Description: Català: Thymus citriodorus que literalment significa: farigola amb olor de cítrics.English: Thymus citriodorus (Lemon thyme or Citrus thyme) is a lemon-scented evergreen mat-forming perennial. Date: 22 November 2013, 17:56:14. Source: Own work. Author: Aniol.
Description: Русский: Тимьян лимоннопахнущий (Thymus × citriodorus). Из коллекции Главного ботанического сада РАН, Москва (участок декоративных многолетников). English: Thymus × citriodorus. From the collection of the Main Botanical Garden of Academy of Sciences in Moscow (perennials plot). Date: 17 June 2012, 14:50:42. Source: Own work. Author: Kor!An (Андрей Корзун).
Description: : This file was uploaded with Commonist. English: Caterpillar over a plant of Thymus citriodorus. Date: 4 September 2015, 00:27:12. Source: Own work. Author: Alessio Sbarbaro User_talk:Yoggysot.