pada waktu pagi atau siang. Ular ini memilih menggunakan liang hewan yang ditinggalkan, gundukan rayap atau sela-sela batu untuk beristirahat. Ular ini juga terkadang memasuki habitat manusia, terutama ketika berburu tikus dan bahkan unggas. Seperti spesies kobra lainnya, ular ini umumnya mencoba untuk melarikan diri ketika didekati, setidaknya untuk kesempatan pertama, tetapi jika benar-benar terancam, ia akan mengangkat kepala dan memipihkan lehernya, selain itu, ular ini juga termasuk jenis kobra penyembur (spitting cobra), ular ini mampu menyemburkan racun atau bisa dari taring mulutnya ke arah mata pengganggu sampai jarak sekitar 2,5 meter. Makanan ular ini sendiri adalah hewan kecil seperti tikus, burung, telur, kadal, katak, dan kadang ular lain yang lebih kecil daripada badannya.[3][4]

Egyptian cobra (Naja haje) at Jacksonville Zoo.jpg

Kobra Mesir biasanya dapat dijumpai di daerah padang rumput (stepa), gurun, atau tepian hutan, terkadang juga ditemukan dekat dengan sumber air seperti sungai. Ular ini juga sering dijumpai di daerah persawahan dan perkebunan. Ular ini juga sering memasuki pemukiman dan sering terjadi kontak yang fatal dengan manusia. Hal itu karena ular ini mencari mangsanya seperti tikus dan bahkan anak ayam, mengharuskannya untuk mencari hingga masuk pemukiman sehingga kasus gigitan kobra Mesir cukup sering terjadi.[3]


Tersebar di sebagian besar Afrika utara dan wilayah padang pasir Sahara, mulai dari Mesir, Kongo, lalu ke timur sampai Tanzania dan Kenya.


  1. ^ ITIS Standard Report Page: Naja haje
  2. ^ Mastenbroek, Richard. "Captive Care of the Egyptian Cobra (Naja haje)" (PDF). Devenomized. www.devenomized.com. Diakses tanggal 13 January 2012.
  3. ^ a b "Naja haje - General Details, Taxonomy and Biology, Venom, Clinical Effects, Treatment, First Aid, Antivenoms". WCH Clinical Toxinology Resource. University of Adelaide. Diakses tanggal 14 January 2012.
  4. ^ Filippi, E., Petretto, M, Naja haje (Egyptian Cobra) Diet/Ophiophagy in Herpetological Review 2013; 44: 155-156
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Kobra Mesir: Brief Summary ( Indonesian )

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Kobra Mesir atau aspis Mesir (Bhs Ingg: Egyptian Cobra atau Egyptian Asp) adalah jenis ular sendok yang tersebar di wilayah Afrika bagian utara dan timur laut.

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Naja haje ( Italian )

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Il cobra egiziano, noto anche come "أورايوس" in arabo egiziano pronunciato: Ouraeus (derivato dalla parola greca antica: οὐραῖος), Nomenclatura binomiale: (Naja haje (Linnaeus, 1758)), è un serpente appartenente alla famiglia degli Elapidi[1].


Il cobra egiziano è una specie piuttosto grande, con una lunghezza media che oscilla tra 140 e 200 cm. Quella massima registrata, invece, raggiunge quasi i 300 cm. I maschi sono più grandi delle femmine. Il corpo è cilindrico, slanciato e ben proporzionato. La coda è corta. Come tutti i cobra, possiede nel collo delle lunghe costole cervicali che gli permettono di allargare il suo cappuccio. La colorazione varia molto a seconda dell'età. Gli esemplari giovani sono solitamente gialli, rame o rossicci, con macchie marroni; soltanto la testa e il collo sono di un bel colore nero brillante. Con l'avanzare dell'età, comunque, il colore nero si estende su tutto il corpo, relegando il giallo a screziature tra le squame e alle linee ventrali. Il ventre può essere color crema, giallo, marrone, grigio o nero, e spesso presenta macchie scure. Gli esemplari più anziani sono quasi completamente neri. Tuttavia questa specie può essere anche di colore completamente marrone scuro o grigio scuro. La testa è grande, appiattita e poco distinta dal collo. Il muso è ampio e arrotondato. Gli occhi sono di medie dimensioni, con la pupilla rotonda, molto difficile da distinguere. Le squame sono lunghe, lisce e oblique[2].

Distribuzione e habitat

L'areale della specie si estende attraverso gran parte del Nordafrica a nord del Sahara e le savane dell'Africa occidentale a sud di esso, fino al bacino del Congo a sud e il Kenya e la Tanzania ad est. Sui testi più vecchi è scritto che la specie è presente anche nell'Africa meridionale e nella penisola arabica, ma le popolazioni ivi presenti vengono attualmente classificate come specie differenti. Questa specie predilige le zone aride con inverni caldi. Si adatta a vivere in diversi tipi di habitat che vanno dalle steppe alle savane, dalle aree semidesertiche ai campi agricoli. È possibile trovarla in zone rocciose, ma anche nei boschi. Ama vivere in prossimità dell'acqua e diversi esemplari sono stati visti nuotare nel mar Mediterraneo[2].


Il cobra egiziano è un serpente prevalentemente notturno o crepuscolare. Al mattino è possibile vederlo crogiolarsi al sole per aiutare la sua termoregolazione. In alcune zone è stato comunque visto in attività anche durante il giorno. Gli esemplari adulti si stabiliscono in un territorio all'interno del quale vivono per anni, adottando come rifugio tane di altri animali, termitai o insenature nelle vicinanze. Il cobra egiziano cerca attivamente le sue prede. Per questo è veloce, riesce ad arrampicarsi sugli alberi e a volte penetra nelle abitazioni umane. È anche un eccellente nuotatore. Quando si sente minacciato, tendenzialmente spera di passare inosservato oppure cerca la fuga. Se la minaccia continua ed entra nel raggio di due metri, solleva in verticale la parte anteriore del corpo ed estende il cappuccio. A questo punto spalanca la bocca, sperando di far desistere l'aggressore. Come ultima risorsa difensiva, il cobra egiziano morde[2].


L'alimentazione consiste soprattutto in rospi e piccoli roditori, ma come altri cobra può occasionalmente predare altri serpenti, sauri e uccelli. La preda è ricercata attivamente e, una volta scoperta, azzannata istantaneamente; se la vittima è di piccole dimensioni viene ingollata direttamente, altrimenti il cobra egiziano attende che le sue neurotossine facciano effetto, paralizzandone i centri respiratori[2].


Il veleno del cobra egiziano, con un LD50 pari a 1,15 mg/kg, fa sì che la specie sia uno dei serpenti più velenosi del continente africano. Per capire la potenza di questo veleno basta pensare che può uccidere un elefante in circa 3 ore e portare un essere umano adulto all'arresto respiratorio in meno di mezz'ora. È neurotossico, ma in esso sono state identificate anche delle citotossine che determinano la morte delle cellule. Con un solo morso il cobra egiziano è in grado di inoculare tra i 175 e i 300 mg di veleno, una grande quantità. Fortunatamente, spesso questo cobra morde a secco, cioè senza inoculare veleno. A differenza di altri cobra presenti in Africa, non sputa il veleno. I primi sintomi di avvelenamento possono verificarsi da pochi minuti a 4 ore dopo il morso. I sintomi di avvelenamento più frequenti sono dolore, gonfiore, lividi e/o vesciche nella zona del morso, mal di testa e capogiro, nausea e vomito, dolore addominale e diarrea, convulsioni, collasso e paralisi. La morte sopraggiunge per insufficienza respiratoria o arresto cardiocircolatorio. La specie è responsabile di molti decessi umani, ma contro il suo veleno esistono diversi tipi di antidoto, polivalente, bivalente e monovalente[2].


Vista la grande area di diffusione non si può indicare un preciso periodo riproduttivo, coincidente all'incirca con la nostra primavera per le popolazioni boreali (a nord dell'equatore); in questa fase i maschi fortemente eccitati sono meno irritabili (non dispiegano il cappuccio quando incontrano un rivale o un intruso). Dopo gli accoppiamenti le femmine ricercano un punto adatto e sicuro per deporre le uova, 12-20 e più a seconda della taglia e dell'età, una cavità di un vecchio termitaio sembra il luogo preferenziale. Dopo la deposizione la femmina si trattiene nei pressi, a volte per l'intera incubazione (60-80 giorni), pronta a difendere le uova da possibili predatori. I piccoli nati, lunghi 25-30 cm, presentano, se irritati, già alla nascita la caratteristica postura difensiva e hanno già funzionante l'apparato velenifero[2].


Cobra egiziano (parte superiore)

Il cobra egiziano è stato un serpente venerato nell'Antico Egitto. La dea Mertseger veniva infatti rappresentata proprio con la testa di questo serpente. Esso era simbolo di regalità, e non a caso era la specie di cobra stilizzata presente sui copricapo dei faraoni. Esso è anche, più plausibilmente dell'aspide, il famoso responsabile della morte di Cleopatra. Le fonti antiche, infatti, indicano un aspis, riferendosi ad un generico serpente velenoso. Il termine aspis è stato poi erroneamente tradotto con l'inglese asp, generando una gran confusione.

Esso non figura tra le specie prese in considerazione dalla IUCN, ma il numero di esemplari sta calando drammaticamente. È una specie molto ricercata dai cacciatori di serpenti, sia per la sua pelle pregiata che per essere venduto vivo agli incantatori di serpenti. Molti esemplari muoiono di fame cadendo in pozzi e nelle cisterne d'acqua, mentre altri vengono uccisi dalle auto o dagli allevatori[2].


  1. ^ Naja haje, in The Reptile Database. URL consultato l'11 luglio 2018.
  2. ^ a b c d e f g Cobra egiziano (Naja haje), in Animali velenosi. URL consultato l'11 luglio 2018.


  • E. Filippi e M. Petretto, Naja haje (Egyptian Cobra) Diet/Ophiophagy, in Herpetological Review 2013; 44: 155-156.[1]
  • E.Filippi, Effects of restoration habitats on snake species of Dghoumes National Park (Tunisia), in Biodiversity Journal 10(3): 213-220 [2]

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Naja haje: Brief Summary ( Italian )

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Il cobra egiziano, noto anche come "أورايوس" in arabo egiziano pronunciato: Ouraeus (derivato dalla parola greca antica: οὐραῖος), Nomenclatura binomiale: (Naja haje (Linnaeus, 1758)), è un serpente appartenente alla famiglia degli Elapidi.

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Egiptinė kobra ( Lithuanian )

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Egiptinė kobra (lot. Naja haje) – aspidų (Elapidae) šeimos nuodingųjų gyvačių rūšis. Paplitusi Šiaurės (išskyrus Tunisą), Rytų ir Vakarų Afrikoje link pusiaujo, Arabijos pusiasalyje.

Gyvatės ilgis paprastai siekia 1–2 m, tačiau kartais išauga ir iki 3 m. Suaugusi gyvatė yra vienspalvė: nuo šviesiai geltonos iki tamsiai rudos spalvos, su šviesesne papilve. Ties kaklo žemutine dalimi matyti nedidelės kelios tamsios juostos, kurios tampa gerai pastebimos, jei gyvatė ima demonstruoti kovinę pozą. Sutinkami individai ir su skersinėmis juostomis, jų kūnai tarsi „perrišti“ plačiais tamsiai rudais ir šviesiai geltonais rėžiais.

Gyvenimo būdas

Egiptinė kobra renkasi vietas stepėse, dykumose, kalnuose, griuvėsiuose, akmenų sangrūdose, krūmynuose. Didžiąją gyvenimo dalį praleidžia ant žemės, tačiau kartais plaukioja vandenyje ar įšliuožia į medį, aktyvi dieną. Minta smulkiais žinduoliais, paukščiais, varliagyviais, driežais. Padeda medžio drevėje, urve ar po akmenimis 8–20 kiaušinių, išsiritę jaunikliai būna 24–34 cm ilgio.

Gyvatės įkandimas kelia pavojų žmogui, jos nuodai pasižymi neurotoksinų poveikiu: galvos svaigimas, neaiški kalba, pasunkėjęs rijimas ir kvėpavimas, paralyžiuojami raumenys.


  • Schleich, H.H., Kästle, W., Kabisch, K. 1996. Amphibians and Reptiles of North Africa. Koeltz, Koenigstein, 627 pp.
  • Dobiey, M. & Vogel, G. 2007. Venomous Snakes of Africa/Giftschlangen Afrikas. Terralog 15, Edition Chimaira, Frankfurt am Main, 150 pp.
  • Trape, J.-F. & Mane, Y. 2004. Les serpents des environs de Bandafassi (Sénégal oriental). Bull. Soc. Herp. France 109: 5-34
  • L. Trutnau: Giftschlangen Verlag Eugen Ulmer, Stuttgart (1998) ISBN 3-8001-7371-9
  • Ulrich Gruber: Die Schlangen Europas und rund ums Mittelmeer, Kosmos-Verlag GmbH, Stuttgart 1989, ISBN 3-440-05753-4



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Egiptinė kobra: Brief Summary ( Lithuanian )

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Egiptinė kobra (lot. Naja haje) – aspidų (Elapidae) šeimos nuodingųjų gyvačių rūšis. Paplitusi Šiaurės (išskyrus Tunisą), Rytų ir Vakarų Afrikoje link pusiaujo, Arabijos pusiasalyje.

Gyvatės ilgis paprastai siekia 1–2 m, tačiau kartais išauga ir iki 3 m. Suaugusi gyvatė yra vienspalvė: nuo šviesiai geltonos iki tamsiai rudos spalvos, su šviesesne papilve. Ties kaklo žemutine dalimi matyti nedidelės kelios tamsios juostos, kurios tampa gerai pastebimos, jei gyvatė ima demonstruoti kovinę pozą. Sutinkami individai ir su skersinėmis juostomis, jų kūnai tarsi „perrišti“ plačiais tamsiai rudais ir šviesiai geltonais rėžiais.

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Naja haje ( Portuguese )

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naja-egípcia,, também conhecido como "أورايوس" em árabe egípcio pronunciado: Ouraeus (derivado da palavra grega antiga: οὐραῖος), Nomenclatura binomial: Naja haje é uma espécie de naja nativa do norte e centro da África e da Arábia, sendo uma das maiores najas.


A naja-egípcia tem entre 1,5 e 2,4 m de comprimento. As características mais reconhecíveis de uma cobra egípcia estão na sua cabeça. A cabeça é grande e achatada, com um focinho largo. Os olhos da cobra são grandes com pupilas redondas. Sua garganta pode variar de 15 a 18 centímetros. A cor é variável, mas a maioria dos exemplares são algumas tonalidades de marrom, muitas vezes com manchas mais claras ou mais escuras, e muitas vezes uma "gota" embaixo do olho. As espécies do noroeste da África (Marrocos, Saara Ocidental) são quase inteiramente pretas.


Está distribuído em toda a Arábia, Deserto do Saara, Chifre da África e República Democrática do Congo.


A naja-egípcia normalmente vive em savana seca e as regiões semidesérticas com pelo menos um pouco de água. A naja também podem ser encontradas em oásis, terreno agrícola, morros com vegetação esparsa e gramados. Essas cobras não têm medo dos seres humanos e geralmente entram nas casas. Elas são atraídas para as aldeias humanos por galinhas e ratos que são atraídos pelo lixo. Há também relatos que essas najas nadam no mar Mediterrâneo.


A naja-egípcia é silvestre, terrestre e noturna, embora em cativeiro eles parecem tem hábitos diurnos. Pode, no entanto, ser visto sob o sol, muitas vezes no início da manhã. Ele mostra uma preferência por um lar permanente em tocas de animais abandonados, cupinzeiros ou afloramentos de rocha e outros, às vezes entrando habitações humanas para caçar aves domésticas. Geralmente, elas fogem, mas se ameaçada ela assume a postura ereta típica. Suas presas são pequenos mamíferos, lagartos, sapos, cobras e outros.


Naja Egípcia (Boca)

O veneno da naja-egípcia é neurotóxica, principalmente, a quantidade média de veneno normalmente atinge aos 175–200 mg em uma única mordida. Seu veneno afeta o sistema nervoso, interrompendo os sinais nervosos sejam transmitidos para os músculos e em fases posteriores parando os que foram transmitidos para o coração e os pulmões, causando a morte devido à parada cardiorrespiratória. O envenenamento provoca dor local, inchaço grave, contusões, bolhas, necrose e variável de efeitos não-específicos, que podem incluir dores de cabeça, náuseas, vômitos, dor abdominal, diarréia, tontura, desmaio ou convulsão, juntamente com moderada possível paralisia flácida grave. Ao contrário de outras cobras africanas, esta espécie não cospe veneno.


O nome da espécie haje é a transliteração do árabe حية que significa cobra ou víbora. A Naja annulifera e Naja anchietae foram anteriormente considerados como subespécies de Naja haje, agora foram mostradas como espécies distintas.[1] A população árabe eram há muito reconhecido como uma subespécie separada, Naja haje arabica, e a população marroquina, por sua vez, como Naja haje legionis. Um estudo recente concluiu que a cobra árabe constitui uma espécie separada, Naja arabica, enquanto a subespécie legionis é sinônimo com N. haje. O mesmo estudo identificou também as populações do cerrado da África Ocidental como uma espécie separada e descreveu-o como Naja senegalensis.

Naja Egípcia (parte superior)


  • Cerastes candidus Laurenti 1768
  • Coluber caecus Gmelin 1788
  • Coluber candidissimus Lacépède 1789
  • Coluber naja Linnaeus 1758: 221
  • Coluber rufus Gmelin 1788
  • Naja ceylonicus Osorio E Castro & Vernon 1989
  • Naja fasciata Laurenti 1768
  • Naja lutescens Laurenti 1768
  • Naja maculata Laurenti 1768
  • Naja naja Stejneger 1907
  • Naja nigra Gray 1830
  • Naja non-naja Laurenti 1768
  • Naja tripudians Merrem 1820
  • Uraeus haje Wallach et al. 2009
  • Vipera haje Daudin 1803


  • Naja haje anchietae Mertens 1937
  • Naja haje arabica Haas 1957
  • Naja haje haje Linnaeus 1758
  • Naja haje legionis Valverde 1989


Jean-André Rixens: A Morte de Cleópatra (1874)

A naja-egípcia era representada na mitologia egípcia pela deusa (com cabeça de cobra) Meretseguer. Uma naja-egípcia - sob a forma de o ureu representando a deusa Uto - era o símbolo de soberania para os faraós, que a incorporou no seu diadema. Esta iconografia foi continuado durante o período helenístico no Egito (305–30 a.C.).

A maioria das fontes antigas dizem que a Cleópatra e seus dois assistentes cometeram suicídio por ter sido mordido por uma víbora, que se traduz em inglês como "asp". A cobra teria sido contrabandeada para o seu quarto em uma cesta de figos. Plutarco escreveu que ela realizou experimentos em prisioneiros condenados e encontrou veneno mais indolor de todos os venenos mortais. Esta víbora provavelmente teria sido a naja egípcia.


  1. Broadley, D.G. (1995) The snouted cobra, Naja annulifera, a valid species in southern Africa. Journal of the Herpetological Association of Africa, 44, 26–32.}

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Naja haje: Brief Summary ( Portuguese )

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naja-egípcia,, também conhecido como "أورايوس" em árabe egípcio pronunciado: Ouraeus (derivado da palavra grega antiga: οὐραῖος), Nomenclatura binomial: Naja haje é uma espécie de naja nativa do norte e centro da África e da Arábia, sendo uma das maiores najas.

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Kobra aspis ( Slovak )

provided by wikipedia SK

Kobra aspis (iné názvy: okuliarnik aspis, kobra egyptská, (?) okuliarnik egyptský; lat. Naja haje, Naja haie) je jedovatý had z čeľade koralovcovitých. Obýva púšte, trávnaté oblasti, miesta blízko vody, ale aj osídlené oblasti Afriky.


Tento veľmi jedovatý had je zvyčajne hnedej alebo sivej farby s čiernymi pásikmi. Dorastá do dĺžky 1,5 až 2,4 m.


Vyskytuje sa v severnej, východnej a západnej Afrike. Žije na územiach štátov: Alžírsko, Burkina, Kamerun, Stredoafrická republika, Kongo, Čad, Egypt, Eritrea, Etiópia, Ghana, Guinea-Bissau, Guinea, Pobrežie Slonoviny, Benin, Keňa, Libéria, Líbya, Mali, Západná Sahara, Mauritánia, Maroko, Niger, Nigéria, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Somálsko, Sudán, Tanzánia, Togo, Uganda, Jemen a Zimbabwe.


Snaží sa vyhýbať hustým lesom a väčšine suchých oblastí. Aktívna je prevažne v noci, niekedy sa však ráno vyhrieva na slnku. Kobra aspis pri vyrušení okamžite dvíha prednú časť tela a rozťahuje širokú, zaoblenú kapucňu. Ak protivník neustúpi syčí a približuje sa k nemu, pripravená uhryznúť. Ak uštipne človeka a tomu sa rýchlo nepodá protijed tak vo väčšine prípadov človek umiera. Kobry aspis sú teritoriálne a často medzi sebou zápasia.


Hlavnou zložkou potravy kobry aspis sú iné hady, malé cicavce, žaby a vtáky – vrátane domestikovanej hydiny. Korisť zabíja rýchlo pôsobiacim jedom. Požiera aj vajíčka.


Samice kladú 8 – 20 vajec, často do termitísk. Mláďatá sa liahnu po inkubačnej dobe, ktorá trvá okolo 60 dní.


Iné projekty

  • Spolupracuj na Commons Commons ponúka multimediálne súbory na tému Kobra aspis
  • Spolupracuj na Wikidruhoch Wikidruhy ponúkajú informácie na tému Kobra aspis


  • BURNIE, David; KOVÁČ, Vladimír, a kol. Zviera: Obrazová encyklopédia živočíšnej ríše. Bratislava : Ikar, 2002. ISBN 80-551-0375-5.
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Kobra aspis: Brief Summary ( Slovak )

provided by wikipedia SK

Kobra aspis (iné názvy: okuliarnik aspis, kobra egyptská, (?) okuliarnik egyptský; lat. Naja haje, Naja haie) je jedovatý had z čeľade koralovcovitých. Obýva púšte, trávnaté oblasti, miesta blízko vody, ale aj osídlené oblasti Afriky.

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이집트코브라 ( Korean )

provided by wikipedia 한국어 위키백과

이집트코브라 (Egyptian cobra), 이집트 아랍어로 "أورايوس" 라고도 발음: Ouraeus, 는 뱀과에 속하는 독사의 일종으로 코브라과에 속한다. 평균 약 1.4m(4.6ft)이며, 기록된 표본 중 가장 긴 것은 2.59m(8.5ft)이다.[2]


이집트코브라는 큰 종이다. 머리는 크고 축 처져 있으며 목과 약간 구별된다. 이 종의 목은 다른 모든 코브라처럼 후드를 형성하기 위해 팽창할 수 있는 긴 경부 늑골을 가지고 있다. 이집트코브라의 코는 적당히 넓고 둥글다. 눈동자가 동그랗고 눈이 꽤 크다. 이집트코브라의 몸은 원통형이고 긴 꼬리에 건장하다. 이집트코브라의 길이는 아종, 지리적 지역, 그리고 개체수에 따라 크게 달라진다. 이 종의 가장 눈에 띄는 특징은 머리와 두건이다. 색은 매우 다양하지만, 대부분의 표본은 갈색의 일부 색상으로, 종종 더 밝거나 어두운 얼룩이 있고, 종종 눈 아래에 "눈물방울" 자국이 있다. 어떤 것들은 더 구리빛 붉은색이나 회갈색을 띤다. 아프리카 북서부(모로코, 사하라 서부)에서 온 표본들은 거의 모두 검은색이다. 복부는 대부분 크림색의 흰색, 노란색, 회색, 파란색 회색, 짙은 갈색 또는 검은색이며 종종 어두운 반점이 있다.[3]

지리적 범위

이집트코브라는 사하라 북쪽의 북아프리카 대부분, 서아프리카의 사바나, 남쪽의 사하라, 콩고 분지, 동쪽의 케냐탄자니아에 걸쳐 분포한다. 남아프리카 및 아라비아 반도의 오래된 문헌 기록은 다른 종을 참조한다.


이집트코브라는 또한 뱀의 자연 서식지 안팎의 동물원에서 볼 수 있다. 기자 동물원[4]샌디에이고 동물원[5]은 물론 버지니아 수족관도 이집트코브라를 파충류 컬렉션에 포함하고 있다.


이집트코브라는 스텝, 건조하거나 습한 사바나, 약간의 물과 식물이 있는 건조한 반사막 지역과 같은 매우 다양한 서식지에서 발생한다. 이 종은 물 근처에서 자주 발견된다. 이집트코브라는 농경지와 관목 식물에서도 발견된다. 그것은 또한 종종 집에 들어가는 인간들 앞에서 발생한다. 설치류 해충(쥐)과 닭 사육에 의해 마을로 유인된다. 이집트코브라가 지중해에서 헤엄치는 모습도 기록돼 있어 자주 발견되던 물을 좋아하는 것 같다.[3][2]

행동 및 생태

이집트코브라는 육지 생물이며 구근체 또는 야행성 종이다. 그러나 이른 아침에 가끔 햇빛을 쬐는 것을 볼 수 있다. 이 종은 유기동물 굴, 흰개미 언덕 또는 바위 돌출물에 서식지를 선호한다. 이는 특히 가금류를 사냥할 때 때때로 인간의 거주지로 들어가는 활동적인 먹이꾼이다. 다른 코브라 종과 마찬가지로, 보통 접근했을 때, 최소한 몇 미터 동안은 탈출을 시도하지만, 위협을 받으면 후드를 펼친 채 일반적인 직립 자세를 취하고 공격한다. 이 종은 두꺼비를 먹는 것을 선호하지만, 작은 포유류, 새, 알, 도마뱀과 다른 뱀들을 잡아먹는다.[2][6]

이집트코브라의 독은 주로 신경독세포독성에 들어 있다.[7] 한 입에 평균 독극물 산출량은 175~300mg이며, 사향피하 LD50 값은 1.15mg/kg이다.[8]

독은 신경계에 영향을 미쳐 신경신호가 근육으로 전달되는 것을 막고, 나중에 심장과 폐로 전달되는 것을 멈추게 하여 완전한 호흡부전으로 사망을 초래한다. 독극물은 국소 통증, 심한 붓기, 멍, 수포, 괴사 및 가변적인 비특이적 효과를 유발하며, 여기에는 중증 또는 심각한 유체 마비가 발생할 수 있는 두통, 구역질, 구토, 복통, 설사, 현기증, 붕괴 또는 경련을 포함할 수 있다. 다른 아프리카코브라와는 달리, 이 종은 독을 뱉지 않다.[9]


  1. “Naje haje haje”. 《ITIS Standard Report Page》. ITIS.gov. 2012년 1월 13일에 확인함.
  2. Naja haje – General Details, Taxonomy and Biology, Venom, Clinical Effects, Treatment, First Aid, Antivenoms”. 《WCH Clinical Toxinology Resource》. University of Adelaide. 2012년 1월 14일에 확인함.
  3. Mastenbroek, Richard. “Captive Care of the Egyptian Cobra (Naja haje)” (PDF). 《Devenomized》. www.devenomized.com. 2013년 10월 29일에 원본 문서 (PDF)에서 보존된 문서. 2012년 1월 13일에 확인함.
  4. “Egyptian cobra”. Gizazoo-eg.com. 2012년 3월 12일에 원본 문서에서 보존된 문서. 2012년 1월 14일에 확인함.
  5. “Reptiles: Cobra Quick Facts”. sandiegozoo.org. 2012년 1월 14일에 확인함.
  6. Filippi, E. and Petretto, M (2013). “Naja haje (Egyptian Cobra) Diet/Ophiophagy”. 《Herpetological Review》 44: 155–156.
  7. Joubert, FJ; Taljaard N (October 1978). “Naja haje haje (Egyptian cobra) venom. Some properties and the complete primary structure of three toxins (CM-2, CM-11 and CM-12)”. 《European Journal of Biochemistry》 90 (2): 359–367. doi:10.1111/j.1432-1033.1978.tb12612.x. PMID 710433.
  8. Fry, Dr. Bryan Grieg. “Sub-cutaneous LD-50s”. 《Australian Venom Research Unit》. University of Queensland. 2012년 4월 13일에 원본 문서에서 보존된 문서. 2012년 1월 14일에 확인함.
  9. Bogert, C.M. (1943). “Dentitional phenomena in cobras and other elapids with notes on adaptive modifications of fangs”. 《Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History》 81: 285–360. hdl:2246/882.
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이집트코브라: Brief Summary ( Korean )

provided by wikipedia 한국어 위키백과

이집트코브라 (Egyptian cobra), 이집트 아랍어로 "أورايوس" 라고도 발음: Ouraeus, 는 뱀과에 속하는 독사의 일종으로 코브라과에 속한다. 평균 약 1.4m(4.6ft)이며, 기록된 표본 중 가장 긴 것은 2.59m(8.5ft)이다.

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