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names in breadcrumbs
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Português do Brasil
names in breadcrumbs
Cellular Organisms
'Candidatus Phytoplasma'
16SrIII (X-disease group)
Dictamnus stunt phytoplasma
Scientific Names
Preferred Names
Dictamnus stunt phytoplasma
Species recognized by
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
Reference taxon from NCBI Taxonomy
Dictamnus stunt phytoplasma
Species recognized by
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
, and
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.4
Common Names
There are no common names associated with this taxon.
Curated hierarchies for Dictamnus stunt phytoplasma
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
Cellular Organisms
'Candidatus Phytoplasma'
16SrIII (X-disease group)
Dictamnus stunt phytoplasma
(this page)
'Aegiphila verticillata' shoot proliferation phytoplasma
'Allium porrum' stunting phytoplasma LeSt-Br03
'Allium porrum' stunting phytoplasma LeSt-Br04
'Allium sativum' phytoplasma
'Amplicephalus curtulus' X-disease phytoplasma
'Asclepias syriaca' phytoplasma
'Bellis perennis' phytoplasma
'Beta vulgaris var. bulgaris' phytoplasma
'Beta vulgaris var. cicla' phytoplasma
'Beta vulgaris' X-disease phytoplasma
'Caesalpinia gilliesii' phytoplasma
'Candidatus Phytoplasma pruni -related phytoplasma'
'Candidatus Phytoplasma pruni'
'Candidatus Phytoplasma taraxacum'
'Capsicum annuum' phytoplasma
'Carduus crispus' phytoplasma
'Catharanthus roseus' malformation phytoplasma
'Catharanthus roseus' x-disease phytoplasma
'Celosia argentea' leaf malformation phytoplasma
'Cirsium arvense' phytoplasma
'Citrus sinensis' X-disease phytoplasma
'Cocos nucifera' X-disease phytoplasma
'Conyza bonariensis' phytoplasma
'Crepis biennis' yellows phytoplasma
'Crotalaria juncea' X-disease phytoplasma
'Cucurbita maxima var. zapallito' phytoplasma
'Euphorbia pulcherrima' phytoplasma
'Euscelidius variegatus' virescence and phyllody phytoplasma
Alaska potato purple top phytoplasma
Alfalfa phytoplasma
Begonia shoot proliferation phytoplasma
Black locust witches'-broom phytoplasma
Blueberry proliferation phytoplasma
Bunting yellows phytoplasma
Cabbage stunt phytoplasma
Canadian peach X phytoplasma
Cassava frogskin disease phytoplasma
Cauliflower stunt phytoplasma
Chaya yellows phytoplasma
Chayote witches'-broom phytoplasma
Cherry decline phytoplasma
Cherry phytoplasma
Choke cherry X phytoplasma
Cirsium multiple inflorescence phytoplasma
Cirsium white leaf phytoplasma
Clover yellow edge phytoplasma
Coffee crispiness phytoplasma
Cuban sugarcane Ja60-5 yellow leaf phytoplasma
Dandelion virescence phytoplasma
Delphinium 16SrIII phytoplasma
Desert sunflower yellows phytoplasma
Eggplant Giant Calyx phytoplasma
Eggplant stunt phytoplasma
Frutilla phytoplasma
Gaillardia phyllody phytoplasma
Garlic decline phytoplasma
Goldenrod yellows phytoplasma
Grapevine phytoplasma Cl6053
Grapevine yellows phytoplasma
Group III phytoplasma
Heracleum yellows phytoplasma
Honeyweed leaf deformation phytoplasma
Italian clover phyllody phytoplasma
Leptodelphax dymas phytoplasma
Lilac decline phytoplasma
Mexican Naolinco periwinkle virescence phytoplasma
Mexican potato purple top phytoplasma COAHP
Mexican potato purple top phytoplasma GTOP
Mexican Xalapa periwinkle virescence phytoplasma
Milkweed yellows phytoplasma
Montana potato purple top phytoplasma
North American grapevine yellows phytoplasma VG14
North American grapevine yellows phytoplasma VG16
Peach X-disease phytoplasma
Peach yellow leafroll phytoplasma
Pecan bunch phytoplasma
Pecan bunchy top phytoplasma PBT
Pepper phytoplasma
Poinsettia branch-inducing phytoplasma
Poinsettia flower distortion phytoplasma
Poinsettia phytoplasma
Potato purple top phytoplasma PPT-AK6
Potato purple top phytoplasma PPT-AK7
Potato purple top phytoplasma PPT-MT117
Schinus molle phytoplasma
Solanum quitoense machorreo phytoplasma
Sorghum verticilliflorum phytoplasma
Soybean veinal necrosis phytoplasma
Soybean X-disease phytoplasma
Spirea stunt phytoplasma
Strawberry leafy fruit phytoplasma
Strawberry X-Redness phytoplasma
Sugar beet yellow wilt disease phytoplasma
Sugarcane yellows phytoplasma
Tomatillo phytoplasma
Typhlocybine leafhopper phytoplasma
Virginia grapevine yellows phytoplasma VGYIII
Walnut tree phytoplasma
Yucatan papaya X phytoplasma
Yucatan tomato Phytoplasma
21 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.3
Dictamnus stunt phytoplasma
(this page)
'Aegiphila verticillata' shoot proliferation phytoplasma
'Allium porrum' stunting phytoplasma LeSt-Br03
'Allium porrum' stunting phytoplasma LeSt-Br04
'Allium sativum' phytoplasma
'Amplicephalus curtulus' X-disease phytoplasma
'Asclepias syriaca' phytoplasma
'Bellis perennis' phytoplasma
'Beta vulgaris var. bulgaris' phytoplasma
'Beta vulgaris var. cicla' phytoplasma
'Beta vulgaris' X-disease phytoplasma
'Caesalpinia gilliesii' phytoplasma
'Candidatus Phytoplasma pruni -related phytoplasma'
'Candidatus Phytoplasma pruni'
'Candidatus Phytoplasma taraxacum'
'Capsicum annuum' phytoplasma
'Carduus crispus' phytoplasma
'Catharanthus roseus' malformation phytoplasma
'Catharanthus roseus' x-disease phytoplasma
'Celosia argentea' leaf malformation phytoplasma
'Cirsium arvense' phytoplasma
'Citrus sinensis' X-disease phytoplasma
'Cocos nucifera' X-disease phytoplasma
'Conyza bonariensis' phytoplasma
'Crepis biennis' yellows phytoplasma
'Crotalaria juncea' X-disease phytoplasma
'Cucurbita maxima var. zapallito' phytoplasma
'Euphorbia pulcherrima' phytoplasma
'Euscelidius variegatus' virescence and phyllody phytoplasma
Alaska potato purple top phytoplasma
Alfalfa phytoplasma
Begonia shoot proliferation phytoplasma
Black locust witches'-broom phytoplasma
Blueberry proliferation phytoplasma
Bunting yellows phytoplasma
Cabbage stunt phytoplasma
Canadian peach X phytoplasma
Cassava frogskin disease phytoplasma
Cauliflower stunt phytoplasma
Chaya yellows phytoplasma
Chayote witches'-broom phytoplasma
Cherry decline phytoplasma
Cherry phytoplasma
Choke cherry X phytoplasma
Cirsium multiple inflorescence phytoplasma
Cirsium white leaf phytoplasma
Clover yellow edge phytoplasma
Coffee crispiness phytoplasma
Cuban sugarcane Ja60-5 yellow leaf phytoplasma
Dandelion virescence phytoplasma
Delphinium 16SrIII phytoplasma
Desert sunflower yellows phytoplasma
Eggplant Giant Calyx phytoplasma
Eggplant stunt phytoplasma
Frutilla phytoplasma
Gaillardia phyllody phytoplasma
Garlic decline phytoplasma
Goldenrod yellows phytoplasma
Grapevine phytoplasma Cl6053
Grapevine yellows phytoplasma
Group III phytoplasma
Heracleum yellows phytoplasma
Honeyweed leaf deformation phytoplasma
Italian clover phyllody phytoplasma
Leptodelphax dymas phytoplasma
Lilac decline phytoplasma
Mexican Naolinco periwinkle virescence phytoplasma
Mexican potato purple top phytoplasma COAHP
Mexican potato purple top phytoplasma GTOP
Mexican Xalapa periwinkle virescence phytoplasma
Milkweed yellows phytoplasma
Montana potato purple top phytoplasma
North American grapevine yellows phytoplasma VG14
North American grapevine yellows phytoplasma VG16
Peach X-disease phytoplasma
Peach yellow leafroll phytoplasma
Pecan bunch phytoplasma
Pecan bunchy top phytoplasma PBT
Pepper phytoplasma
Poinsettia branch-inducing phytoplasma
Poinsettia flower distortion phytoplasma
Poinsettia phytoplasma
Potato purple top phytoplasma PPT-AK6
Potato purple top phytoplasma PPT-AK7
Potato purple top phytoplasma PPT-MT117
Schinus molle phytoplasma
Solanum quitoense machorreo phytoplasma
Sorghum verticilliflorum phytoplasma
Soybean veinal necrosis phytoplasma
Soybean X-disease phytoplasma
Spirea stunt phytoplasma
Strawberry leafy fruit phytoplasma
Strawberry X-Redness phytoplasma
Sugar beet yellow wilt disease phytoplasma
Sugarcane yellows phytoplasma
Tomatillo phytoplasma
Typhlocybine leafhopper phytoplasma
Virginia grapevine yellows phytoplasma VGYIII
Walnut tree phytoplasma
Yucatan papaya X phytoplasma
Yucatan tomato Phytoplasma
21 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
Cellular Organisms
Candidatus Phytoplasma
16SrIII (X-disease group)
Dictamnus stunt phytoplasma
(this page)
'Aegiphila verticillata' shoot proliferation phytoplasma
'Allium porrum' stunting phytoplasma LeSt-Br03
'Allium porrum' stunting phytoplasma LeSt-Br04
'Allium sativum' phytoplasma
'Amplicephalus curtulus' X-disease phytoplasma
'Bellis perennis' phytoplasma
'Beta vulgaris var. cicla' phytoplasma
'Beta vulgaris' X-disease phytoplasma
'Caesalpinia gilliesii' phytoplasma
'Capsicum annuum' phytoplasma
'Carduus crispus' phytoplasma
'Catharanthus roseus' malformation phytoplasma
'Catharanthus roseus' x-disease phytoplasma
'Celosia argentea' leaf malformation phytoplasma
'Cirsium arvense' phytoplasma
'Conyza bonariensis' phytoplasma
'Crepis biennis' yellows phytoplasma
'Crotalaria juncea' X-disease phytoplasma
'Cucurbita maxima var. zapallito' phytoplasma
'Euphorbia pulcherrima' phytoplasma
'Euscelidius variegatus' virescence and phyllody phytoplasma
'Fragaria x ananassa' witches'-broom phytoplasma StWB-Br01
'Helianthus annuus' x-disease phytoplasma
'Heracleum sosnowskyi' phytoplasma
'Heterothalamus alienus' phytoplasma
'Lactuca sativa' X-disease phytoplasma
'Malus spectabilis' x-disease phytoplasma
'Manihot esculenta' dwarfism and witches'-broom phytoplasma
'Manihot esculenta' witches'-broom phytoplasma
'Melia azedarach' decline phytoplasma
'Solanum lycopersicum' phytoplasma
'Solanum marginatum' big bud phytoplasma
'Triadica sebifera' yellows phytoplasma
'Trifolium hybridum' phytoplasma
'Tripleurospermum inodorum' phytoplasma
Alaska potato purple top phytoplasma
Alfalfa phytoplasma
Begonia shoot proliferation phytoplasma
Black locust witches'-broom phytoplasma
Blueberry proliferation phytoplasma
Bunting yellows phytoplasma
Canadian peach X phytoplasma
Candidatus Phytoplasma
Candidatus Phytoplasma
Chaya yellows phytoplasma
Chayote witches'-broom phytoplasma
Cherry decline phytoplasma
Cherry phytoplasma
Choke cherry X phytoplasma
Clover yellow edge phytoplasma
Coffee crispiness phytoplasma
Cuban sugarcane Ja60-5 yellow leaf phytoplasma
Dandelion virescence phytoplasma
Delphinium 16SrIII phytoplasma
Desert sunflower yellows phytoplasma
Eggplant Giant Calyx phytoplasma
Eggplant stunt phytoplasma
Frutilla phytoplasma
Gaillardia phyllody phytoplasma
Garlic decline phytoplasma
Goldenrod yellows phytoplasma
Grapevine phytoplasma Cl6053
Grapevine yellows phytoplasma
Heracleum yellows phytoplasma
Honeyweed leaf deformation phytoplasma
Italian clover phyllody phytoplasma
Leptodelphax dymas phytoplasma
Lilac decline phytoplasma
Mexican Naolinco periwinkle virescence phytoplasma
Mexican potato purple top phytoplasma COAHP
Mexican Xalapa periwinkle virescence phytoplasma
Montana potato purple top phytoplasma
North American grapevine yellows phytoplasma VG14
North American grapevine yellows phytoplasma VG16
Passion fruit witches'-broom phytoplasma PassWB-Br4
Peach X-disease phytoplasma
Peach yellow leafroll phytoplasma
Pecan bunch phytoplasma
Pecan bunchy top phytoplasma PBT
Pepper phytoplasma
Poinsettia phytoplasma
Potato purple top phytoplasma PPT-AK6
Potato purple top phytoplasma PPT-AK7
Potato purple top phytoplasma PPT-MT117
Schinus molle phytoplasma
Solanum quitoense machorreo phytoplasma
Sorghum verticilliflorum phytoplasma
Soybean veinal necrosis phytoplasma
Soybean X-disease phytoplasma
Spirea stunt phytoplasma
Strawberry X-Redness phytoplasma
Sugar beet yellow wilt disease phytoplasma
Sugarcane yellows phytoplasma
Tomatillo phytoplasma
Tsuwabuki witches'-broom phytoplasma
Typhlocybine leafhopper phytoplasma
Vaccinium witches'-broom phytoplasma
Virginia grapevine yellows phytoplasma VGYIII
Walnut tree phytoplasma
Walnut witches'-broom phytoplasma
18 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.4
Dictamnus stunt phytoplasma
(this page)
'Aegiphila verticillata' shoot proliferation phytoplasma
'Allium porrum' stunting phytoplasma LeSt-Br03
'Allium porrum' stunting phytoplasma LeSt-Br04
'Allium sativum' phytoplasma
'Amplicephalus curtulus' X-disease phytoplasma
'Asclepias syriaca' phytoplasma
'Bellis perennis' phytoplasma
'Beta vulgaris var. bulgaris' phytoplasma
'Beta vulgaris var. cicla' phytoplasma
'Beta vulgaris' X-disease phytoplasma
'Caesalpinia gilliesii' phytoplasma
'Candidatus Phytoplasma pruni -related phytoplasma'
'Candidatus Phytoplasma pruni'
'Candidatus Phytoplasma taraxacum'
'Capsicum annuum' phytoplasma
'Carduus crispus' phytoplasma
'Catharanthus roseus' malformation phytoplasma
'Catharanthus roseus' x-disease phytoplasma
'Celosia argentea' leaf malformation phytoplasma
'Cirsium arvense' phytoplasma
'Citrus sinensis' X-disease phytoplasma
'Cocos nucifera' X-disease phytoplasma
'Conyza bonariensis' phytoplasma
'Crepis biennis' yellows phytoplasma
'Crotalaria juncea' X-disease phytoplasma
'Cucurbita maxima var. zapallito' phytoplasma
'Euphorbia pulcherrima' phytoplasma
'Euscelidius variegatus' virescence and phyllody phytoplasma
Alaska potato purple top phytoplasma
Alfalfa phytoplasma
Begonia shoot proliferation phytoplasma
Black locust witches'-broom phytoplasma
Blueberry proliferation phytoplasma
Bunting yellows phytoplasma
Cabbage stunt phytoplasma
Canadian peach X phytoplasma
Cassava frogskin disease phytoplasma
Cauliflower stunt phytoplasma
Chaya yellows phytoplasma
Chayote witches'-broom phytoplasma
Cherry decline phytoplasma
Cherry phytoplasma
Choke cherry X phytoplasma
Cirsium multiple inflorescence phytoplasma
Cirsium white leaf phytoplasma
Clover yellow edge phytoplasma
Coffee crispiness phytoplasma
Cuban sugarcane Ja60-5 yellow leaf phytoplasma
Dandelion virescence phytoplasma
Delphinium 16SrIII phytoplasma
Desert sunflower yellows phytoplasma
Eggplant Giant Calyx phytoplasma
Eggplant stunt phytoplasma
Frutilla phytoplasma
Gaillardia phyllody phytoplasma
Garlic decline phytoplasma
Goldenrod yellows phytoplasma
Grapevine phytoplasma Cl6053
Grapevine yellows phytoplasma
Group III phytoplasma
Heracleum yellows phytoplasma
Honeyweed leaf deformation phytoplasma
Italian clover phyllody phytoplasma
Leptodelphax dymas phytoplasma
Lilac decline phytoplasma
Mexican Naolinco periwinkle virescence phytoplasma
Mexican potato purple top phytoplasma COAHP
Mexican potato purple top phytoplasma GTOP
Mexican Xalapa periwinkle virescence phytoplasma
Milkweed yellows phytoplasma
Montana potato purple top phytoplasma
North American grapevine yellows phytoplasma VG14
North American grapevine yellows phytoplasma VG16
Peach X-disease phytoplasma
Peach yellow leafroll phytoplasma
Pecan bunch phytoplasma
Pecan bunchy top phytoplasma PBT
Pepper phytoplasma
Poinsettia branch-inducing phytoplasma
Poinsettia flower distortion phytoplasma
Poinsettia phytoplasma
Potato purple top phytoplasma PPT-AK6
Potato purple top phytoplasma PPT-AK7
Potato purple top phytoplasma PPT-MT117
Schinus molle phytoplasma
Solanum quitoense machorreo phytoplasma
Sorghum verticilliflorum phytoplasma
Soybean veinal necrosis phytoplasma
Soybean X-disease phytoplasma
Spirea stunt phytoplasma
Strawberry leafy fruit phytoplasma
Strawberry X-Redness phytoplasma
Sugar beet yellow wilt disease phytoplasma
Sugarcane yellows phytoplasma
Tomatillo phytoplasma
Typhlocybine leafhopper phytoplasma
Virginia grapevine yellows phytoplasma VGYIII
Walnut tree phytoplasma
Yucatan papaya X phytoplasma
Yucatan tomato Phytoplasma
21 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
cellular organisms
'Candidatus Phytoplasma'
16SrIII (X-disease group)
Dictamnus stunt phytoplasma
(this page)
'Aegiphila verticillata' shoot proliferation phytoplasma
'Allium porrum' stunting phytoplasma LeSt-Br03
'Allium porrum' stunting phytoplasma LeSt-Br04
'Allium sativum' phytoplasma
'Amplicephalus curtulus' X-disease phytoplasma
'Asclepias syriaca' phytoplasma
'Bellis perennis' phytoplasma
'Beta vulgaris var. bulgaris' phytoplasma
'Beta vulgaris var. cicla' phytoplasma
'Beta vulgaris' X-disease phytoplasma
'Caesalpinia gilliesii' phytoplasma
'Candidatus Phytoplasma pruni -related phytoplasma'
'Candidatus Phytoplasma pruni'
'Candidatus Phytoplasma taraxacum'
'Capsicum annuum' phytoplasma
'Carduus crispus' phytoplasma
'Catharanthus roseus' x-disease phytoplasma
'Celosia argentea' leaf malformation phytoplasma
'Cirsium arvense' phytoplasma
'Citrus sinensis' X-disease phytoplasma
'Cocos nucifera' X-disease phytoplasma
'Conyza bonariensis' phytoplasma
'Crotalaria juncea' X-disease phytoplasma
'Cucurbita maxima var. zapallito' phytoplasma
'Euphorbia pulcherrima' phytoplasma
'Euscelidius variegatus' virescence and phyllody phytoplasma
'Fragaria x ananassa' witches'-broom phytoplasma StWB-Br01
'Helianthus annuus' x-disease phytoplasma
'Heracleum sosnowskyi' phytoplasma
'Heterothalamus alienus' phytoplasma
'Lactuca sativa' X-disease phytoplasma
'Malus spectabilis' x-disease phytoplasma
'Manihot esculenta' dwarfism and witches'-broom phytoplasma
'Melia azedarach' decline phytoplasma
'Melia azedarach' X-disease phytoplasma
'Momordica charantia' witches'-broom phytoplasma
'Solanum lycopersicum' phytoplasma
'Triadica sebifera' yellows phytoplasma
'Trifolium hybridum' phytoplasma
'Tripleurospermum inodorum' phytoplasma
'Vitis vinifera' X-disease phytoplasma
Alfalfa phytoplasma
Begonia shoot proliferation phytoplasma
Black locust witches'-broom phytoplasma
Blueberry proliferation phytoplasma
Bunting yellows phytoplasma
Cabbage stunt phytoplasma
Canadian peach X phytoplasma
Cassava frogskin disease phytoplasma
Cherry decline phytoplasma
Cherry phytoplasma
Choke cherry X phytoplasma
Cirsium multiple inflorescence phytoplasma
Cirsium white leaf phytoplasma
Clover yellow edge phytoplasma
Coffee crispiness phytoplasma
Dandelion virescence phytoplasma
Delphinium 16SrIII phytoplasma
Eggplant stunt phytoplasma
Frutilla phytoplasma
Gaillardia phyllody phytoplasma
Garlic decline phytoplasma
Goldenrod yellows phytoplasma
Grapevine phytoplasma Cl6053
Group III phytoplasma
Heracleum yellows phytoplasma
Honeyweed leaf deformation phytoplasma
Italian clover phyllody phytoplasma
Leptodelphax dymas phytoplasma
Lilac decline phytoplasma
Mexican Naolinco periwinkle virescence phytoplasma
Mexican potato purple top phytoplasma COAHP
Mexican Xalapa periwinkle virescence phytoplasma
Milkweed yellows phytoplasma
Montana potato purple top phytoplasma
North American grapevine yellows phytoplasma VG14
North American grapevine yellows phytoplasma VG16
Peach X-disease phytoplasma
Peach yellow leafroll phytoplasma
Pecan bunch phytoplasma
Pepper phytoplasma
Poinsettia branch-inducing phytoplasma
Poinsettia flower distortion phytoplasma
Poinsettia phytoplasma
Schinus molle phytoplasma
Solanum quitoense machorreo phytoplasma
Sorghum verticilliflorum phytoplasma
Soybean veinal necrosis phytoplasma
Soybean X-disease phytoplasma
Spirea stunt phytoplasma
Strawberry leafy fruit phytoplasma
Strawberry X-Redness phytoplasma
Sugar beet yellow wilt disease phytoplasma
Sugarcane yellows phytoplasma
Tomatillo phytoplasma
Tsuwabuki witches'-broom phytoplasma
Typhlocybine leafhopper phytoplasma
Walnut tree phytoplasma
Walnut witches'-broom phytoplasma
Yucatan papaya X phytoplasma
21 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.